Environmental Decision Making by Individuals and Groups

Lead PI: Elke Weber, Tory Higgins

Unit Affiliation: Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED)

September 2007 - August 2012
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: This research aims to examine the relative advantages and disadvantages of having environmental decisions made by a group or an individual, and the nature of participatory processes in environmental decisions.

OUTCOMES: 2007-2012: Researchers have illuminated a number of results on outcome framing (where outcomes were presented as gains or losses); risky choice framing (more references to certainty in gain frame; more references to avoiding sure loss in loss frame); role-based arguments; and conference calls and technology-mediated communication.


National Science Foundation (NSF)




Columbia Business School




Milch, K. F., Weber, E. U., Appelt, K. C., Handgraaf, M. J. J., & Krantz, D. H.. "From individual preference construction to group decisions: Framing effects and group processes," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, v.108, 2009, p. 242. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2008.11.003

Kirstin C. Appelt, Kerry F. Milch, Michel J. J. Handgraaf, and Elke U. Weber. "Decision Making Individual Differences Inventory and Review: Guidelines and Tools for the Use of Individual Differences in Judgment and Decision-Making Research," Judgment and Decision Making, v.6, 2011, p. 252-262.

Handgraaf, M. J. J., Schuette, P., Yoskowitz, N. A., Milch, K. F., Appelt, K. C., & Weber, E. U.. "Web conferencing as a viable alternative method to face-to-face interaction in group decision making research," Judgment and Decision Making, v.7, 2012, p. 659.


environmental decisions participatory processes framing climate and society communication group decision making