EPSCoR - Building Statistical and Dynamical Downscaling Capacity at the University of Vermont

Lead PI: Jonathan Winter

Unit Affiliation: Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR)

June 2012 - May 2014
Global ; Vermont
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: This project is building capacity in climate scenario generation and climate analysis at the University of Vermont as part of their NSF Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) grant entitled "Research on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Lake Champlain Basin: New Understanding through Complex Systems Modeling".

OUTCOMES: The analysis of several statistically downscaled datasets, including Bias Correction using Constructed Analogues (BCCA) has been finished, and a paper describing the results is near completion. The focus is now on progressing a methodology for using high-resolution topographic data to further downscale BCCA data and deploying an RCM at UVM. Dr. Jonathan Winter presented preliminary findings of this research at the VT EPSCoR Annual State Meeting in May. Jonathan also participated in Climate Science Day (CSD), which is a non-partisan opportunity for scientists to build relationships with members of Congress and provide them with access to climate information, this past February as part of the Tri-Societies (Agronomy, Crop Science, Soil Science) and New York State groups.


University of Vermont


National Science Foundation




climate and society adaptation climate change modeling climate scenario generation


Modeling and Adapting to Future Climate