Establishment of the POPGRID Data Collaborative
- Lead PI: Robert Chen , Dr. Alexander de Sherbinin , Greg Yetman
Unit Affiliation: Center for Integrated Earth System Information (CIESIN)
- September 2017 - June 2020
- Inactive
- Global
- Project Type: Research Outreach
DESCRIPTION: The POPGRID Data Collaborative brings together and expands the international community of data providers, users, and sponsors concerned with georeferenced data on population, human settlements and infrastructure. It promotes cooperation in producing and harmonizing high quality data products and services needed by a range of scientific and applied users. POPGRID seeks to improve data access, timeliness, consistency, and utility; support data use and interpretation; identify and address pressing user needs; reduce duplication and user confusion; and encourage innovation and cross-disciplinary use.
OUTCOMES: Website providing access to key global population data sets, documentation, intercomparison resources, and other materials: Includes the POPGRID Data Viewer, which supports visualization of datasets and their similarities and differences.