Addressing undernutrition and climate change in the Millennium Villages: enhancing resilience of rural communities
- Lead PI: Dr. Roseline Remans
Unit Affiliation: Agriculture & Food Security Center
- January 2013 - December 2013
- Inactive
- Central America ; Caribbean ; Haiti
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: The Agriculture and Food Security Center (AgCenter) serves as the primary contact for the Agriculture, Forestry and Environment sector of the Haiti Regenerative Initiative, and will focus on agriculture, forestry and environment operations, management and research for the Haiti Millennium Village Project and Cote Sud Initiative.
OUTCOMES: Examine agricultural interventions, designed to increase development and coordination of research, project implementation in the new Millennium Village Project in Port-a-Piment in Southwestern Haiti and regional scale effort in the Cote Sud Initiative, and provide information and respond to general inquiries from internal and external constituents.