Flood Impacts and Adaptation Strategies : Filling Data Gaps in Upstate and Western New York
- Lead PI: Greg Yetman
Unit Affiliation: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
- December 2016 - July 2020
- Inactive
- North America ; Upstate New York ; Western New York
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: This research project will produce a complete set of building footprint and critical infrastructure data in riverine flood zones for all 45 counties in upstate and western New York. As with the previous project on downstate New York, this project will integrate the building footprint and critical infrastructure data with current property assets data from the New York State Office of Real Property Services and evaluated for potential flood impacts in accordance with data produced from FEMA on flood risk. Once completed, the analysis will be combined with ongoing NYSERDA-funded work to create a statewide database of building footprints, critical infrastructure, potential impacts, and mitigation strategies. The data will be made available through a previously developed web mapping tool and as fully compliant and interoperable web services.