Haiti Regeneration Initiative / Cote Sud Initiative
- Lead PI: Vijay Modi , Professor Richard A. Plunz , , Marc A. Levy
Unit Affiliation: Center for Integrated Earth System Information (CIESIN)
- January 2011 - October 2012
- Inactive
- Central America ; Caribbean ; Haiti
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: The Haiti Regeneration Initiative (HRI)/Cote Sud Initiative (CSI) is a joint project of the Earth Institute, the UN Environment Programme, and various government agencies, NGOs and other partners in Haiti. This project includes research, analysis and advising work and focuses on the relevant and critical need for enhanced science-based, regional and national scale database and monitoring systems. The Earth Institute harnesses the power of its research and data to inform and create planning, policy and programming decision support tools within the Haitian knowledge networks, university research communities and Government agencies. CRED provides insights on environmental risk perception, awareness and behavior and is contributing to the development of early warning systems, as well as a wider communication strategy for the program.
OUTCOMES: One main outcome of this project was an 1170 household survey and report that provides an integrated multi-sector analysis for ten communes in Haiti. CRED’s contribution to this report consisted of an analysis of environmental risk perceptions.