Projects Tagged climate change

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
A global view of climate change during and since the last ice age: Insights from the record of Earth 8/1/13 7/31/15 Global
A Lagrangian Approach to Emerging Dynamics in the Marginal Ice Zone 3/1/11 9/30/16 Arctic Ocean
A model-based investigation of climate variability and climate change: Focus on the West African monsoon system 8/1/10 7/31/13 Africa
A Modeling Approach in Climate Change and Natural Resource Education 4/1/17 2/28/20 North America
A Regulatory, Operational and Commercial Framework for the Utilization of Associated Petroleum Gas Global
A Study of Atmospheric Dust in the WAIS Divide Ice Core Based on Sr-Nd-Pb-He Isotopes 6/8/11 7/31/17 Antarctica
Abrupt Climate Change in a Warming World: Modern Instrumental Records - CFCs 7/1/08 6/30/13 Global
Abrupt Climate Change in a Warming World: Synthesis of Tracer Data 7/1/08 6/30/13 Global
Achieving Sustainable Development in the Coffee Sector Global
ACToday (Adapting Agriculture to Climate Today, for Tomorrow) 11/1/17 6/30/22 Africa
ARCHES - Abrupt Climate Change in a Warming World: Lessons from Holocene Paleo and Modern Instrumental Records and Model Simulations 7/1/08 6/30/13 Global
Assessing Transport Pathways into the Arctic and Their Efficiencies 4/15/19 3/31/23 Arctic
Assessing Water-Related Risks in the Mining Sector Global
Atlantic Multidecadal Variability: Mechanisms, Impact, and Predictability: A Study using Observations and IPCC AR4 Model Simulations 8/1/09 6/30/13 Atlantic Ocean
Best Practices for Estimating Forecast Uncertinity in Seasonal-to-Decadal Predictions 8/1/12 7/31/16 Global
Building Capacity to Manage Water Resources and Climate Risk in the Caribbean 7/15/12 6/30/15 North America
Building resilience to storm surges and sea level rise: A comparative study of coastal zones in New York City and Boston 8/1/12 7/31/15 North America
Can Coal Make a Comeback? 4/25/17 North America
Can Seasonal Climate Forecasts Improve Food Security in Indian Ocean Countries in Variation and Changing Climate 6/1/12 12/31/14 Asia
CCAFS Theme 2: Adaption through Managing Climate Risk 1/1/11 12/31/16 Global
CCEP-I: Polar Learning and Responding (PoLAR) Climate Change Education Partnership 9/1/10 8/31/14 Global
Climate Change Relevant Statistics and Guidelines to Estimate Data Uncertainty 12/31/18 12/31/19 Global
Climate Change Vulnerability Study 9/1/17 12/31/19 North America
Climate Change, Disease and Human Capital Outcomes 1/1/17 9/1/20
Climate Change, Human Mobility, and Securing Resilience-Impact of Climate Change on Population Distribution 1/4/17 2/28/18 Africa
Climate Change, Weathering and Ocean Chemistry from U-Series Comminution Dating in the Gulf of Aqaba 1/1/12 12/31/16 Asia
Climate Impacts on Livelihoods and Food Security 4/1/12 12/31/12 Africa
Climate Informed regional water resources and flood risk mitigation planning 1/23/13 6/30/16 Asia
Climate Past, Present and Future: An installation and Panel Discussion 7/1/13 1/1/14
Climate Risk Management in Agriculture with Demonstration Sites in Laos, Indonesia, and Bangladesh 12/7/12 6/30/15 Asia
Climate Services for Africa 1/1/16 9/30/18 Africa
Climate Services Partnership: Climate & Malaria Data Analysis 1/1/15 3/31/16 Global
Climate Variability and Change: Implications for Malaria Control in East Africa 7/1/13 6/30/16 Africa
CMG Research: Reconstructing Climate from Tree Ring Data 9/15/09 8/31/13 Global
Collaborative Research Assessing the Simulated Simulated Arctic Freshwater System in CMIP5 Models, the CESM Large Ensemble, and Forced Simulations 8/1/15 7/31/18 Arctic
Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larson Ice Shelf System, A Multidisciplinary Approach - Cryosphere and Oceans 5/1/08 4/30/14 Antarctica
Collaborative Research: Effects of warming induced increases in shrub abundance and changing seasonality on migratory songbirds in Alaskan arctic tundra 9/1/09 8/31/15 North America
Collaborative Research: Climate and Glacier change in Bhutan: the last millennia, present and future 9/1/13 8/31/17 Asia
Collaborative Research: Coring the Line Islands Ridge for Paleoceanographic Research 2/15/12 1/31/14 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Developing Multicentury Drought Reconstructions from Guatemala and the Context for Past and Future Hydroclimatic Change 3/1/09 4/30/13 Central America
Collaborative Research: DRK-12: High School Students Climate Literacy Through Epistemology of Scientific Modeling 9/1/17 8/31/21 North America
Collaborative Research: EaSM2: Linking near-term future changes in weather and hydroclimate in western North America to adaption for ecosystem and water management 4/1/13 3/31/19 North America
Collaborative Research: Evaluating hydrologic and ecologic responses to late-Glacial (9-33ka) abrupt climatic transitions in the coastal southwest United States 9/1/12 8/31/15 North America
Collaborative Research: Fire, Climate and Forest History in Mongolia 6/1/10 8/31/13 Asia
Collaborative Research: Hydrological Variability During the Last Millennium from High Resolution Proxies 10/1/10 9/30/14 South America
Collaborative Research: Insights into North African climate variability over the last 1.1 million years from dust fluxes and leaf wax isotopes 6/1/15 5/31/19 Africa
Collaborative Research: Long-term Carbon Storage Shifts in High-latitude Peatlands with Paleoclimate Change: Linking Peatland Modeling with Paleoecology and Paleohydrology 9/1/10 8/31/15 North America
Collaborative Research: Long-term Observations in the Switchyard Region of the Arctic Ocean as Part of the Arctic Observing Network (AON) 9/1/10 8/31/15 Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Locally-constrained Climate Field Reconstructions of the Last Millennium: Methods and Application 8/1/11 7/31/13 Global
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Reconstructing North Pacific Climate Variability using Multi-Millennial Tree Ring Resources for Glacier Bay, Alaska 9/1/09 8/31/12 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: P2C2-Inferring Spatio-Temporal Variations in the Risk of Extreme Precipitation in the Western United States from Tree Ring Chronologies 9/1/17 8/31/20 North America
Collaborative Research: Past and Future Drought Variability in the Mediterranean Basin 1/1/13 5/31/14
Collaborative Research: Plestocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet History as Recorded in Sediment Provence and Chronology of High-Elevation TAM Moraines 6/1/10 5/31/14 Antarctica
Collaborative Research: SAM's Contribution to Increased Ocean Heat Content on the Continental Shelf of the Western Antarctic Peninsula 8/15/10 7/31/13 Southern Ocean
Collaborative Research: Separating Forced and Unforced Decadal Predictability in Models and Observations 9/1/10 8/31/13 Global
Collaborative Research: Shifting Seasonality of Northern Forest Response to Arctic Environmental Change 6/15/09 5/31/13 North America
Collaborative Research: The Pulse of the Holocene Glaciations in New Zealand's Southern Alps 10/1/08 9/30/14 Oceania
Collaborative Research: Tropical Cyclone Tracks in Present and Future Climates 9/1/11 8/31/16 Global
Collaborative Research: Tropical Cyclones in a Warming Climate: Lessons from Model Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene 3/1/11 3/31/14 North America
Collaborative Research: Uncertainty in Predictions of 21st Century Ocean Biogeochemical Change 12/1/17 3/31/20 Global
Collaborative Research: Western Equatorial Pacific Rainfall During the Holocene: New Inter-annual Records from High Resolution Borneo Stalagmites 9/1/11 8/31/14 Global
Columbia Global Energy Dialogue Report: Sulfur Regulations on the High Sea 4/21/16 Global
Columbia University and Institut Pertanian Bogor Partnership to Build Capacity for Adaptation Climate Risks in Indonesia 7/8/11 9/30/14 Asia
Conference: At What Point Managed Retreat? 6/19/19 6/21/19 Global
Connecting the Polar Regions to local Climate Change 6/1/17 8/31/17 North America
Constraining the Past and Future Ocean Sink of Anthropogenic Carbon with Observations 2/15/11 1/31/16 Global
Cooperative Institute for Climate Application and Research (CICAR) 7/1/08 6/30/14 North America
CRPA: Shrinking Glaciers: Achronology of Climate Change 1/15/11 5/31/13 Global
Decision and Information System for the Coastal Waters of Oman (DISCO) - an Integrative tool for managing coastal resources under changing climate 5/1/17 4/30/22 Asia
Desertification or "re-greening": Adaptation lessons learned in coping with late 20th century drought in West Africa 7/18/16 7/17/20 Africa
Develop "Be The Solution Conference - Climate Communication to Mobilize Solutions 4/2/15 5/31/16
Development of a Monitoring and Forecasting System of Crop and Pasture Production for Managing Climate Risks 9/30/10 9/29/13 South America
Development of a Self-Consistent Model for Spatial and Temporal Variation of Sea Level Integrating Data on Cryospheric Mass Change, Ocean Dynamics, and Solid-Earth Loading 1/28/11 1/27/15 Global
Diagnosing Decadal-Scale Climate Variability in Current Generation Coupled Models for Informing Near-term Climate Change Impacts 7/1/08 6/30/13 Global
Distributional Implications of a Carbon Tax 7/17/18 North America
DMUU: Understanding and Improving Environmental Decisions 9/1/10 8/31/18 Global
Drying Versus Wettening of the East African Climate 5/1/13 3/31/16 Africa
Drying Versus Wettening of the East African Climate 4/1/13 4/30/17 Africa
Ecological and Sociodemographic determinants and Impacts of Urbanization and Restoration on Intertwined Urban-Wetland-Estuarine Systems 8/17/19 7/31/20 North America
ELT Collaborative Research: Evolutionary and ecological responses of small mammal communities to habitat and climate change over the last 5 million years 8/15/13 7/31/17 Global
Energy Access and Affordability Voluntary Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean 10/31/18 North America
Energy and Environmental Implications of a Carbon Tax on the United States 7/17/18 North America
Engaging State-Owned Enterprises in Climate Action 9/10/19 Global
EPSCoR - Building Statistical and Dynamical Downscaling Capacity at the University of Vermont 6/1/12 5/1/14 Global
Examining the mechanisms of species responses to climate change: Are there biological thresholds? 9/1/16 8/31/18 North America
Extended-Range Prediction with Low-Dimensional, Stochastic-Dynamic Models: A Data Driven Approach 6/1/12 5/31/17 Global
Financing Solar and Wind Power: Insights From Oil and Gas 3/20/17 North America
For the supply of an indefinite number of Climate change Adaptation 11/27/14 11/26/19 Global
Fossil Fuel Companies and Climate Change Global
Future Changes in the Seasonal Cycle: Mechanisms and Implications 1/1/10 2/28/15 Global
General IRI Technical Support for HARITA Micro-Insurance 5/16/12 5/31/13 Africa
Generation and Evaluation of Long-Term Retrospective Forecasts with NCEP Climate Forecast System: Predictability of ENSO and Drought 7/1/08 6/30/13 Global
Global Climate Change and Human Health Exploring Impacts in the Classroom using Innovative Technolog 11/1/10 4/18/14 Global
Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education 1/1/17 7/31/18 North America
Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education 7/1/18 6/30/19 North America
Global Paleohydrology 1/1/12 6/30/13 Global
Global, Local, Coastal: Preparing the Next Generation for a Changing Planet 9/1/15 6/30/19 North America
Groundswell II: Climate Change Migration Analysis for the West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program and Ethiopia 10/1/18 3/31/21 Africa
Guide to Chinese Climate Policy 2019 9/13/19 Asia
Health Vulnerability to Climate Variability in an Urban Setting: Temperature and Air Quality Impacts on Health in New York City 10/3/11 9/30/12 North America
History of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet Since the Mid-Miocene: New Evidence from Provenance of Ice-rafted Debris 7/15/10 6/30/14 Antarctica
Holocene Snowline Changes in the Bhutanese Himalaya 6/1/12 5/31/13 Asia
Holocene Variability of Atlantic Surface Properties and West African Aridity 7/1/08 6/30/13 Atlantic Ocean
Home-country Measures Supporting International Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Impact 2020- The Future of Cities Under Climate Change 8/1/17 12/31/18 Global
Improving Regional Situational Awareness During Fuel Emergencies in the New York Tri-State Areas: Lessons from Superstorm Sandy 7/28/16 North America
Increasing the Global Climate Change Team's Technical Support Capacity to Global Climate Change, Adaptation, and Development Issues 8/6/11 8/5/14 Global
Increasing the Global Climate Change Teams Technical Support Capacity to Global Climate Change-Program 8/6/13 6/30/15 North America
Influence of the Transport Transformation on Fossil Fuel Demand
Integration of Ocean and Earth Dynamics of Measurement and Prediction of Sea-Level Change 7/20/11 7/19/12 Global
Interactions between a Federal Carbon Tax and Other Climate Policies 3/6/19 North America
Interdisciplinary Research on Climate. Climate Modeling and the Impacts of Climate Change 10/1/13 9/30/17
Interdisciplinary Research on Earth System Modeling and the Impacts of Climate Change 10/1/17 9/30/20
Interdisciplinary Training in Climate and Health 7/1/14 6/30/20 North America
Interface of the Natural Sciences and Data Sciences 1/1/14 12/31/16 Global
Investment Treaties and Environmetal Protection: Actual and Potential Interactions Global
Kapuscinski Development Lecture in New York City 8/25/15 12/31/15 North America
Laboratory Study of Substrate Control and Cryoseismicity of Glacier Basal Motion 7/15/19 6/30/22 Global
Land Investments and Climate Change
Late Quaternary Variability of the Agulhas Thermohaline Valve from Nd Isotopes in Planktonic Foraminifera 9/1/10 8/31/14 Atlantic Ocean
Leveraging CMIPS and NASA/GMAO Coupled Modeling Capacity for SERVIR East Africa Climate Projections. 9/11/12 11/19/15 Africa
Linking climate services and soil diagnostics for climate-smart decisions for small-scale farmers and service providers in Tanzania 10/1/15 12/31/17 Africa
Low Oil Prices: An Opportunity for Fuel Subsidy Reform 10/30/15 Global
Mainstreaming climate change in biodiversity planning and conservation in the Philippines 1/14/11 12/31/12 Asia
Making Sense of the Trump Administration's Fuel Economy Standard Rollback 4/18/18 North America
Mapping Saharan Dust Fluxes through the Onset and Termination of the African Humid Period in a Transect of African Margin Cores 9/1/10 8/31/14 Africa
Mapping the Renewable Energy Sector to the Sustainable Development Goals Global
Masters of Development Practice 9/1/08 2/28/15
Mechanisms and Predictability of the Global Climate Impacts of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability 8/1/09 6/30/13 Atlantic Ocean
Micro-Solar Utilities for Small-Scale Irrigation in Mali 10/1/13 9/30/15 Africa
Molecular Records of Cenozoic Terrestrial Climate Change on Antarctica Antarctica
Moving Towards 100% Renewable Energy: Drivers Behind City Policies and Pledges 6/1/17 4/24/18 North America
Navigating the US Oil Export Debate 1/16/15 North America
Neighborhood Green Infrastructure: Planning for climate change adaptation in Harlem’s 125th Street corridor 1/1/08 12/31/10 North America
NRA/Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences-2009 8/1/10 8/24/13 Antarctica
NYC Panel on Climate Change to Perform Regional Projections 1/15/18 9/30/18 North America
Ocean Acidification - Category 1: Calibration and Application of the Boron Isotope Seawater-pH Indicator in Deep-water Corals 9/15/10 8/31/16 Global
P2C2: North American Megadrought: Atmosphere-Ocean Forcing and Landscape Response from the Medieval Period to the Near-term Greenhouse Future 7/1/09 6/30/13 North America
PaleopCO2 - A Scientifically Rigorous and Accessible CO2 Keeling Curve For Geologic Time 1/1/19 12/31/21 Global
PG&E: Market and Policy Perspectives on the First Climate Change Bankruptcy 8/15/19 North America
PIRE: Climate Research Education in the Americas using Tree-Ring and Cave Sediment Examples (PIRE-CREATE) 9/1/17 8/31/21 North America
Planning on Global Climate Change and activities Regional climate modeling in Italy: a new strategy 1/1/12 12/31/14 Europe
Postkodstiftelsen funding for SDSN 3/1/13 12/31/14 Europe
Power of the River: Introducing the Global Dam Tracker (GDAT) 11/19/18 Global
Predicting Climatic/Hydrologic Extremes inthe Greater Horn of Africa Under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies 3/14/14 12/31/17 Africa
Predicting Extreme US Air Pollution Events 6/1/12 5/31/16 North America
Predicting North American Hydroclimate Change and Variability on Interannual to Multidecadal Timescale 8/1/09 6/30/13 North America
Present and Future Models of Low Frequency Climate Variability 9/15/10 9/14/13 Global
Proposed Workshop: "African Climate Change and Human Evolution" 4/1/12 8/31/13 Africa
Quantifying Greenland Ice Sheet Dimensions During Past Warm Periods: A Novel Approach Using Cosmogenic Isotopes 9/1/12 8/31/15 Global
Quantifying Subglacial Erosion Rates and Exploring Pro-glacial Bedrock as Climate Archive by in-situ Cosmogenic ^14C-610Be Techniques 10/1/09 9/30/13 Global
Quantifying the fundamental behavior of green roofs in an urban environment 7/1/09 6/30/13 North America
RCN: Improving reconstructions of Cenozoic pCO2 and temperature change 10/1/16 9/30/20 Global
Recalibrating and Combining Ensemble Predictions 8/1/09 6/30/13 Global
Reconstructing Ice Ages in New Zealand, N. America and Greenland Using Cosmogenic Be-10 Dating 11/1/06 10/31/17 Oceania
Reconstructing Last Interglacial Sea Level Based on Models and Observation from the Bahamas 4/15/19 3/31/22
Reconstructing the role of CO2 in climate change throughout the Cenozoic Step 1: The mid-Pleistocene transition 9/1/06 8/30/10 Global
Re-evaluation of the Late Glacial and the Little Ice Age Problem in the Alps by High-precision Surface Exposure Dating 6/1/12 5/31/17 Europe
Report on Priority Earth Observation Needs for Climate and Environmental Change Parameters 7/1/14 6/30/15
Research to Engage Religious Communities in Sustainable Development - Climate Change and Sustainable 9/1/14 12/31/17
Rigorous Combination of GRACE and Other Data Types for Simultaneous Estimation of Temporally and Spatially Variable Melting and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment 2/7/12 2/6/17 Global
Rock Varnish Record of a Younger Dryas-Age Wet Event in Northern Tian Shan, Western China 3/1/11 3/1/14 Asia
Sabin Colloquium on Innovative Environmental Law Scholarship 5/7/12 7/31/13 North America
Sea Surface Temperature-Forced Monsoon Evolution and Variability in West Africa 11/1/16 10/31/19 Africa
Simulation of near-term climate change at target locations in West and East Africa 4/1/13 7/31/13 Africa
Slow Steaming to 2020: Innovation and Inertia in Marine Transport and Fuels 8/10/17 Global
Solar Together: A Proposal 4/26/16 Asia
Southern Ocean - Ice Sheet Interactions 7/1/08 6/30/13 Southern Ocean
Spatial and temporal variability in chlorophyll, primary production and carbon export in the Bering Sea linked to climate change 8/26/11 8/25/12 Pacific Ocean
Summer STEM Institute - Teaching Climate Change: Linking Local to Polar 7/25/18 8/31/18 North America
The Climate Change Signal in Hurricanes Today 10/1/18 9/30/20 Global
The Dead Sea deep drill core as the longest paleo-environmental archive of the late Quaternary Levant 10/1/11 9/30/16 Asia
The Effects of Carbon Tax Policies on the US Economy and the Welfare of Households 7/17/18 North America
The Energy Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals Global
The Energy, Economic, and Emissions Impacts of a Federal US Carbon Tax 7/17/18 North America
The Food Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals Global
The Future of Nuclear Energy - A Three-Part Series 3/31/17 Global
The Geopolitics of Renewable Energy 6/28/17 Global
The Madden-Julian Oscillation: Model Development and Diagnosis of Mechanisms 6/1/09 6/30/13 North America
The Mechanisms and Predictability of Multi-Basin Influences on North American Drought 7/1/08 6/30/13 North America
The New Geopolitics of Energy 9/15/15 North America
The New York City Panel on Climate Change: Mapping and Measuring Risk 9/1/16 9/1/18 North America
The Paleoclimate Reconstruction (PR) Challenge: A Community Program to Benchmark Methods Used to Reconstruct the Climate of the Last 1-2,000 Years 7/1/08 6/30/13 Global
The Paris Agreement and Market Signals: A Survey 11/17/16
The Renewable Fuel Standard: A Path Forward 4/15/15 North America
The Renewable Power of the Mine
The Role of Science in Climate Change Adaptation Funding 11/1/10 3/1/14 Africa
The Svalbard-Barents Sea Ice Sheet and Abrupt Climate Change: Implications for ice-age climate cycle 6/1/14 12/31/17 Arctic Ocean
Three Cairns Climate Fellowship 2018 1/1/18 4/30/18 North America
Three Cairns Climate Fellowship 2019 9/4/18 5/6/19 North America
Towards a Better Understanding of the Relationship Between Climate Change and Tropical Cyclone 7/1/08 6/30/13 Global
Towards a Multi-Scale Theory on Coupled Human Mobility and Environmental Change 4/2/18 6/30/21 Central America
Tropical Cyclones and Climate - A Model Intercomparison Project 1/1/12 12/31/16 Global
Tropical Forests and Climate in a Warming World 1/1/17 6/30/21
Type 1-L02170337: Collaborative Research: Use of Climate Information in International Negotiation for Adaptation Resources 11/29/10 3/31/15 Africa
UCCRN Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.2) (2018) 8/22/14 8/31/17 Global
UCCRN Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.2) Summary for City Leaders 4/21/15 4/20/16 Global
Understanding Near Term Climate Change in Argentina 8/1/13 12/31/13 South America
Understanding recent global hydroclimate change using multivariate detection & attribution techniques and GCM Experiments 8/1/15 7/31/19 Global
UNDP Climate Change Modeling 2013 9/15/13 2/28/14 Global
Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) 8/1/13 1/31/14 Global
US Carbon Tax Design: Options and Implications 1/16/18 North America
USAID African and Latin American Resilience to Climate Change (ARCC) 10/25/11 3/27/15 Africa
U-Series Disequilibrium in Weddell Sea Sediments: Rates of Iceberg Discharge and Impact on Global Oceans 12/1/10 11/30/13 Antarctica
Using NASA Earth Science Datasets for National Climate Assessment Indicators: Urban Impacts of Heat Waves Associated with Climate Change 10/11/13 7/25/15 North America
Using tree rings to develop critical scientific and mathematical thinking skills in undergraduate students 1/1/14 4/30/20 North America
Validation of the B/Ca Proxy for Surface Seawater pH and Application to Measure Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification 3/15/08 2/28/14 Global
Water-Agriculture-Livelihood Security in India 6/1/12 5/31/17 Asia
West Africa Biodiversity and Climate Change 6/1/15 9/30/20 Africa
Workshop on Paleo-Ocean Acidification and Carbon Cycle Perturbation Events August 26-28, 2010 6/1/10 5/31/13 Global
WSC-Category 3 Collaborative: America's Water-The Changing Landscape of Risk, Competing Demands and Climate 8/1/14 7/31/19 North America
Cities and climate change 1/1/17 1/1/19 Global
Development of Climate Analysis Section for the President's Malaria Initiative Impact Evaluation Reports: Ghana and Zambia Africa
Index Insurance for Agricultural Sector in Central America Central America
IRAP: Innovations for International Climate Services (Engility 2013) North America
Linking ENACTS and SERVIR to better serve climate resilient decision-making in Africa: Madagascar Africa
NMME: A US National Multi-Model Ensemble ISI Prediction System North America
Tailored Agro-Climate Services and food security information for better decision making in Latin America (AGROCLIMAS) Central America
CRISP Type 1: Protecting Coastal Infrastructure in a Changing Climate by Integrating Optimization Modeling and Stakeholder Observations 9/1/17 8/31/20 North America
Collaborative Research: Earth Venture Suborbital -2 Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) 4/10/15 3/27/20 Arctic
Europe and Global Challenges - Research Proposal, Impact of intensified weather extremes on Europe's economy 10/1/18 9/30/22 Europe
Adaptation of Agricultural Value Chains to Climate Change (PrAda) 12/1/19 5/31/21 Africa
New York Sustainable Water Fellowship with the Water Centre at Columbia University 6/10/19 9/30/20 North America
The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change 11/13/19 Global
An Assessment of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act 11/6/19 North America
Inclusive Climate Journalism Project 8/27/19
Climate Change and Portfolio Risk: Curriculum Development and Workshop Presentations 7/15/19 2/15/20 Global
The Law and Science of Climate Change Attribution 12/1/19 11/30/22 North America
Climate Information Needs Assessment 1/1/20 5/31/20 North America
Enhancing National Climate Services Initiative (ENACTS) in Malawi and Tanzania 5/5/20 12/30/20 Africa
Environmental Rule of Law: Advancing Justice, Governance and Law For Environmental Sustainability 11/16/16 3/15/17 Global
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Paper 10/30/17 1/31/20 North America
Impacts of Climate Change on Olympic Host Cities: Rapid Extreme Heat Assessment 6/15/20 8/15/20
A Multi-Spectral Thermal Infrared Imaging System for Air-Sea Interaction Research 9/1/20 8/31/22
Support for EPA's Activities - Examining Sectoral Impacts of Climate Change and Linking Observations and Projections 4/27/20 4/9/21
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Development of a Method for Paired Potassium/Argon Geochronology and Strontium-Neodymium-Lead Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry of Dust in Ice Cores 8/15/20 7/31/22 Antarctica
Environmental and Human Impacts of Nuclear War 7/1/20 6/30/22
Interdisciplinary Research on Earth and Planetary Systems Modeling, the Impacts of Climate Change, and-the Habitability of Other Worlds 10/1/20 9/30/21 Global
Addressing Climate-Forced Displacement in Africa 11/9/20 10/1/21 Africa
Community Mental Health Toolkit for Environmental Justice and Climate Change 1/1/21 12/31/22 Global
Food and Climate Change InfoGuide 5/3/21 Global
Assessing and Informing Health System Resilience to Climate Change 11/1/19 Africa
At What Point Managed Retreat? Resilience, Relocation and Climate Justice Conference 6/22/21 6/25/21 Global
Collaborative Research: Understanding Glacial-Geomorphic-Climatic Changes in the Arid Andes: Cordillera Oriental as a Case Study 2/1/21 1/31/22 South America
Center for Learning the Earth with Artificial Intelligence and Physics (LEAP) 10/1/21 9/30/26 Global
AllianceBernstein Climate Finance Research Fund 6/30/21 6/29/22 North America
Aunty: A Prayer for the World
BIOSCape-Mapping of phytoplankton functional types from space in support of coastal resource management and decision support activities 6/1/22 5/1/25 Indian Ocean
Ecological and sociodemographic determinants and impacts of urbanization and restoration on intertwined urban-wetland-estuarine systems 7/1/17 7/1/22 North America
NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Environmental Change and Impacts on Ancient Human Colonization of Peary Land, Northernmost Greenland 10/1/21 9/30/23 Arctic
Collaborative Research: EarthCube Capabilities: Open Polar Radar (OPoRa) Software and Service 9/1/21 8/31/24 Global
Pan-Antarctic Assessment of Sedimentary Basins and the Onset of Streaming Ice Flow from Machine Learning and Aerogravity Regression Analyses 9/1/21 8/31/23 Antarctica
Climate Attribution through Enhanced Fingerprinting 12/16/21 9/30/22 Global
Changes in Impacts-relevant Climate in the the World’s Mediterranean Climate Regions: A Mechanisms-based Investigation of Atmosphere-Ocean-Land Processes across Seasons 12/15/21 11/30/24 Global
Resilient Coastal Communities Project 11/1/21 North America
Carbon fixation in future oceans: experimental adaptation of algal and cyanobacterial CO2-concentrating mechanisms to a changing climate 1/1/23 12/31/25
Projecting Compound Tropical Cyclone-Heat Extremes in a Changing Climate 9/1/23 8/31/26 North America
Exploiting Multi-platform, Multisensor Data for Improved Measurements of Net Primary Production from GCOM-C SGLI for Climate Change Studies 5/1/22 3/31/24 Asia
At What Point Managed Retreat?: Habitability and Mobility in an Era of Climate Change 6/20/23 6/23/23 Global