Projects Tagged satellite imagery

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Decision and Information System for the Coastal Waters of Oman (DISCO) - an Integrative tool for managing coastal resources under changing climate 5/1/17 4/30/22 Asia
Estimating and Mapping Population in Off-Grid and Hard to Reach Places 9/7/18 4/30/20 Africa
Payloads for investigations of Satial and Temporal Variability of Ocean and Ice Conditions in and Near the Marginal Ice Zone 10/10/13 8/15/15 Arctic Ocean
Satellite Technologies, Innovative and Smart Financing for Food Security (SATISFy) 8/15/16 6/30/18 Africa
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) for the EOS Data and Information System 8/1/18 7/31/22 Global
Connecting West Africa users to cutting edge resources: Integrating satellite observations and sub-seasonal climate forecasts to enhance agricultural and pastoral water-management decision-making using 21st century agro-pastoral water deficit predictions 11/1/19 10/31/20 Africa
Evaluating and Constraining Models’ Stratocumulus and Cumulus Cloud Feedbacks in the Tropics using Satellite Observations to Reduce Uncertainties in Future Climate Projections 9/1/20 8/31/21 Pacific Ocean
Supporting Irrigated/Non-irrigated Land Field Survey Prioritization through Use of Satellite Imagery in Selected Areas of Ethiopia 9/1/20 1/31/21 Africa
Strengthening Disaster and Climate Resilience in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean (SDCR) Project 7/22/20 7/31/21 North America