Development and testing of a multi-model ensemble prediction system for sub-monthly forecasts |
5/1/15 |
4/30/18 |
North America
Improving Food and Livelihood Security through Water-Energy-Agriculture Management under Climate Change and Variability |
4/1/12 |
3/31/15 |
Managing Climate and Weather-Related Risks to Improve Agricultural Decision Making |
4/30/12 |
4/29/14 |
South America
P2C2: Towards a Precipitation History of Easter Island Since the Last Glacial Period |
9/1/19 |
8/31/21 |
Weather Regime Tools for Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting of California Atmospheric Ridging Event |
6/2/20 |
8/31/22 |
North America
Research for Anticipatory Action in the Humanitarian Sector for the UN System |
10/15/21 |
10/14/22 |
Insolation Gradients and Eastern Mediterranean Aridity: Impacts on Winter Storms and Implications for Climate Projections |
9/1/23 |
8/31/26 |
North America
Contributions of Tundra and Boreal Systems to Radiative Forcing in North America and Russia under Contemporary and Future Conditions |
11/1/22 |
8/31/25 |
North America