Projects Tagged agriculture

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
A Stakeholder Engagement Workshop for the Agriculture Sector in Central America 6/1/13 7/31/13 Central America
ACToday (Adapting Agriculture to Climate Today, for Tomorrow) 11/1/17 6/30/22 Africa
Adaptation Planning for Climate Change Impacts using Advanced Decision Support and Remote Sensing: Irrigated Agriculture in California’s Central Valley 4/1/12 6/1/14 Global
Addressing Legal Support Gaps Around Land-Based Investment
Addressing undernutrition and climate change in the Millennium Villages: enhancing resilience of rural communities 1/1/13 12/31/13 Central America
African Soil Information Service (AFSIS) Phase II 11/25/14 10/31/17 Africa
Agreement for the procurement of 100 units of soildoc kits 1/8/15 1/7/16 Africa
Agricultural Investments under International Investment Law
The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project- The Future of Food and Farming 1/1/15 3/31/17 Africa
Assessing Sustainability and Effectiveness of Climate Information Services in Africa (CIS) 1/30/17 10/31/18 Africa
CCAFS Flagship 4: Climate Risk Management 1/1/17 12/31/22 Africa
Climate Impacts on Livelihoods and Food Security 4/1/12 12/31/12 Africa
Climate information for Public Health ñ Book Project 9/1/16 7/31/18 North America
Climate Risk Management in Agriculture with Demonstration Sites in Laos, Indonesia, and Bangladesh 12/7/12 6/30/15 Asia
Climate Services for Africa 1/1/16 9/30/18 Africa
Climate Services for Agriculture-Rwanda 7/24/15 7/23/19 Africa
Columbia University and Institut Pertanian Bogor Partnership to Build Capacity for Adaptation Climate Risks in Indonesia 7/8/11 9/30/14 Asia
Community Development Requirements: Domestic Laws, Best Practices, and Community Development Agreements Database
Conceptualizing Economic Linkages to the Resource Sector
Continental Scale Droughts in North America: Their Frequency, Character and Causes Over the Past Millennium and Near Term Future 7/1/14 6/30/18 North America
Contribution of IRI to the Management of Climate-Related Risks in the Agricultural Sector 7/1/14 6/30/19 South America
Cooperative Institute for Climate Application and Research (CICAR) 7/1/08 6/30/14 North America
Crop growth Simulation in Hokkaido/Japan using DSSA 7/1/12 3/31/14 Asia
Crop Growth Simulation System for Estimating Harvesting Time and Yield Prediction in Hokkaido Japan 4/14/14 3/31/15 Asia
Crop Growth Simulation System for Estimating Harvesting Time and Yield Prediction in Hokkaido Japan 6/1/15 3/18/16 Asia
Crop Insurance - Columbia 5/20/15 10/31/15 Central America
CS4D: Climate Resiliency and Index Insurance for Small Farmers 4/1/15 6/30/17
DMUU: Understanding and Improving Environmental Decisions 9/1/10 8/31/18 Global
DMUU: Understanding and Improving Environmental Decisions 9/1/15 8/31/19
East Africa Drought and Agricultural Productivity Assessment and Prediction System 12/10/12 9/30/13 Africa
East Africa Drought and Agricultural Productivity Assessment and Prediction System 10/27/15 9/30/16 Africa
Employment from Mining Investments in Land for Agriculture
Enabling Resource Contract Transparency
Evaluating the effect of site-specific soil information on farmer input choices and the relationship between poverty and soil quality in Tanzania 3/1/14 9/30/17 Africa
Exploratory Research for India Direct Farm Impact Evaluation 1/1/13 6/30/14 Asia
Going the Last Mile: Equipping and Empowering Extension Workers to Make Innovative Soil Recommendations in Africa 7/1/12 11/30/15 Africa
Gridded Crop & Near Term Climate Modeling Workshops and Coordination 3/21/14 7/15/14
Hudson Valley Food Hub Initiative 3/1/12 9/30/13 North America
Hydrological and agricultural characteristics and the manner in which farmers are adapting to them 10/15/12 5/31/13 Asia
IFAD-Universities Win-Win Partnership: Engaging students with IFAD-supported operations 1/28/16 9/30/20 Global
Improving Climate Risk Management Tools for the Agricultural Sector in Asia 3/1/17 2/29/20 Asia
Improving CRM in Uruguay through the Development of a National System for the Agriculture Sector 8/28/13 3/31/18 South America
Index Insurance for the Agricultural Sector in General America 7/1/14 11/30/15
Index Insurance for the Agricultural Sector in Niger 11/1/14 6/30/15 Africa
Infrastructure Investments Tied to Large-Scale Agriculture Projects
Innovative Financing Solutions for Legal and Technical Support Communities
Integrating climate risk information for agricultural resilience and forest conservation in Paraguay 7/1/16 10/31/17 South America
Integration of AgMIP results for the development of agricultural response functions for PNNL Models 4/26/16 8/31/18 Global
Land Contracts and Transparency in Land-Based Investment
Land Investments and Climate Change
Land Investments and Human Rights
Linking climate services and soil diagnostics for climate-smart decisions for small-scale farmers and service providers in Tanzania 10/1/15 12/31/17 Africa
Linking Remote Sensing Data and Energy Balance Models for Scalable agriculture Insurance Systems for sub-Saharan Africa 1/17/14 1/16/18 Africa
Managing Climate and Weather-Related Risks to Improve Agricultural Decision Making 4/30/12 4/29/14 South America
Managing climate risks to smallholder agriculture in northern Ethiopia: Second phase of evaluation of the R4 program Africa
Masters of Development Practice 9/1/08 2/28/15
Micro-Solar Utilities for Small-Scale Irrigation in Mali 10/1/13 9/30/15 Africa
Monitoring & Evaluation for Eni Congo Brazzaville/Hinda Integrated Project (PIH) 2/15/13 1/14/17 Africa
Myanmar Sustainable Development Center 4/1/13 11/15/13 Asia
New Tools and Incentives for Carbon, Nitrogen, and Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Management in Corn Cropping Systems 1/1/11 3/31/17 Global
P2C2: Diagnosing the Dynamics of Past and Future North American Megadroughts 3/1/19 3/31/22 Global
Partnership for International Research and Education (PIRE): Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Human Wellbeing: Responses to Millennium Village Interventions 9/1/10 8/31/16 Africa
Planning Grant for the Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) Phase II 5/30/13 1/15/15 Africa
Productivity Improvement Project for Smallholders 10/1/15 3/31/17 Africa
Rapid Assessment of Agriculture in a + 1.5 Scenario: An AgMIP Coordinated Global and Regional Assess 9/30/16 9/29/17 Global
Remote Sensing Service Provider Methodology and Work Plan in support of the IFAD-WFP Weather Risk Management 7/1/13 12/31/13
Researching Transparency
SADA/Ghana project 1/1/12 12/31/12 Africa
Satellite Technologies, Innovative and Smart Financing for Food Security (SATISFy) 8/15/16 6/30/18 Africa
Scoping Study: Design Options for a Global Sustainable Farming Data Clearinghouse 10/14/13 4/30/14 Global
SERVIR for USAID West Africa 4/7/16 8/30/21 Africa
SoilDoc System Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania 8/1/15 6/30/17 Africa
SoilDoc: Empowering Extension Workers and Youth to make Innovative Soil Recommendations in Africa 2/6/13 2/5/14 Africa
Sustainability Indicators 9/1/15 1/31/17 Africa
The achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Sub-Saharan African Countries and Beyond technologies and tools 11/1/11 12/31/16 Africa
The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) 3/1/11 2/28/14 Africa
The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Agricultural Model System Training 3/1/13 3/30/13 Global
The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Third Annual Global Workshop 10/1/12 10/31/12 Europe
The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Workshop 9/19/12 9/30/13 Global
The Dynamical Machanisms and Potential Predictability of Indian and Pacific Ocean Influences on Seas 8/1/14 7/31/18 North America
The effect of demonstration plots and warehouse receipt system on ISFM adoption, yield and income of smallholder farmers: an evaluation of Malawi’s Anchor Farm Model 6/18/14 10/20/17 Africa
Type 1 Collaborative Research: Integration of Decadal Climate Predictions, Ecological Models and Human Decision-Making Models to Support Climate Resilient Agriculture in the Argentine Pampas 5/1/11 4/30/14 South America
Upgrading Agricultural Value Chains: Implementing the SoilDoc System in India 11/9/15 9/30/17 Asia
Vital Signs - Technical Support for the Africa Monitoring System 4/1/12 9/30/15 Africa
Water Security and Climate Risk: A Philippine Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Agriculture Sector 9/7/12 9/6/17 Asia
Capacitating African Stakeholders with Climate Advisories and Insurance Development (CASCAID) II Africa
PRISM 9/1/19 8/31/21 North America
Tailored Agro-Climate Services and food security information for better decision making in Latin America (AGROCLIMAS) Central America
Adaptation of Agricultural Value Chains to Climate Change (PrAda) 12/1/19 5/31/21 Africa
Ag Out – An Enhanced IMERG-based Agricultural Outlook System to Support Food Security and Agriculture in the Developing World 4/1/19 3/31/21
Connecting West Africa users to cutting edge resources: Integrating satellite observations and sub-seasonal climate forecasts to enhance agricultural and pastoral water-management decision-making using 21st century agro-pastoral water deficit predictions 11/1/19 10/31/20 Africa
AgMIP Adaptation Teams Start-Up – A CLARE Transition Activity 1/1/20 7/1/21 Africa
Using Earth Observations and Statistical Models to Enhance Drought, Food Security, and Agricultural Outlooks in Eastern and Southern Africa 11/1/19 10/31/21 Africa
Consultancy to develop and implement Climate Information for Agriculture, Water and Health Sectors for the PPCR Project 7/1/20 3/31/21 Africa
Boosting Agriculture Risk Mitigation in Bangladesh through Index Insurance for Smallholders 10/1/20 9/30/22 Asia
Strengthening INIA's Research Network on Sustainable Water Management in Agriculture and Forestry 8/1/21 7/31/24 South America
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA Project) 2/4/21 12/31/21 Africa
Leveraging multi-source datasets with soil survey to improve the spatiotemporal evaluation of dynamic soil properties 10/1/24 9/30/27