Projects Tagged marine geology and geophysics

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
A Synthesis of Indian and U.S. Geophysical Data to Investigate the structure and Tectonics of the Andaman Sea 9/15/09 8/31/12 Indian Ocean
Acoustic Logs Reprocessing and Petrophysical Characterization of Shelf Sands, Canterbury Basin, IODP Expedition 317 11/4/10 11/3/12 Oceania
Boundary Sources and Sink of 230Th, 232Th, and 231Pa n the NW Pacific 9/1/10 8/31/13 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research The North Anatolian Fault system in the Marmara Sea, Turkey Insights from the Quaternary evolution of a multi-stranded transform 2/15/13 1/31/15 Europe
Collaborative Research: Geomagnetic Variability, Paleoenvironmental Change, and a Tuned Geologic Timescale from Pacific Eocene-Pleistocene Sediments from IODP Expeditions 320-312 3/1/10 2/28/13 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Geophysical Constraints on Mechanisms of Ocean Plateau Formation from Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific 8/1/09 7/31/12 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: IPY: GAMBIT: Gamburtsev Aerogeophysical Mapping 10/1/06 9/30/14 Antarctica
Collaborative Research: Seismic Study of the Galicia S Detachment 3/15/13 2/28/18 Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Structure and Composition of Oceanic Lithosphere and the Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Boundary 3/1/10 2/28/15 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: the role of fluids in intermediate-depth seismicity and wedge anisotropy: Case studies for Cascadia and Alaska, with a comparison to Japan 4/1/13 9/30/14 Pacific Ocean
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Using Available Sentry AUV aboard R/V Atlantis to Measure Hydrothermal Heat Flux at Axial and Main Endeavor Fields 4/15/13 3/31/15 Global
Evaluation of Methods and Platforms for the Acquisition of Multi-Channel Seismic Reflection Data in the Arctic Ocean 9/1/09 8/31/12 Arctic Ocean
Ice sheet Dynamics and Processes along the West Antarctic Continental Shelf 6/1/09 5/31/13 Antarctica
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program 10/1/03 6/30/15 Global
Interdisciplinary Study of the Ocean-Ice Shelf Interface Utilizing IceBridge Data 11/22/11 11/21/14 Global
Lithological Characterization and Structural Analyses of Sediments Lava Flows from Shatsky Rise Using Downhole Measurements 4/29/10 9/3/12 Pacific Ocean
Long Island Sound Mapping - Pilot 6/1/12 9/30/14 North America
Offshore 3D High Energy Seismic Survey 11/1/11 3/31/13 Pacific Ocean
Permeability and temperature in ODP/IODP Hole 1256 6/28/11 4/1/14 Pacific Ocean
Present horizontal stress orientation in the Costa Rica subduction margin from borehole breakout analysis 10/23/12 1/30/16 Central America
Quantifying borehole shapes in IODP Holes U1378A and U1379A from Density and Ultrasonic LWD Measurements 5/14/11 2/12/14 Central America
RAPID - Collaborative Research - Offshore impacts of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake on seafloor deformati 8/1/11 7/31/13 Asia
Rigorous Combination of GRACE and Other Data Types for Simultaneous Estimation of Temporally and Spatially Variable Melting and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment 2/7/12 2/6/17 Global
Seismic/Well Integration Bering Sea, IODP Expedition 323 9/4/09 7/3/12 Pacific Ocean
Shear wave anisotropy in oceanic crust formed by superfast spreading PEA EXP. 335 6/28/11 4/1/14 Pacific Ocean
The Dead Sea deep drill core as the longest paleo-environmental archive of the late Quaternary Levant 10/1/11 9/30/16 Asia
The Seasonal Cycle of Export Production in an Antarctic Coastal Marine Ecosystem 4/1/12 5/31/15 Antarctica
USSSP-Participation in IODP Expedition 322 Nantroseize Stage 2 Subduction Input on the D/V Chikyu. Correlation Between Core, Log, and Seismic Data in Lower Shikoku Basin Sediments at IODP Site C0011 9/1/09 11/9/12 Pacific Ocean
Vulnerability of East Antarctic ice streams to warm ocean water incursions 7/1/13 6/30/17 Antarctica