Accquisition of a Sensitive Qtrap LC/MS/MS System for Biomaker Analyses |
3/15/16 |
3/14/17 |
Collaborative Research: Dynamics of dissolved organic phosphorus production, composition and bioavailability along a natural marine phosphate gradient |
3/1/18 |
2/28/21 |
Collaborative Research: Evolution of Arctic Water Column Hydrography during the Holocene Based on a Novel Instrumentation Combination |
7/1/15 |
6/30/19 |
Arctic Ocean
Measurement of Tritium, Helium, Neon, 3He/4He and Noble Gases in Groundwater Samples |
11/1/11 |
10/31/16 |
North America
Reconciling substrate specific difference in the carbon isotope Excursion marking the Paleocene-Eocene transition |
7/1/15 |
7/31/17 |
Pacific Ocean
Next Generation Mass Spectrometer for Noble Gas Geochronology |
8/16/21 |
8/15/26 |
North America
MRI: Acquisition of Continuous Flow Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) for Climate Change and Environmental Research at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory |
9/1/21 |
8/31/23 |