Projects Tagged carbon dioxide

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
A Novel Calibration of the Alkenone-pCO2 Proxy: Constraining Biological Influences
Acquisition of a Fourier Transform Infrared Imaging Microscope at LDEO 3/15/18 2/28/19 North America
Active lava lakes as a window into magma and volcano dynamics 3/1/14 2/28/18 Global
Alkenone-based Records of Miocene pCO2 Revisited
Collaborative Research: Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Interactions in a Changing Ocean 3/1/19 2/28/23 Global
Collaborative Research: Global Ocean Repeat Hydrography Carbon & Tracer Measurements, 2015-2020 3/15/15 2/28/22 Global
Collaborative Research: Influence of Surfactants on Air-Sea Gas Exchange: 3He/SF6 Experiments in the Baltic Sea 3/1/18 2/28/21 Europe
Collaborative Research: Melting of Carbonate-Bearing Sediments in Subduction Zones 7/1/09 6/30/13 Global
Collaborative Research: Ocean Acidification: Impacts of Evolution on the Response of Phytoplankton Populations to Rising CO2 6/1/13 5/31/19 Global
Collaborative Research: Taking the Reliability of Cenozoic Boron Isotope pH and pCO2 reconstructions to the next level 4/1/17 3/31/21 Global
Collaborative Research: The Upper Branch of the Southern Ocean Overturning in the Southern Ocean State Estimate: Water Mass Transformation and the 3-D Residual Circulation 2/1/14 1/31/19 Southern Ocean
Collaborative Research: U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect: Thorium-232, Thorium-231 and Protactinium-231 as tracers of trace element supply and removal 11/1/17 10/31/20 Global
Constraining the Relationship Between Vegetation Change and Net Carbon Sequestration in Arctic and Boreal Peatlands 5/1/16 4/30/19
Coring and Logging through Newark Basin formations at Lamont-Doherty 7/1/11 9/30/14 North America
Deep Sea-Water Sampler for Improved Co2 Measurements 11/1/14 10/30/18 Antarctica
Diagnostic Monitoring of Bio-Geochemical Interactions of a shallow aquifer in response to a CO2 leak 12/1/09 11/30/14 Global
FESD Type: VOICE: Volcano, Ocean, Ice, and Carbon Experiments 10/1/13 8/30/20 Global
Hierarchical scaling of carbon fluxes from terrestrial-aquatic interfaces in the Arctic 9/1/19 8/31/21 Arctic
Impact of rising greenhouse gases on mid-latitude storm tracks and associated hydroclimate variability and change 9/15/10 9/14/14 Global
Integrated Pre-Feasibility Study for CO2 Geological Storage in the Cascadia Basin: Offshore Washington State and British Columbia 2/1/17 10/31/18 North America
Long-Term Monitoring of Methane within New York State Phase II: Assessing Trends in Sources and Characterizing Hot Spots 11/1/19 11/30/21 North America
Mid-Atlantic Offshore Carbon Storage Resource Assessment Project 10/30/15 12/31/18 North America
North Atlantic Bottom Water Temperature and Ice Volume Records from the Mid-Pleistocene Transition 10/1/14 9/30/16
Ocean Acidification - Category 1: Calibration and Application of the Boron Isotope Seawater-pH Indicator in Deep-water Corals 9/15/10 8/31/16 Global
Ocean Acidification - Category 1: Climatological Mean Distribution of pH in Surface Waters in the Unified pH Scale and Mean Rate of Changes in Selected Areas 1/1/11 12/31/13 Global
Ocean Acidification: Collaborative Research: Establishing the Magnitude of Sea-Surface Acidification During The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum 9/1/12 8/31/16 Global
PaleopCO2 - A Scientifically Rigorous and Accessible CO2 Keeling Curve For Geologic Time 1/1/19 12/31/21 Global
Past Behaviour of the Southern Ocean's Atmosphere and Cryosphere (SOUTHSPHERE) 8/1/17 5/31/20 Global
PIRE: Dust simulated drawdown of atmospheric CO2 as a trigger for Northern Hemisphere Glaciation 10/1/15 9/30/21 Global
Postkodstiftelsen funding for SDSN 3/1/13 12/31/14 Europe
Present and Future Models of Low Frequency Climate Variability 9/15/10 9/14/13 Global
Radiocarbon as a Reactive Tracer for Tracking Geologic CO2 Storage at the CarbFix Pilot Injection Site, Iceland 9/1/12 8/31/15
RCN: Improving reconstructions of Cenozoic pCO2 and temperature change 10/1/16 9/30/20 Global
Resolving CO2 system seasonality in the West Antarctic Peninsula with Autonomous 3/1/17 2/28/18 Antarctica
Resolving CO2 System Seasonality in the West Antarctic Peninsula with Autonomous Observations 7/1/18 6/30/19 Antarctica
Surface Water pCO2 Measurements from ships 9/1/13 8/31/20 Antarctica
Surface Water pCO2 measurements from Ships 10/1/15 8/31/19 Antarctica
Thermohaline Circulation and Deep Ocean Carbonate Chemistry across the Mid-Pieistocene Transition 9/1/14 8/31/17
ULTRA-Ex: Exploring Linkages among Ecosystem Services, Public Health, and the Green Area Factor in New York City 8/1/10 1/31/14 North America
Underway CO2 Measurements Aboard the RVIB Palmer and Data Management of the Global VOS Program 9/1/08 6/30/14 Global
Wave Breaking in High Winds and its Effects on the Air-Sea Exchange of Gasses of Varying Solubility 9/1/15 1/31/18 Arctic Ocean
Capturing Investment: Policy Design to Finance CCUS Projects in the U.S. Power Sector 4/28/20 Global
P2C2: New Zealand Climate in Three Warm Periods 7/15/19 6/30/21 Oceania
Carbon Dioxide Removal Law Database 8/1/19 7/31/20 Global
What Controls the CO2/SO2 Ratio in Arc Volcanic Gas? 9/1/20 8/31/22 Global
Collaborative Research: Reconstructing Temperatures During the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period in the McMurdo Dry Valleys with Cosmogenic Noble Gases 8/15/20 7/31/23 Antarctica
mCDR 2023: Data Requirements for QuantiFY20ing Natural Variability and the Background Ocean Carbon Sink in Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR) Models 9/1/23 8/31/26 North America