Projects Tagged hydrology

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Geochemical Analysis of Ancient Salt Deposits from the Dead Sea and its Climate and Hydrology During Warmer Periods in the Past 200,000 Years 9/1/16 8/31/18 Asia
Climate Informed regional water resources and flood risk mitigation planning 1/23/13 6/30/16 Asia
CNH-L: Volcanism, Hydrology and Social Conflict: Lessons from Hellenistic and Roman-Era Egypt and Mesopotamia 8/15/18 1/31/23 Africa
Collaborative Research: Development of Adaptable Web Modules to Stimulate Active Learning in Hydrology Using Data and Model Simulations 10/1/11 9/30/16 North America
Collaborative Research: Evaluating hydrologic and ecologic responses to late-Glacial (9-33ka) abrupt climatic transitions in the coastal southwest United States 9/1/12 8/31/15 North America
Collaborative Research: Long-term Carbon Storage Shifts in High-latitude Peatlands with Paleoclimate Change: Linking Peatland Modeling with Paleoecology and Paleohydrology 9/1/10 8/31/15 North America
East Africa Drought and Agricultural Productivity Assessment and Prediction System 12/10/12 9/30/13 Africa
Hydrological and agricultural characteristics and the manner in which farmers are adapting to them 10/15/12 5/31/13 Asia
Leveraging CMIPS and NASA/GMAO Coupled Modeling Capacity for SERVIR East Africa Climate Projections. 9/11/12 11/19/15 Africa
Meridional Hydrology Variability and Synthesis of Ocean Circulation 7/1/08 6/30/13 Global
P2C2: North American Megadrought: Atmosphere-Ocean Forcing and Landscape Response from the Medieval Period to the Near-term Greenhouse Future 7/1/09 6/30/13 North America
Piermont Hydrological and Meteorological Station and Data Management 10/1/13 12/31/14 North America
SERVIR for USAID West Africa 4/7/16 8/30/21 Africa
PRISM 9/1/19 8/31/21 North America
Collaborative Research: P2C2--Quantifying Holocene Climate Variations through Data Assimilation using Proxies and General Circulation Models (GCMs) Output 9/1/19 8/31/22 North America
Ab Initio Geochemistry of Hydrous Phases 1/1/19 3/31/21 Global
Social-environmental Energy Systems in Catamarca, Argentina 1/1/18 8/1/19 South America