Projects Tagged investment

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Agricultural Investments under International Investment Law
Articulating a Rights-Based Argument for Land Contract Disclosure
China's Emergence as an Important Outward Investor and Implications for International Investment Law Asia
Communities' Redress for Harm Post-Closure, Abandonment, or Divestment
Conceptualizing Economic Linkages to the Resource Sector
Developing a Collaborative Approach to Human Rights Impact Assessments
Employment from Mining Investments in Land for Agriculture
Environmental, Social, and Governance Analytics Scoring Application 8/15/13 12/31/14 Global
Fiscal Regimes for Natural Resources
Fossil Fuel Companies and Climate Change Global
Human Rights Law and Investment Treaty Regime Global
Infrastructure Development and Large-Scale Natural Resource Investments
Infrastructure Investments Tied to Large-Scale Agriculture Projects
Intra-African Investment Flows Africa
Land Contracts and Transparency in Land-Based Investment
Land Deal Dilemmas: Grievances, Human Rights, and Investor Protections
Land Investments and Human Rights
Mexican Oil Reform: The First Two Bidding Rounds, Farmouts and Contractual Conversions in a Lower Oil Price Environment 10/28/15 Central America
Relationship between Investment Treaty Protections and Domestic Law Standards
Research Series on New Trends in and Development Impacts of International Investment Law
Researching Transparency
Risk-Based Water Valuation for Mining Companies 1/1/19 Global
Terms of Reference Independent Technical review of Peru forest investment program investment plan 9/6/13 9/20/13 South America
The Politics of Free, Prior and Informed Consent
Capacitating African Stakeholders with Climate Advisories and Insurance Development (CASCAID) II Africa