Projects Tagged ocean bottom seismographs

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
2018-2023 Ship Operations -R/V Marcus G. Langseth 7/1/18 6/30/23
Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment 8/15/17 7/31/20 North America
Collaborative Research: Crustal Accretion and Mantle Processes Along the Subduction-Influenced Eastern Lau Spreading Center 9/1/08 8/31/14 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Evolution and Hydration of the Juan de Fuca Crust and Uppermost Mantle: A Plate-Scale Seismic Investigation from Ridge to Trench 1/1/12 2/28/16 North America
Collaborative Research: Geophysical Constraints on Mechanisms of Ocean Plateau Formation from Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific 8/1/09 7/31/12 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: How is Rifting Exhuming the Youngest HP/UHP Rocks on Earth? 1/1/08 6/30/14 Asia
Collaborative Research: Imaging small-scale convection and structure of the mantle in the south Pacific: a US contribution to international collaboration PacificArray 8/15/17 7/31/21 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Seismic Study of the Galicia S Detachment 3/15/13 2/28/18 Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Structure and Composition of Oceanic Lithosphere and the Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Boundary 3/1/10 2/28/15 Pacific Ocean
LDEO/OBS Laboratory Participation in GNS Hikurangi Experiment 7/1/18 6/30/21 Oceania
Love-wave propragation in oceanic upper mantle: constraints on radial anisotropy and implications for dynamics of the asthenosphere 9/1/15 8/31/19 Pacific Ocean
Operation and Management of the LDEO Instrument Center of the National Ocean Seismometer Pool 4/1/06 3/31/14 Global
Operation of the LDEO Ocean-bottom Seismometer Institutional Instrument Center: Wiens Recovery Costs 10/1/12 1/31/19