Projects Tagged poverty

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Developing a strategy for integrated rural development in the mining communities of Geita 1/1/12 9/30/13 Africa
(SIGUIRI-Niang) Developing a strategy for integrated rural development in mining communities 1/1/12 9/30/13 Africa
Accelerating Progress Towards reducing child mortality and improving maternal health in the millennium villages 4/1/07 6/30/13 Africa
Accelerating progress towards reducting child mortality and improving maternal health in the millennium villages 12/1/09 6/30/13 Africa
Access to Achievement: A Demonstration Project to Improve the Quality of Primary Education in India 6/15/12 9/15/17 Asia
Achieving Sustainable Development in the Coffee Sector Global
Columbia University Middle East Research Center (CUMERC); Advisory Support for the National Poverty Reduction Strategy and Executive Education in Sustainable Development 1/1/11 4/30/14 Asia
Environment & Socioeconomic Outcomes of the New African Green Revolution 1/1/13 12/31/15 Africa
Funding for Girls Clubs in Millennium Cities of Kumasi, Ghana, and Kisumu, Kenya 5/1/11 10/31/13 Africa
Haiti Regeneration Initiative / Cote Sud Initiative 1/1/11 10/31/12 Central America
Masters of Development Practice 9/1/08 2/28/15
Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) plan, monitor and assess implementation for REGAL-IR project Kenya 6/2/13 9/30/17 Africa
Monitoring and Evaluation in the Millennium Villages Project, Subaward with Millenium Promise and Soros 1/1/11 6/30/14 Africa
Planning Grant for the Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) Phase II 5/30/13 1/15/15 Africa
SADA/Ghana project 1/1/12 12/31/12 Africa
SADA-Millennium Village Monitoring and Evaluation 1/1/12 12/31/16 Africa
SADA-Millennium Village TA 1/1/12 12/31/16 Africa
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) for the EOS Data and Information System 8/1/18 7/31/22 Global
Sustainable Development in Mali: Improving the livelihoods of rural poor in the drylands of the Sahel through the management and enrichment of local plant diversity 1/1/09 12/31/13 Africa
TA-7512 REG: Empowering the Poor through Increasing Access to Energy-Development of GIS-Based Decision 11/14/14 3/15/16 Asia
The achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Sub-Saharan African Countries and Beyond technologies and tools 11/1/11 12/31/16 Africa
The African Millennium Village Initiative (Phase 2) 1/1/08 6/30/11 Africa
The Cote Sud Initiative, including the Millennium Village in Port-a-Piment, Haiti 11/1/11 10/31/12 Central America