Collaborative Research: Developing Multicentury Drought Reconstructions from Guatemala and the Context for Past and Future Hydroclimatic Change |
3/1/09 |
4/30/13 |
Central America
Understanding recent global hydroclimate change using multivariate detection & attribution techniques and GCM Experiments |
8/1/15 |
7/31/19 |
Decadal Regime Shifts in the Pacific Ocean: Mechanisms, Hydroclimatic Imprints, and Predictability |
9/1/21 |
8/31/24 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: NSFGEO-NERC: P2C2 -- Understanding Trans-Hemispheric Modes of Climate Variability: A Novel Tree-Ring Data Transect Spanning the Himalaya to Southern Ocean |
7/15/21 |
6/30/24 |