Projects Tagged ocean acidification

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Atlantic Ocean Acidification Test-Bed 7/1/08 6/30/14 Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean Acidification Test-Bed 7/1/13 11/30/16 Atlantic Ocean
CICAR: Boundary Layer Experiments of Coral Reef Calcification and Net O2 Production 7/1/08 6/30/14 Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: An Eocene Perspective on Future Recovery Rates of Climate 3/1/17 2/29/20
Collaborative Research: Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Interactions in a Changing Ocean 3/1/19 2/28/23 Global
Collaborative Research: Ocean Acidification: Impacts of Evolution on the Response of Phytoplankton Populations to Rising CO2 6/1/13 5/31/19 Global
Constraining the Past and Future Ocean Sink of Anthropogenic Carbon with Observations 2/15/11 1/31/16 Global
Measurements of global ocean CO2 and acidification Global
Ocean Acidification - Category 1: Calibration and Application of the Boron Isotope Seawater-pH Indicator in Deep-water Corals 9/15/10 8/31/16 Global
Ocean Acidification - Category 1: Climatological Mean Distribution of pH in Surface Waters in the Unified pH Scale and Mean Rate of Changes in Selected Areas 1/1/11 12/31/13 Global
Ocean Acidification: Collaborative Research: Establishing the Magnitude of Sea-Surface Acidification During The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum 9/1/12 8/31/16 Global
Ocean Acidification: Collaborative Research: Quantifying the potential for the biogeochemical feedbacks to create 'refugia' from ocean acidification on tropical coral reefs 7/1/13 6/30/17 Pacific Ocean
Validation of the B/Ca Proxy for Surface Seawater pH and Application to Measure Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification 3/15/08 2/28/14 Global
Workshop on Paleo-Ocean Acidification and Carbon Cycle Perturbation Events August 26-28, 2010 6/1/10 5/31/13 Global
WSL PURE Ocean Science Research 2/1/16 12/31/18 Global