Projects Tagged risk

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
ACToday (Adapting Agriculture to Climate Today, for Tomorrow) 11/1/17 6/30/22 Africa
Building Capacity to Manage Water Resources and Climate Risk in the Caribbean 7/15/12 6/30/15 North America
Climate Impacts on Livelihoods and Food Security 4/1/12 12/31/12 Africa
Collaborative Research: EaSM2: Linking near-term future changes in weather and hydroclimate in western North America to adaption for ecosystem and water management 4/1/13 3/31/19 North America
Development and Implemention of Flood Risk Mapping, Water Bodies Monitoring and Climate Information for Disaster Manegment and Human Health Integration with SERVIR 8/31/12 8/30/17 Africa
Development of a Monitoring and Forecasting System of Crop and Pasture Production for Managing Climate Risks 9/30/10 9/29/13 South America
Development of Dynamic Flood Forecasting Model Based on Large Scale Climatic Information 9/1/10 8/31/13 Asia
Distribution, Persistence, and Resuspension of Sediment-Associated Pathogenic Bacteria in the Hudson River 7/1/11 3/15/14 North America
Leveraging Universal Ownership to Achieve SDGs
Life on a Tectonically Active Delta: Convergence of Earth Science and Geohazard Research in Bangladesh with Education and Capacity Building 6/1/10 8/31/18 Asia
PREEVENTS Track 1: Meteorology and Impacts of Correlated Climate Extremes: New York, NY: May 28-31, 2019 4/1/19 3/31/21 Global
Satellite data for Weather Index Insurance - AgricuLtural EaRly Warning System (SatWIN-ALERT) 1/1/18 6/30/20 Africa
The New York City Panel on Climate Change: Mapping and Measuring Risk 9/1/16 9/1/18 North America
WSC-Category 3 Collaborative: America's Water-The Changing Landscape of Risk, Competing Demands and Climate 8/1/14 7/31/19 North America
Open Critical Infrastructure Exposure for Disaster Forecasting, Mitigation, and Response 7/1/19 6/30/20 Global
Climate Change and Portfolio Risk: Curriculum Development and Workshop Presentations 7/15/19 2/15/20 Global
Reforming the National Flood Insurance Program 10/10/17 10/9/18 North America