Projects Tagged power sector

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Can Coal Make a Comeback? 4/25/17 North America
Energy Access and Affordability Voluntary Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean 10/31/18 North America
Energy and Environmental Implications of a Carbon Tax on the United States 7/17/18 North America
Engaging State-Owned Enterprises in Climate Action 9/10/19 Global
Guide to Chinese Climate Policy 2019 9/13/19 Asia
Interactions between a Federal Carbon Tax and Other Climate Policies 3/6/19 North America
PG&E: Market and Policy Perspectives on the First Climate Change Bankruptcy 8/15/19 North America
Power of the River: Introducing the Global Dam Tracker (GDAT) 11/19/18 Global
Railroads, Utilities, and Free Parking: What the Evolution of Transport Monopolies Tells Us About the Power Network of the Future 11/1/16 North America
Reforming electricity, water, and fuel subsidies in the United Arab Emirates 4/20/17 Asia
Rural Electricity Supply: Commodity or Entitlement? 6/21/19 Asia
The Energy, Economic, and Emissions Impacts of a Federal US Carbon Tax 7/17/18 North America
The Future of Nuclear Energy - A Three-Part Series 3/31/17 Global
The Role of Natural Gas in Europe's Electricity Sector Through 2030 8/7/18 Europe
Potential Implications of the COVID-19 Crisis on Long-Term Electricity Demand in the United States 10/26/20 North America
The Role of Corporate Renewable Power Purchase Agreements in Supporting US Wind and Solar Deployment 3/24/21 North America