Projects Tagged volcanism

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
CAREER: Investigating the Impact of Temporal and Spatial Variations on Lava Emplacement Through Numerical and Physical Models 4/1/17 3/31/22 Global
Collaborative Research: Alteration of mantle peridottie: Geochemical fluxes and dynamics of far from equilibrium transport 6/1/15 6/30/20 Africa
Collaborative Research: Evolution of Lava Channel Networks: Implication for Lava Flow Hazards and Mitigation 2/1/13 1/31/16 Global
Collaborative Research: Experimental investigation of magmatic processes at Volcan Quizapu 3/1/14 2/28/17 South America
Collaborative Research: Imaging small-scale convection and structure of the mantle in the south Pacific: a US contribution to international collaboration PacificArray 8/15/17 7/31/21 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Magnetotelluric and Seismic Investigations of Arc Melt Generation, Deliver and Storage Beneath Okmok Volcano 7/1/17 7/31/18 North America
Collaborative Research: Monitoring Inflation at Axial Seamount 9/15/07 6/30/13 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Plate Tectonic and Geochemical Evolution of Young Walvis Ridge and Implications for African Plate Motion Modeling 9/1/11 8/31/16 Africa
Collaborative Research: Rio Grande Rise: New Questions on Plume Dynamics Atlantic Tectonic Evolution 2/15/17 1/31/20 Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Subduction below Extreme Sedimentation – A multidisciplinary transect from the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta to the IndoBurma Backarc 9/1/17 8/31/22 Asia
Collaborative Research: The Behavior of sulfur during magma mixing and implications for magma degassing and ore formation 1/1/13 12/31/16 Global
Collaborative Research: Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Earthquakes at Axial Seamount Late in an Eruptive Cycle 9/1/15 8/31/18 Pacific Ocean
Magma ascent and eruption in the Aleutian arc 6/1/16 11/30/18 North America
MARGINS: Collaborative Research: Illuminating the Architecture of the Greater Mount St. Helens Magmatic Systems from Slab to Surface 6/1/12 5/31/14 North America
Predicting Volcanic Eruptions Using Real-time 4D+ Microscopy of Bubble Interactions in a Solid-Liquid Mush 5/1/17 4/30/19 Global
Water diffusion in olivine: Experiments and application to phenocrysts 1/1/15 2/28/17 Global