A 175m Long Sediment Core from Lake Traimeno |
5/1/13 |
1/1/16 |
ARCHES - Abrupt Climate Change in a Warming World: Lessons from Holocene Paleo and Modern Instrumental Records and Model Simulations |
7/1/08 |
6/30/13 |
Collaborative Research: Geomagnetic Variability, Paleoenvironmental Change, and a Tuned Geologic Timescale from Pacific Eocene-Pleistocene Sediments from IODP Expeditions 320-312 |
3/1/10 |
2/28/13 |
Pacific Ocean
Hofstra University Center for Climate Study (HUCCS) |
1/14/11 |
8/31/14 |
North America
Seismic/Well Integration Bering Sea, IODP Expedition 323 |
9/4/09 |
7/3/12 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: OpenDendro - Advanced Open-source Tools for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction |
6/1/21 |
5/31/23 |