Projects Tagged technology

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Closing Accountability Loopholes and Ensuring Compensation for Environmental Harm Global
Columbia Global Energy Dialogue Report: Sulfur Regulations on the High Sea 4/21/16 Global
Eager: Collaborative Research: EarthCube Building Blocks, Leveraging Semantics and Linked Data for Geoscience Data Sharing and Discovery 9/15/13 8/31/15 North America
EarthCube Building Blocks: Collaborative Proposal: GeoLink - Leveraging Semantics and Linked Data for Data Sharing and Discovery in the Geosciences 9/1/14 8/31/17
Electric Vehicle Charging in China and the United States 2/5/19 Global
Financing Solar and Wind Power: Insights From Oil and Gas 3/20/17 North America
Improving Methods of Measuring Surface Water Flow Patterns and Velocities 8/19/08 8/31/13 North America
Interactions between a Federal Carbon Tax and Other Climate Policies 3/6/19 North America
Making Sense of the Trump Administration's Fuel Economy Standard Rollback 4/18/18 North America
Navigating Political Hurricanes in the MENA Region: Energy Pricing Reform in a Context of Changing Social Contracts 4/11/17 Global
Reforming the Renewable Fuel Standard 2/27/18 North America
Slow Steaming to 2020: Innovation and Inertia in Marine Transport and Fuels 8/10/17 Global
Solar Together: A Proposal 4/26/16 Asia
SOS CVI Database/Smartphone App 12/1/17 11/30/18
The Future of Nuclear Energy - A Three-Part Series 3/31/17 Global
The Geopolitics of Renewable Energy 6/28/17 Global
The Renewable Fuel Standard: A Path Forward 4/15/15 North America
Collaborative Research: Examining Pyrotechnology and Ecosystem Change in the Archaeological Record 8/1/20 7/31/24 Africa