Projects Tagged subduction zones

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment 8/15/17 7/31/20 North America
Collaborative Research: Alteration of mantle peridottie: Geochemical fluxes and dynamics of far from equilibrium transport 6/1/15 6/30/20 Africa
Collaborative Research: Catching the quake: Investigating samples from the JFAST expedition for evidence of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake 5/1/13 4/30/16 Asia
Collaborative Research: Experimental investigation of magmatic processes at Volcan Quizapu 3/1/14 2/28/17 South America
Collaborative Research: Illuminating the Cascadia plate boundary zone and accretionary wedge with a regional-scale ultra-long offset multi-channel seismic study 11/1/18 10/31/22 North America
Collaborative Research: Inferences on Cascadia Deformation Front and Plate Interface Properties from Advanced Studies of Active Source Seismic Data 7/1/17 6/30/20 North America
Collaborative Research: Marine EM Survey of Fluids in the Alaskan Megathrust 6/1/18 8/31/21 North America
Collaborative Research: Subduction below Extreme Sedimentation – A multidisciplinary transect from the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta to the IndoBurma Backarc 9/1/17 8/31/22 Asia
Collaborative Research: the role of fluids in intermediate-depth seismicity and wedge anisotropy: Case studies for Cascadia and Alaska, with a comparison to Japan 4/1/13 9/30/14 Pacific Ocean
CSEDI Collaborative Research: Integrating Seismological, Rheological and Petrological Studies of Melt Production and Transport in Subduction Zones 9/15/11 8/31/14 Global
Hikurangi Trench Regional Electromagnetic Survey to Image the Subduction Thrust 3/1/18 5/31/22 Oceania
Modeling of reactive fluid-solid systems for H2O and carbon transport in subduction zones 9/1/14 12/31/14 Global
Offshore 3D High Energy Seismic Survey 11/1/11 3/31/13 Pacific Ocean
Present horizontal stress orientation in the Costa Rica subduction margin from borehole breakout analysis 10/23/12 1/30/16 Central America
Quantifying borehole shapes in IODP Holes U1378A and U1379A from Density and Ultrasonic LWD Measurements 5/14/11 2/12/14 Central America
Quantifying the Carbon Budget in Marine Sediments 4/1/17 12/31/18 Global
Quantifying the Carbon Budget in Marine Sediments 1/1/19 12/31/19 Global
Seismic imaging of the interplate boundary and deformation within the overriding Aegean lithosphere 1/1/16 12/31/16 Europe
The Carbon Budget in Marine Sediments 6/1/15 12/31/16 Global
USSSP-Participation in IODP Expedition 322 Nantroseize Stage 2 Subduction Input on the D/V Chikyu. Correlation Between Core, Log, and Seismic Data in Lower Shikoku Basin Sediments at IODP Site C0011 9/1/09 11/9/12 Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: A Seismic Study of Oceanic-Arc Crustal Construction Processes at the Archetypal Andreanof Segment of the Aleutian Arc 9/1/19 8/31/22 North America
Collaborative Research: Incoming Plate and Forearc Structure of the Semidi and SW Kodiak Segments offshore Alaska Peninsula from 3-D Active-source and Local Earthquake Tomography 4/1/20 3/31/23 North America
Collaborative Research: Quantifying Incoming Plate Hydration and Role of Fluids on Megathrust Properties In and Around the Guerrero Gap, Offshore Mexico 12/1/20 11/30/21 North America
The Influence of Fault Geometry on Shallow Frictional Sliding in Subduction Zones 2/1/21 1/31/24 Global