Collaborative Research: Strain Accumulation and release at the Kuril Subduction Zone from Postseismic Observations on the Kuril GPS Array in 2007-2014 |
2/1/12 |
5/31/16 |
Pacific Ocean
CSEDI Collaborative Research: Integrating Seismological, Rheological and Petrological Studies of Melt Production and Transport in Subduction Zones |
9/15/11 |
8/31/14 |
Dynamical coupling of deformation and melt transport in the Earth: A combined theoretical and experimental study |
7/15/12 |
6/30/16 |
Laboratory Study of Shear Heating on Faults and Ridges of Icy Satellites using Transient Friction Experiments |
6/12/13 |
6/11/17 |