Projects Theme: Sustainable living

Urbanization, sustainable development, investment, and management, circular economy, peace and security.

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Advanced Peak Demand Forecast and Battery Dispatch Algorithms to Integrate Storage-Based Demand Response with Building Automation Systems 6/15/15 8/31/17 North America
(Energy II) Earth Institute Advisory Project Government of Paraguay 1/15/13 7/31/13 South America
(Energy) Earth Institute Advisory project Government of Paraguay 12/1/12 7/31/13 South America
Developing a strategy for integrated rural development in the mining communities of Geita 1/1/12 9/30/13 Africa
(SIGUIRI-Niang) Developing a strategy for integrated rural development in mining communities 1/1/12 9/30/13 Africa
A Framework For The Validation of Global Nighttime Environmental Products 9/1/17 8/31/20 North America
A Global Map of Feasible Residential Solutions-emphasizing Stoves with space Heating Uses 3/1/14 12/31/18 Global
A Method to Quantify the Social Impact of Investments in Publicly-Traded Emerging Markets Equities 4/1/19 3/31/20 Global
A Regulatory, Operational and Commercial Framework for the Utilization of Associated Petroleum Gas Global
A Symbiotic Agent-Based Network Platform Linking Expert Knowledge and Machine Learning for Systemic Risk Mitigation 12/1/18 2/28/22 Africa
A Time Series of Sea Surface Nitrate and Nitrate Based New Production in the Global Oceans 5/1/13 4/30/19 Global
Accelerating Progress Towards reducing child mortality and improving maternal health in the millennium villages 4/1/07 6/30/13 Africa
Accelerating progress towards reducting child mortality and improving maternal health in the millennium villages 12/1/09 6/30/13 Africa
Access to Justice
Achieving Sustainable Development in the Coffee Sector Global
Active Modular Phytoremediation Systems 12/15/15 12/31/16
Addressing Gaps in Housing Disaster Recovery: A Training Program for the Whole Community 9/1/17 8/31/21 North America
Addressing Legal Support Gaps Around Land-Based Investment
Affordable Healthcare in India Translation Award 10/1/11 7/31/15 Asia
African Soil Information Service (AFSIS) Phase II 11/25/14 10/31/17 Africa
Agricultural Investments under International Investment Law
Agroforestry for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (ABES) Project  5/31/12 5/30/17 North America
Air Pollution and Human Well-Being 7/1/16 6/30/19
Air Pollution from Gas Flaring and Human Capital Outcomes 5/1/17 9/1/20
Aligning Investment Treaties with Sustainable Development Europe
An Education Center for Sustainable Engineering 1/29/07 12/3/10 North America
Anticipatory Analytics for Environmental Stressors 10/1/17 6/30/18 Global
Anticipatory Analytics for Environmental Stressors Phase 2 1/1/19 12/31/20 Global
Arsenic and Immune Response to Influenza Vaccination in Pregnant Women and Newborns 3/1/17 11/30/21 North America
Arsenic Exposure in US Drinking Water: Spatial Patterns, Temporal Trends, and Related Mortalities 9/1/18 8/31/21
Arsenic, Epigenetics and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in American Indian Communities 6/15/15 3/31/20 North America
Asian LNG Trading Hubs: Myth or Reality 5/4/18 Global
Assessing Water-Related Risks in the Mining Sector Global
BRIDGE GRANT: Ensuring Health, Water Security and Livelihoods through Sustainable Agriculture from Field to Tap 7/1/13 12/31/13
Bridging the Gaps between Investment Law and Environmental Policy
Business Case for Transparency North America
CCEP-I: Polar Learning and Responding (PoLAR) Climate Change Education Partnership 9/1/10 8/31/14 Global
Characterizing Global Variability in Groundwater Arsenic 2/19/19 2/18/21 North America
China Sustainable Development Indicator System (CSDIS) Asia
Closing Accountability Loopholes and Ensuring Compensation for Environmental Harm Global
Coastal SEES: Developing High Performance Green Infrastructure Systems to Sustain Coastal Cities 9/16/13 8/31/19 North America
Collaboration between the Asian Development Bank and the Earth Institute; Policies to meet global economic challenges - Asia's perspective 3/21/12 11/30/16 North America
Columbia University Middle East Research Center (CUMERC); Advisory Support for the National Poverty Reduction Strategy and Executive Education in Sustainable Development 1/1/11 4/30/14 Asia
Communities' Redress for Harm Post-Closure, Abandonment, or Divestment
Community Development Requirements: Domestic Laws, Best Practices, and Community Development Agreements Database
Concept Note: Urban Planning and Design Research Study for Maplewood Township 9/1/12 2/28/13 North America
Conceptualizing Economic Linkages to the Resource Sector
Conflict-sensitive Conservation and Livelihoods Generation in the Haramba Queros and proposed Santa Rosa de Huacaria/Palotoa Conservation Concessions of Peru 7/1/12 5/31/14 South America
Consultancy Agreement between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Earth Institute II 6/15/12 6/14/13 Africa
Consultancy Services for Preparation of National Electrification Least Cost Geospatial Rollout Plan 1/14/16 5/28/17 Oceania
Consultancy to support Preparatory Study and Readiness Assessment for Electrification Planning for B 10/18/16 12/31/18 Central America
Health effects and geochemistry of arsenic: Core C- Biogeochemistry Core 5/16/17 3/31/19 North America
Health effects and geochemistry of arsenic: Core F - Research Translation Core 5/16/17 3/31/19 North America
Coupling technology and organizational dynamics to induce energy efficient behavior 1/1/08 12/31/09 North America
Crafting education data visualization policy for Ghana Africa
Create a Foursquare for Development 11/1/13 4/30/15 North America
Critical Minerals for Green Technologies
Cutting Edge ICT : How ICT is Poised to Change the Delivery of Energy Services - a 1.5 Day Event 8/1/17 12/31/18 North America
Decisions from Experience and the Role of Feedback in Environmental Decisions 9/1/12 8/31/14 North America
Developing a Collaborative Approach to Human Rights Impact Assessments
Developing a Global WorldPop Dataset 11/19/15 8/31/18 Global
Development of a business plan for a sustainable mobility initiative 1/1/12 12/31/12 Global
Development of a Parsimonious Set of City-level Environmental Performance Metrics for Jiyuan, Henan, China 1/1/14 6/30/14 Asia
Development of a toolkit for planning universal access to electricity in Latin America and the Caribbean 4/11/16 10/10/16 Central America
Development of Urban Sustainability Indicators: An Integration of Scientific and Participatory Approaches in China 7/1/15 12/31/16 Asia
Development Plan of a Sustainable Water Management Plan for Sakyikrom, Ghana, Africa 1/1/06 12/31/07 Africa
Development of a Masters Level Education in Sustainable Urban Transport 10/1/16 12/31/16 Global
Diagnostic Monitoring of Bio-Geochemical Interactions of a shallow aquifer in response to a CO2 leak 12/1/09 11/30/14 Global
DIP: Interaction Research in Complex Informal Learning Environments (IRCILE) 1/1/12 12/31/15 North America
Direct Green Roof Storm Water Mitigation Measurement at Con Edison Green Roof Facility at 43-82 Vernon Boulevard, Queens, New York 1/1/10 12/31/11 North America
Do Low Oil Prices Undermine US Passenger Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards? 7/19/16 North America
Downstate Regional Energy Technology Accelerator (DRETA) 4/1/16 12/31/18 North America
Downstream Beneficiation of Extractive Resources Oceania
ECOHAB: Linking biogeochemistry to harmful algal bloom nutritional physiology with gene expression analyses: A case study with Aureococcus anophagefferens 1/1/13 8/31/14 North America
Community Economic Recovery from Disasters 10/1/16 3/31/21 North America
Elaboration of a Rural electrifcation Investment Program for Senegal and Preparation of a Prospectus 4/18/16 3/31/18 Africa
Electric Vehicle Charging in China and the United States 2/5/19 Global
Electricity Growth and Use in Developing Economies (e-GUIDE) Center 1/1/19 12/31/21 Global
Emerging-Market MNEs and Sustainable Development
Emissions modeling, Phase III 11/1/11 8/31/12 Global
Employment from Mining Investments in Land for Agriculture
Enabling Resource Contract Transparency
Energy Access and Affordability Voluntary Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean 10/31/18 North America
Energy Programming NYC 3/24/10 3/23/13 North America
Energy/Water Nexus Knowledge Discovery Framework (EWN-KDF) 2/7/17 9/30/18 North America
Enhancing Financial Literacy of Individuals and Businesses for Post-Disaster Recovery 9/1/18 8/31/21 North America
ENI SDSN Energy for all in Sub-Saharan Africa 7/26/13 6/25/17 Africa
Environmental, Social, and Governance Analytics Scoring Application 8/15/13 12/31/14 Global
Estimating and Mapping Population in Off-Grid and Hard to Reach Places 9/7/18 4/30/20 Africa
Evaluating the durability and efficacy of used Olyset Nets Sampled from the Millennium Villages 10/25/11 10/24/12 Africa
Evaluation of the Sustainability Measurement and Reporting System (SMRS) in China 10/1/13 3/31/15 Asia
Exploratory Research for India Direct Farm Impact Evaluation 1/1/13 6/30/14 Asia
Exploring Alternatives to ISDS Global
Exploring STEM Impact and Engagement in Student-Led and Purpose-Driven Projects 9/1/18 6/30/21 North America
Facilitating Combined Heat and Power Projects in New York City 7/1/11 12/31/12 North America
Financing Solar and Wind Power: Insights From Oil and Gas 3/20/17 North America
Fossil Fuel Companies and Climate Change Global
GAF Cool Roofs Monitoring Research 9/4/14 9/3/15
Game Changers for Puerto Plata: Design Scenarios for Urban and Rural Communities 7/1/11 10/31/12 Central America
General Operating Support for the Center for Sustainable Development 11/2/16 10/31/17
Geo-Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3) Education Baseline Africa
Geospatial Energy Infrastructure Planning for Tanzania: Advanced Training and Follow-on Support 10/5/16 6/30/17 Africa
Geospatial Mapping and Least Cost Electrification Planning including an Access Scale- up Program Ren 9/3/12 3/3/14 Asia
Ghana Health Proposal to British Telecom 9/1/15 12/31/18 Africa
Ghana Telemedicine Project Phase II 7/1/13 12/31/17 Africa
GHG of electric vehicles Global
GIS-based Graphical User Interface Tool for Analysis of Solar Thermal Desalination Systems and High Potential Implementation Regions 10/1/18 9/30/21 North America
Global, Local, Coastal: Preparing the Next Generation for a Changing Planet 9/1/15 6/30/19 North America
Governing Land Investments: Do Governments Have Legal Support Gaps
GRID Mapping Portfolio Support 9/1/17 9/30/23 Africa
Guide to Chinese Climate Policy 2019 9/13/19 Asia
Guinea National Electrification Scale-Up 10/24/14 10/23/15 Africa
Haiti National Proposal - Technical Assistance and Analysis 6/1/13 11/20/13 Central America
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic 5/16/17 3/31/20 Asia
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic - Core B 5/16/17 3/31/20 Asia
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic - Project 3 5/16/17 3/31/20 Asia
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese 5/16/17 3/31/20 North America
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese 4/1/19 3/31/20
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese - Administrative Core 6/1/00 3/31/17 Asia
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese - Project No 4 6/1/00 8/14/17
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese- Admin Core 5/16/17 3/31/20
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese- Project 1 5/16/17 3/31/20 Asia
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese-Core A 5/16/17 3/31/20
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese-Core B 5/16/17 3/31/20 North America
Health Vulnerability to Climate Variability in an Urban Setting: Temperature and Air Quality Impacts on Health in New York City 10/3/11 9/30/12 North America
Historicizing Hazard: An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Environmental Learning, Ignorance, and Fear 7/1/11 12/31/12 Global
Home-country Measures Supporting International Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
How International Oil Companies Could Assist Greece to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Conversation Starter Europe
How International Oil Companies Could Assist the Republic of Cyprus to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Conversation Starter Asia
Identifying interventions to promote the production and consumption of healthy and sustainable oils in Myanmar 1/15/16 10/14/16 Asia
If You Build It, Will They Come? The Competitiveness of US LNG in Overseas Markets 11/22/16 Global
IFAD-Universities Win-Win Partnership: Engaging students with IFAD-supported operations 1/28/16 9/30/20 Global
IGERT: Solving Urbanization Challenges by Design – A New PhD Program Between Architecture & Engineering 8/1/09 7/31/16 Global
Improving Climate Services for Resilient Development (CSRD) in Colombia 12/1/16 1/31/19 South America
Improving Early Grade Literacy in Burundi 3/7/19 3/6/20 Africa
IndexAmericas: IDB´s Corporate Sustainability Index 7/9/18 12/31/18 Central America
India Water Tool Version 2 12/1/14 7/31/15 Asia
INFEWS/T1: Understanding Multi-scale Resilience Options for Vulnerable Regions 9/15/16 8/31/20 Africa
Influence of the Transport Transformation on Fossil Fuel Demand
Infrastructure Development and Large-Scale Natural Resource Investments
Innovative Case Studies for Sustainable Development 7/1/13 8/30/14
Innovative Financing Solutions for Legal and Technical Support Communities
Institute for Sustainable Communities: Environment, Health & Safety Training Program Review 12/1/13 1/31/15 Asia
Inter-American Development Bank Case Study 4/26/19 10/31/19 South America
Intra and Inter Building control algorithms and smartgrid communication links to facilitate electricity storage in buildings 1/1/12 12/29/13 Global
Inventment Law and Intra-National Inequality Global
Investment Arbitration and Human Rights
Investment Treaties and Environmetal Protection: Actual and Potential Interactions Global
Issue Brief: Implications of New Oil Sanctions on Iran 3/2/15 Asia
ITAD - SADA Millennium Villages Project External Evaluation 1/27/12 6/30/18 Africa
Land Deal Dilemmas: Grievances, Human Rights, and Investor Protections
Land Investments and Human Rights
Leveraging Investment for Sustainable Development: the Role of Performance Requirements for Technology Transfer
Leveraging Mining-Related Infrastructure Investments for Development (Rails, Port, Power, Water and ICT) Africa
Leveraging Universal Ownership to Achieve SDGs
Liberia Power Sector Capacity Building and Energy Master Planning 12/15/11 8/31/13 Africa
Long Island Sound Mapping - Phase 2 8/1/17 12/31/21 North America
Long Island Sound Mapping - Pilot 6/1/12 9/30/14 North America
Low Oil Prices: An Opportunity for Fuel Subsidy Reform 10/30/15 Global
Managing climate risks to smallholder agriculture in northern Ethiopia: Second phase of evaluation of the R4 program Africa
Mapping the Renewable Energy Sector to the Sustainable Development Goals Global
Mapping Water Infrastructure in the Hudson Valley 2/1/18 8/31/18 North America
Masters of Development Practice 9/1/08 2/28/15
Measuring and Integrating Non-Financial Parameters in Project Decision Making Global
Mexican Energy Reform 6/11/14 Central America
Mining and the Sustainable Development Goals 1/1/16 Global
Model Districts in India: Request for 3 Additional Districts 7/1/11 6/30/16 Asia
Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) plan, monitor and assess implementation for REGAL-IR project Kenya 6/2/13 9/30/17 Africa
Moving Towards 100% Renewable Energy: Drivers Behind City Policies and Pledges 6/1/17 4/24/18 North America
Myanmar Sustainable Development Center 4/1/13 11/15/13 Asia
Myanmar-Support the National Electrification Project (NEP) Investment and Budget planning process 3/13/15 6/30/15 Asia
Neighborhood Green Infrastructure: Planning for climate change adaptation in Harlem’s 125th Street corridor 1/1/08 12/31/10 North America
New Rochelle Urban Design Study 7/1/13 10/31/14 North America
Nigeria Electricity Access Program (NEAP) Technical Assistance (TA) 6/10/14 6/30/15 Africa
Nigeria Electricity Access Program (NEAP-2) - Technical Assistance (TA) 8/25/15 6/30/16 Africa
NSF INCLUDES Early Engagement in Research: key to long-term STEM retention 10/1/16 9/30/21 North America
Ocean ecosystem resiliency-knowledge for a sustainable future 1/1/17 12/31/21 North America
One Million Community Health Workers Campaign 7/1/13 8/31/13 Africa
Papua New Guinea - Toward Development of a National Electricity Roll-Out Plan 7/12/13 12/31/13 Oceania
People Building Better Cities: Participation and Inclusive Urbanization 10/1/12 1/4/14 Global
Philanthropy and Society 9/1/17 9/1/18 North America
Planning Grant for the Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) Phase II 5/30/13 1/15/15 Africa
Pollution Reduction and Job Creation in China, Lessons from the U.S 12/1/15 Asia
Power of the River: Introducing the Global Dam Tracker (GDAT) 11/19/18 Global
Preparing of Myanmar National Electrification Least cost Geospatial Planning (grind and off grind) 11/5/13 3/12/15 Asia
Program on Child Well-being and Resilience 6/30/14 6/30/17 North America
Health effects and geochemistry of arsenic: Project 4: The Resilience of Low Arsenic Aquifers and their Role in Reducing Human Exposure 5/16/17 3/31/19 Asia
Promoting Sustainable Tourism in Huizhou, China 9/1/15 3/11/16 Asia
Promotion of Smart Solar Irrigation Systems in West Africa 8/7/18 8/31/20 Africa
Public Transport Advocacy for Nairobi 2/1/17 6/30/18 Africa
Quantifying the climate and health benefits of improved cookstoves: and intergrated laboratory, field and modeling study 1/1/14 8/31/16 Global
Quantifying the fundamental behavior of green roofs in an urban environment 7/1/09 6/30/13 North America
Quantifying the Quantity and Quality of Runoff from Urban Green Roofs 1/1/10 12/31/13 North America
Railroads, Utilities, and Free Parking: What the Evolution of Transport Monopolies Tells Us About the Power Network of the Future 11/1/16 North America
RCN-SEES: Network for Utilization of Social Science Research on Sustainability and Energy (NUSSRoSE) 1/1/12 10/31/14 North America
Reimagining Nairobi: A Policy Network Approach 1/1/14 6/30/16 Africa
Renewal: General Operating Support for the Center for Sustainable Development 1/29/18 1/31/21
Research and Development for Sustainability Education in China 11/30/18 10/31/23 Asia
Research Series on New Trends in and Development Impacts of International Investment Law
Research to Engage Religious Communities in Sustainable Development - Climate Change and Sustainable 9/1/14 12/31/17
Researching Transparency
Reserve Base Lending and the Outlook for Shale Oil and Gas Finance 5/3/17 North America
Resolving the effects of resource availability, predation and competition on brown tide dynamics using metatranscriptomics 9/1/15 8/31/19 Long Island Sound
Resource for Infrastructure Deals Africa
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Cutting-Edge Research though the Analysis of Global Data 4/1/18 3/31/21 North America
Rural Electricity Supply: Commodity or Entitlement? 6/21/19 Asia
Rural Energy Plan subaward- Network Expansion Inputs Development of the rural Energy Master Plan 7/1/15 5/1/16 Africa
Science-Based Policy Innovation and Implementation for the MDGs 10/1/06 12/31/11 Africa
Scoping Study: Design Options for a Global Sustainable Farming Data Clearinghouse 10/14/13 4/30/14 Global
Subgrant to support the Annual World Happiness Report 1/30/17 11/30/19
SDSN-Earth Institute Ericsson collaboration on ICT for Post-2015 Sustainable Development 1/1/15 6/15/16 North America
Slow Steaming to 2020: Innovation and Inertia in Marine Transport and Fuels 8/10/17 Global
Smart building demand response with battery storage and curtailment 4/1/15 10/31/19 North America
Smart Transport and Equity: A Nairobi Test Case 8/1/12 2/28/14 Africa
Solar Together: A Proposal 4/26/16 Asia
Some Future Scenarios of Russian Natural Gas in Europe 6/20/16 Europe
Source attribution using satelite products and models to inform air quality planning and health accountability 8/11/16 8/10/20 North America
Stakeholder Engagement through the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) 9/17/12 3/31/14 Global
Strategic Community Partnerships, Philanthropy, and Nongovernmental Organizations 11/1/18 11/1/19 North America
Strategic framework on policies, partnerships and preparedness to advance Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals 12/1/16 7/31/17 Asia
Strengthening Education for Northeast Nigeria (SENSE) 4/1/19 3/31/22 Africa
Strengthening Environmental-STEM Impact and Identity in Elementary After-School Programs 3/25/19 7/15/20 North America
SuSCheM: Environmentally Sustainable Pathways forExtracting Valuable Elements from Electronic Wastes 9/1/17 8/31/19 Global
Sustainability Indicators 9/1/15 1/31/17 Africa
Sustainability Metrics Global
Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy 1/27/15 Global
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) 11/1/15 10/31/17 North America
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Financing Sustainable Development 11/9/15 1/8/16 Europe
Sustainable Development Solutions Network partnership with USAID to take solutions to scale 9/1/14 12/1/14
Sustainable Development Solutions Network -Proposal for GIZ 9/1/13 6/30/15
Sustainable Energy in Haiti: Hydrology and Meterology Program 5/30/13 12/31/16 Central America
Sustainable Financing for Urban Public Transport in China-Policy Study 1/1/14 6/30/16 Asia
TA-7512 REG: Empowering the Poor through Increasing Access to Energy-Development of GIS-Based Decision 11/14/14 3/15/16 Asia
The Accra Millennium Cities Initiative 1/1/09 12/31/11 Africa
The achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Sub-Saharan African Countries and Beyond technologies and tools 11/1/11 12/31/16 Africa
The African Millennium Village Initiative (Phase 2) 1/1/08 6/30/11 Africa
The Energy Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals Global
The Food Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals Global
The Future of Nuclear Energy - A Three-Part Series 3/31/17 Global
The Impact of Low Oil Prices on Algeria 10/12/16 Asia
The New Geopolitics of Energy 9/15/15 North America
The Paris Agreement and Market Signals: A Survey 11/17/16
The Politics of Free, Prior and Informed Consent
The Role of Green Infrastructure in Resilience to Urban Flooding 7/18/13 7/17/16
The Role of Natural Gas in Europe's Electricity Sector Through 2030 8/7/18 Europe
The Role of US Shale in European Energy Security and Trade 2/25/16 Asia
The Sustainable City 11/21/17 Global
The Sustainable Human Development Project (SHD) 9/1/14 9/30/16 Global
The US Shale Gas Revolution and Its Impact on Qatar's Position in Gas Markets 3/26/15 Asia
Three Cairns Climate Fellowship 2018 1/1/18 4/30/18 North America
Three Cairns Climate Fellowship 2019 9/4/18 5/6/19 North America
Towards A Global Flood & Flash Flood Early Warning Early Action System Driven by NASA Earth Observatory 12/26/17 12/25/21 South America
Towards a New Indian Model of ICT-Led Growth and Development 7/1/18 6/30/23 Asia
Training Solutions: Transitioning Disaster Survivors from Temporary to Permanent Housing 9/1/18 8/31/21 North America
Transatlantic Sanctions Policy: From the 1982 Soviet Gas Pipeline Episode to Today 3/22/19 Europe
Tropical Laboratory Initiative 12/10/17 12/1/19
ULTRA-Ex: Exploring Linkages among Ecosystem Services, Public Health, and the Green Area Factor in New York City 8/1/10 1/31/14 North America
Urban Heritage, Sustainability, and Social Inclusion: A Preservation Policy Initiative 12/6/16 12/31/21
VREF Workshop 2014: Transforming Access and Mobility in Cities - Turning Knowledge into Action 9/5/14 5/31/15
Water Risk and Sustainability: Managing Water Risks through the Supply Chain 2/1/11 8/31/16 Global
Water-Agriculture-Livelihood Security in India 6/1/12 5/31/17 Asia
Whitaker Peace & Development Initiative 3/25/16 12/31/17 Global
Yuva Nestham Girls Empowerment Program 3/1/19 6/1/20 Asia
REACH: Using Technology to Increase Health Literacy and Health Care Access for Refugees in Turkiye, Lebanon, and Jordan 8/1/19 6/30/23 Europe
Innovative Disaster Recovery Strategies for Interim and Permanent Housing Construction 9/30/19 9/30/22 North America
The Sustaining Peace Project 1/1/15 12/31/25 Global
The Difficult Conversations Lab Global
Bilateral international migration flow estimates for 200 countries 1/1/15 1/1/19 Global
Cities and climate change 1/1/17 1/1/19 Global
Projecting age-specific international migration flows using cohort-component methods 1/1/17 Global
Capacitating African Stakeholders with Climate Advisories and Insurance Development (CASCAID) II Africa
Groundworks Hudson Valley North America
Index Insurance for Agricultural Sector in Central America Central America
NASA DEVELOP National Program North America
PRISM 9/1/19 8/31/21 North America
Sustainability Framework and Data Management in Chile 5/28/19 5/27/20 South America
Distribution, Transport, and Fate of Microplastics and Associated Pollutants in the Lower Hudson River and Waterways around New York City 7/1/19 6/30/22 North America
Adaptive Cropland Nutrient-Cycle Management at Scale 1/1/19 12/31/19
Taking Maize Agronomy to Scale in Africa (TAMASA) 9/1/19 2/1/20 Africa
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese 9/13/19 3/31/20
Exercises to Support Microgrid and Smart Cities Planning 1/13/20 6/30/20
Provision of Index Insurance and Risk Transfer Services for R4 Rural Resilience Initiative in Mozambique 7/30/19 5/31/20 Africa
RAPID: Examining How Access to Green Space Impacts Subjective Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic 7/1/20 6/30/21 North America
New York Sustainable Water Fellowship with the Water Centre at Columbia University 6/10/19 9/30/20 North America
An Open Data Resource Center for Inclusive Urban Transport: Latin America Branch 3/29/19 10/31/19 Central America
Mapping for Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 12/1/19 11/30/22 Africa
Measuring the Rate of Isoniazid Mono-Resistance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Kazakhstan 9/20/19 12/31/20 Asia
Ag Out – An Enhanced IMERG-based Agricultural Outlook System to Support Food Security and Agriculture in the Developing World 4/1/19 3/31/21
Collaborative Research: Estuarine Metabolism and Gas Exchange Determined from Dissolved Oxygen Time Series: Method Development, Field Evaluation, and Application to Historical Data 1/1/20 12/31/22
Collaborative Research: Exploring the Linkages between Sea-Level Change, Sediment Transport and Geomorphology on Coastal Freshwater Water Sequestration 7/15/19 6/30/21 North America
Modeling Fecal Indicator Bacteria Persistence in Turbid Rivers Using Satellite Data 9/1/19 8/31/21
Using Multi-Satellite Observations to Analyze Ground-Level Ozone Sensitivity to NOx and VOC Precursor Emissions, from Urban to Global Scales 9/1/18 8/31/20 Global
Crowd-Sourced Traffic Data: Predicting Air Pollution & Acute Ischemic Stroke 7/1/19 6/30/22
AgMIP Adaptation Teams Start-Up – A CLARE Transition Activity 1/1/20 7/1/21 Africa
Using Earth Observations and Statistical Models to Enhance Drought, Food Security, and Agricultural Outlooks in Eastern and Southern Africa 11/1/19 10/31/21 Africa
Executive Sustainability Training Workshop for the Inter-American Development Bank 1/15/20 2/29/20 North America
Enhancing the impact of well testing for fluoride with skits and songs in rural India 1/1/20 12/31/21 Asia
Zinc Isotope Constraints on Zinc Availability in Soil-Crop System combating Zinc Deficieny 1/1/20 12/31/21 Asia
Community-Based Environmental Impact Tracking for Bauxite Mining in Guinea 1/1/20 12/31/21 Africa
Exploring the Potential of Minibus Electrification in Three African Cities 1/1/20 7/30/21 Africa
Addressing Environmental Challenges Through the Law 2/28/20 12/1/20 Global
Climate Action Reports 3/20/19 4/30/20 Global
Electric Sector Resilience 9/3/19 9/30/20 Global
Environmental Rule of Law: Advancing Justice, Governance and Law For Environmental Sustainability 11/16/16 3/15/17 Global
Mitigation-Based Rationale for Increased Coal Charges 8/5/16 10/7/16 Global
Reforming the National Flood Insurance Program 10/10/17 10/9/18 North America
The Cities Climate Law Initiative 4/1/19 3/31/21 North America
Is China Still a Developing Country? And Why It Matters for Energy and Climate 7/23/20 Asia
UNEP FI TCFD Insurer Pilot Group Project 2/24/20 11/30/20 Global
Environmental Rule of Law: Advancing Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability 9/1/15 11/30/15 Global
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Paper 10/30/17 1/31/20 North America
Model Municipal Ordinances on Climate Change North America
RMI/Columbia Law School Conference on Legal Issues Faced by Threatened Island Nations Global
Sabin Colloquium of Innovative Environmental Law Scholarship Global
Threatened Island Nations Conference North America
Sustainable Development and Peace: the Complexities of Land Tenure and Reconstruction in Haiti 2/1/17 11/1/17 North America
Valuing Sustainable Alternative Livelihoods in Madre de Dios, Peru 1/1/17 12/31/17 South America
UNDP Platform Assessment 1/1/20 Global
Conflict Management through Collaborative Governance in Amarakaeri Communal Reserve, Peru 1/1/14 11/1/18 South America
Narratives of Human Security 10/1/19 South America
Social Labs in Medellin 5/1/18 11/30/19 South America
Urban Violence Prevention 1/1/17 11/30/17 South America
Youth, Peace, and Security Leadership Program 6/1/19
Nuclear Decision-Making in Iran: Implications for US Nonproliferation Efforts 8/6/20 Asia
Strengthening Nuclear Energy Cooperation between the United States and its Allies 7/28/20 Global
Eco-social interactions influencing human exposure to ticks and the Lyme disease agent in anthropogenic landscapes 9/1/19 2/28/23 North America
Updating New York State ClimAID Projections Using CMIP6 Models 5/1/20 4/30/21
DigitalTransport4Africa Project 1/15/20 3/31/20 Africa
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Rapid Production of Geospatial Network Inputs for Spatially Explicit Epidemiologic Modeling of COVID-19 in the USA 6/1/20 5/31/21 North America
Collaborative Research: Network Hub: Enabling, Supporting, and Communicating Critical Zone Research 9/1/20 8/31/25
Collaborative Research: AccelNet: Clean Air Monitoring and Solutions Network (CAMS-Net) 1/1/21 12/31/25 Global
PPFA COVID-19 Preliminary AfterAction Analysis 7/1/20 6/30/22 North America
Multi-Breadbasket Failures and Shocks to Food Systems: AgMIP Simulations 8/20/20 12/31/22 Global
Forging a Path Forward on US Nuclear Waste Management: Option for Policy Makers 1/28/21 North America
Cascading impact of Covid-19: Re-Shaping Staple Food Value Chains in Zimbabwe (COVID19-AFS) 9/1/20 4/1/21 Africa
Support for EPA's Activities - Examining Sectoral Impacts of Climate Change and Linking Observations and Projections 4/27/20 4/9/21
Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Internet of Samples: Toward an Interdisciplinary Cyberinfrastructure for Material Samples 8/15/20 7/31/24
The Financial Ecosystem: The Role of Finance in Achieving Sustainability 12/1/19 Global
Designing and Administering Custom Housing Programs for State, Tribal, and Territorial Governments 9/1/20 8/31/23 North America
Early Grade Learning Project (PAADESCO-Shishikara) 3/7/19 12/31/20 Africa
Support the Regional Framework Agreements (RFA) on Air Pollution in Africa with a focus on East Africa 9/30/20 9/30/23 Africa
Index Insurance for Risk Transfer - Mozambique, Maputo 9/11/20 6/30/21 Africa
Multi-seasonal assessment of human wellbeing, social resilience, and ecosystems in NYC during and after the Covid-19 pandemic 1/1/21 12/31/22 North America
Community Mental Health Toolkit for Environmental Justice and Climate Change 1/1/21 12/31/22 Global
Heating Energy Modeling with Breakthrough Energy 10/1/20 9/30/22 North America
Food and Climate Change InfoGuide 5/3/21 Global
Clean Air Catalyst: A Global Partnership for Accelerating Clean Air Solutions 8/3/20 5/31/25 Asia
Refugees Act and Communicate for Health (REACH): Using Technology to Increase Health Literacy and Health Care Access for Refugees in Turkey 12/28/20 12/27/21 Asia
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Consumer Products (under development) 1/1/20 Global
Protected Area Management & Natural Resource Governance: Exploring Pathways for Environmental Sustainability & Peacebuilding 2/1/21 3/31/21 Global
Energy Reform in Paraguay 6/1/20 8/26/21 South America
RSFO - CCRUN - Resilience of small and medium businesses in coastal communities in the New York - New Jersey metropolitan region 4/12/21 8/31/21 North America
Community Partnerships and Philanthropy 3/1/21 3/1/22 Global
Support the development of a consolidated data portal and analytics dashboard for the ATA horticulture ACCs 4/21/20 9/30/21
Collaborative Research: Global Agricultural Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Climate Intervention 4/1/21 9/30/22 Global
Evaluating Net-Zero Industrial Hubs in the United States: A Case Study of Houston 6/30/21 North America
Will COVID Drive an Early Peak in Transportation Activity and Oil Demand? 6/1/21 Global
Calibration of Crop Growth Models in Asia 6/1/21 4/15/22 Asia
Data Driven Disaster Planning in New York, Tokyo, and Taipei 4/20/21 3/1/22 Global
Sustainable Business Practices in the Food Sector: Business in Action, Phase 2 of Fixing the Business Food Project 6/1/21 12/1/21 Global
Refined Integration of Remote Sensing with Biological Parameters for Improved Management of LIS Water Quality/Long Island Sound Study 2018-2022 10/1/20 9/30/21 North America
Accounting for the Health Benefits of Air Pollution Regulations in China, 2008-2020 6/1/20 5/31/21 Asia
Mobile Laboratory Measurements of Methane, Ethane, and Co-pollutants from Landfills, Oil and Gas Systems and Other Sources in New York State 1/21/21 7/1/24 North America
Secondary School Field Research Program: Engaging NYC Students in Local Field Research 7/1/17 6/30/23 North America
Understanding Methane Changes in Cities Affected by COVID-19 Shutdowns 9/9/21 8/31/22
BIOSCape-Mapping of phytoplankton functional types from space in support of coastal resource management and decision support activities 6/1/22 5/1/25 Indian Ocean
GLIMR: A hyperspectral geostationary sensor for measurement of dynamic coastal ecosystem and carbon cycle processes 5/1/21 1/1/27 Atlantic Ocean
RAPID: Assessing the Response of the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge Ecosystem to an Indian Ocean Dipole Event 3/1/20 2/1/23 Indian Ocean
Bio-Optical Monitoring and Evaluation System (BIOMES) for improving satellite estimates of Ocean Net Primary Production for Carbon Cycling and Climate Change studies 12/1/19 11/1/22 Global
Decision and Information System for the Coastal waters of Oman (DISCO) - An integrative tool for managing coastal resources under changing climate 5/1/17 4/1/23 Asia
Collaborative Research: NNA Research: Rapid Arctic change and its implications for fisheries and fishing communities of the western North Atlantic 1/1/23 12/1/23 North America
Ecological and sociodemographic determinants and impacts of urbanization and restoration on intertwined urban-wetland-estuarine systems 7/1/17 7/1/22 North America
Development of a Prototype Kenya Ocean Monitoring and Decision Support System for Sustainable Coastal Resource Management under Climate Change 6/1/22 8/1/24 Africa
Mixotrophy in the Oceans – Novel Experimental designs and Tools for a new trophic paradigm (MixONET) (SCOR Working Group 165) 1/1/21 8/1/24 Global
Addressing Gaps in Community Sheltering and Relocation Assistance: A Mass Care Training Program for the Whole Community 9/1/21 8/31/24 North America
COVID-19: GRID3 Microplanning Support Country Expansion 11/16/21 12/31/22 Global
For the Initiative on Communication and Sustainability to Communicate the Role of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Protecting Forests and Mitigating Climate Change 9/1/21 8/31/22 Global
Global Health Facility Database Initiative 12/30/21 12/31/22 Africa
Columbia University Climate School Social Impact Certification Program 1/19/22 6/30/24 North America
Scenario based Testing of Processes for Importation of Humanitarian Aid in Response to Natural Disasters and Health Crises - Madagascar 12/1/21 12/31/22 Africa
Bringing Sustainability Innovation into Routine Organizational Management: Philips China Case Study 10/21/21 4/20/22 Asia
Governing the Digital Data Commons: How to Sustain Digital Transport 4 Africa 9/1/21 6/30/22 Africa
Interconnected Pathways to Development 9/1/21 8/31/24 Global
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA Project) 2/4/21 12/31/21 Africa
Development of Cloud Computing and Machine Learning Tools to Identify Combined Heat and Flood Exposure Worldwide 3/15/22 3/14/23 North America
GRID3: Phase 2 Scaling 9/1/23 6/30/25 Africa
Modeling Future Mobility for the Greater Caribbean Climate Mobility Initiative (GCCMI) 6/7/23 3/31/24
NYC Town+Gown: Climate Vulnerability, Impact, and Adaptation Analysis 8/1/22 1/31/24 North America
When Rainfall Meets Hunger in Guatemala 8/1/22 12/31/22
USAID Municipal Waste Recycling Program Proposed SOW for CSUD Earth Institute 5/15/18 10/30/20
New York State Sustainable Water Project 6/10/19 9/30/20
Zero Dose Child Vaccination Project of the Equity Acceleration Fund 2/1/24 6/30/25 Africa