Advanced Peak Demand Forecast and Battery Dispatch Algorithms to Integrate Storage-Based Demand Response with Building Automation Systems |
6/15/15 |
8/31/17 |
North America
(Energy II) Earth Institute Advisory Project Government of Paraguay |
1/15/13 |
7/31/13 |
South America
(Energy) Earth Institute Advisory project Government of Paraguay |
12/1/12 |
7/31/13 |
South America
Developing a strategy for integrated rural development in the mining communities of Geita |
1/1/12 |
9/30/13 |
(SIGUIRI-Niang) Developing a strategy for integrated rural development in mining communities |
1/1/12 |
9/30/13 |
A Framework For The Validation of Global Nighttime Environmental Products |
9/1/17 |
8/31/20 |
North America
A Global Map of Feasible Residential Solutions-emphasizing Stoves with space Heating Uses |
3/1/14 |
12/31/18 |
A Method to Quantify the Social Impact of Investments in Publicly-Traded Emerging Markets Equities |
4/1/19 |
3/31/20 |
A Regulatory, Operational and Commercial Framework for the Utilization of Associated Petroleum Gas |
A Symbiotic Agent-Based Network Platform Linking Expert Knowledge and Machine Learning for Systemic Risk Mitigation |
12/1/18 |
2/28/22 |
A Time Series of Sea Surface Nitrate and Nitrate Based New Production in the Global Oceans |
5/1/13 |
4/30/19 |
Accelerating Progress Towards reducing child mortality and improving maternal health in the millennium villages |
4/1/07 |
6/30/13 |
Accelerating progress towards reducting child mortality and improving maternal health in the millennium villages |
12/1/09 |
6/30/13 |
Access to Justice |
Achieving Sustainable Development in the Coffee Sector |
Active Modular Phytoremediation Systems |
12/15/15 |
12/31/16 |
Addressing Gaps in Housing Disaster Recovery: A Training Program for the Whole Community |
9/1/17 |
8/31/21 |
North America
Addressing Legal Support Gaps Around Land-Based Investment |
Affordable Healthcare in India Translation Award |
10/1/11 |
7/31/15 |
African Soil Information Service (AFSIS) Phase II |
11/25/14 |
10/31/17 |
Agricultural Investments under International Investment Law |
Agroforestry for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (ABES) Project |
5/31/12 |
5/30/17 |
North America
Air Pollution and Human Well-Being |
7/1/16 |
6/30/19 |
Air Pollution from Gas Flaring and Human Capital Outcomes |
5/1/17 |
9/1/20 |
Aligning Investment Treaties with Sustainable Development |
An Education Center for Sustainable Engineering |
1/29/07 |
12/3/10 |
North America
Anticipatory Analytics for Environmental Stressors |
10/1/17 |
6/30/18 |
Anticipatory Analytics for Environmental Stressors Phase 2 |
1/1/19 |
12/31/20 |
Arsenic and Immune Response to Influenza Vaccination in Pregnant Women and Newborns |
3/1/17 |
11/30/21 |
North America
Arsenic Exposure in US Drinking Water: Spatial Patterns, Temporal Trends, and Related Mortalities |
9/1/18 |
8/31/21 |
Arsenic, Epigenetics and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in American Indian Communities |
6/15/15 |
3/31/20 |
North America
Asian LNG Trading Hubs: Myth or Reality |
5/4/18 |
Assessing Water-Related Risks in the Mining Sector |
BRIDGE GRANT: Ensuring Health, Water Security and Livelihoods through Sustainable Agriculture from Field to Tap |
7/1/13 |
12/31/13 |
Bridging the Gaps between Investment Law and Environmental Policy |
Business Case for Transparency |
North America
CCEP-I: Polar Learning and Responding (PoLAR) Climate Change Education Partnership |
9/1/10 |
8/31/14 |
Characterizing Global Variability in Groundwater Arsenic |
2/19/19 |
2/18/21 |
North America
China Sustainable Development Indicator System (CSDIS) |
Closing Accountability Loopholes and Ensuring Compensation for Environmental Harm |
Coastal SEES: Developing High Performance Green Infrastructure Systems to Sustain Coastal Cities |
9/16/13 |
8/31/19 |
North America
Collaboration between the Asian Development Bank and the Earth Institute; Policies to meet global economic challenges - Asia's perspective |
3/21/12 |
11/30/16 |
North America
Columbia University Middle East Research Center (CUMERC); Advisory Support for the National Poverty Reduction Strategy and Executive Education in Sustainable Development |
1/1/11 |
4/30/14 |
Communities' Redress for Harm Post-Closure, Abandonment, or Divestment |
Community Development Requirements: Domestic Laws, Best Practices, and Community Development Agreements Database |
Concept Note: Urban Planning and Design Research Study for Maplewood Township |
9/1/12 |
2/28/13 |
North America
Conceptualizing Economic Linkages to the Resource Sector |
Conflict-sensitive Conservation and Livelihoods Generation in the Haramba Queros and proposed Santa Rosa de Huacaria/Palotoa Conservation Concessions of Peru |
7/1/12 |
5/31/14 |
South America
Consultancy Agreement between the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Earth Institute II |
6/15/12 |
6/14/13 |
Consultancy Services for Preparation of National Electrification Least Cost Geospatial Rollout Plan |
1/14/16 |
5/28/17 |
Consultancy to support Preparatory Study and Readiness Assessment for Electrification Planning for B |
10/18/16 |
12/31/18 |
Central America
Health effects and geochemistry of arsenic: Core C- Biogeochemistry Core |
5/16/17 |
3/31/19 |
North America
Health effects and geochemistry of arsenic: Core F - Research Translation Core |
5/16/17 |
3/31/19 |
North America
Coupling technology and organizational dynamics to induce energy efficient behavior |
1/1/08 |
12/31/09 |
North America
Crafting education data visualization policy for Ghana |
Create a Foursquare for Development |
11/1/13 |
4/30/15 |
North America
Critical Minerals for Green Technologies |
Cutting Edge ICT : How ICT is Poised to Change the Delivery of Energy Services - a 1.5 Day Event |
8/1/17 |
12/31/18 |
North America
Decisions from Experience and the Role of Feedback in Environmental Decisions |
9/1/12 |
8/31/14 |
North America
Developing a Collaborative Approach to Human Rights Impact Assessments |
Developing a Global WorldPop Dataset |
11/19/15 |
8/31/18 |
Development of a business plan for a sustainable mobility initiative |
1/1/12 |
12/31/12 |
Development of a Parsimonious Set of City-level Environmental Performance Metrics for Jiyuan, Henan, China |
1/1/14 |
6/30/14 |
Development of a toolkit for planning universal access to electricity in Latin America and the Caribbean |
4/11/16 |
10/10/16 |
Central America
Development of Urban Sustainability Indicators: An Integration of Scientific and Participatory Approaches in China |
7/1/15 |
12/31/16 |
Development Plan of a Sustainable Water Management Plan for Sakyikrom, Ghana, Africa |
1/1/06 |
12/31/07 |
Development of a Masters Level Education in Sustainable Urban Transport |
10/1/16 |
12/31/16 |
Diagnostic Monitoring of Bio-Geochemical Interactions of a shallow aquifer in response to a CO2 leak |
12/1/09 |
11/30/14 |
DIP: Interaction Research in Complex Informal Learning Environments (IRCILE) |
1/1/12 |
12/31/15 |
North America
Direct Green Roof Storm Water Mitigation Measurement at Con Edison Green Roof Facility at 43-82 Vernon Boulevard, Queens, New York |
1/1/10 |
12/31/11 |
North America
Do Low Oil Prices Undermine US Passenger Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards? |
7/19/16 |
North America
Downstate Regional Energy Technology Accelerator (DRETA) |
4/1/16 |
12/31/18 |
North America
Downstream Beneficiation of Extractive Resources |
ECOHAB: Linking biogeochemistry to harmful algal bloom nutritional physiology with gene expression analyses: A case study with Aureococcus anophagefferens |
1/1/13 |
8/31/14 |
North America
Community Economic Recovery from Disasters |
10/1/16 |
3/31/21 |
North America
Elaboration of a Rural electrifcation Investment Program for Senegal and Preparation of a Prospectus |
4/18/16 |
3/31/18 |
Electric Vehicle Charging in China and the United States |
2/5/19 |
Electricity Growth and Use in Developing Economies (e-GUIDE) Center |
1/1/19 |
12/31/21 |
Emerging-Market MNEs and Sustainable Development |
Emissions modeling, Phase III |
11/1/11 |
8/31/12 |
Employment from Mining Investments in Land for Agriculture |
Enabling Resource Contract Transparency |
Energy Access and Affordability Voluntary Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean |
10/31/18 |
North America
Energy Programming NYC |
3/24/10 |
3/23/13 |
North America
Energy/Water Nexus Knowledge Discovery Framework (EWN-KDF) |
2/7/17 |
9/30/18 |
North America
Enhancing Financial Literacy of Individuals and Businesses for Post-Disaster Recovery |
9/1/18 |
8/31/21 |
North America
ENI SDSN Energy for all in Sub-Saharan Africa |
7/26/13 |
6/25/17 |
Environmental, Social, and Governance Analytics Scoring Application |
8/15/13 |
12/31/14 |
Estimating and Mapping Population in Off-Grid and Hard to Reach Places |
9/7/18 |
4/30/20 |
Evaluating the durability and efficacy of used Olyset Nets Sampled from the Millennium Villages |
10/25/11 |
10/24/12 |
Evaluation of the Sustainability Measurement and Reporting System (SMRS) in China |
10/1/13 |
3/31/15 |
Exploratory Research for India Direct Farm Impact Evaluation |
1/1/13 |
6/30/14 |
Exploring Alternatives to ISDS |
Exploring STEM Impact and Engagement in Student-Led and Purpose-Driven Projects |
9/1/18 |
6/30/21 |
North America
Facilitating Combined Heat and Power Projects in New York City |
7/1/11 |
12/31/12 |
North America
Financing Solar and Wind Power: Insights From Oil and Gas |
3/20/17 |
North America
Fossil Fuel Companies and Climate Change |
GAF Cool Roofs Monitoring Research |
9/4/14 |
9/3/15 |
Game Changers for Puerto Plata: Design Scenarios for Urban and Rural Communities |
7/1/11 |
10/31/12 |
Central America
General Operating Support for the Center for Sustainable Development |
11/2/16 |
10/31/17 |
Geo-Referenced Infrastructure and Demographic Data for Development (GRID3) Education Baseline |
Geospatial Energy Infrastructure Planning for Tanzania: Advanced Training and Follow-on Support |
10/5/16 |
6/30/17 |
Geospatial Mapping and Least Cost Electrification Planning including an Access Scale- up Program Ren |
9/3/12 |
3/3/14 |
Ghana Health Proposal to British Telecom |
9/1/15 |
12/31/18 |
Ghana Telemedicine Project Phase II |
7/1/13 |
12/31/17 |
GHG of electric vehicles |
GIS-based Graphical User Interface Tool for Analysis of Solar Thermal Desalination Systems and High Potential Implementation Regions |
10/1/18 |
9/30/21 |
North America
Global, Local, Coastal: Preparing the Next Generation for a Changing Planet |
9/1/15 |
6/30/19 |
North America
Governing Land Investments: Do Governments Have Legal Support Gaps |
GRID Mapping Portfolio Support |
9/1/17 |
9/30/23 |
Guide to Chinese Climate Policy 2019 |
9/13/19 |
Guinea National Electrification Scale-Up |
10/24/14 |
10/23/15 |
Haiti National Proposal - Technical Assistance and Analysis |
6/1/13 |
11/20/13 |
Central America
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic |
5/16/17 |
3/31/20 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic - Core B |
5/16/17 |
3/31/20 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic - Project 3 |
5/16/17 |
3/31/20 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese |
5/16/17 |
3/31/20 |
North America
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese |
4/1/19 |
3/31/20 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese - Administrative Core |
6/1/00 |
3/31/17 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese - Project No 4 |
6/1/00 |
8/14/17 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese- Admin Core |
5/16/17 |
3/31/20 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese- Project 1 |
5/16/17 |
3/31/20 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese-Core A |
5/16/17 |
3/31/20 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese-Core B |
5/16/17 |
3/31/20 |
North America
Health Vulnerability to Climate Variability in an Urban Setting: Temperature and Air Quality Impacts on Health in New York City |
10/3/11 |
9/30/12 |
North America
Historicizing Hazard: An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Environmental Learning, Ignorance, and Fear |
7/1/11 |
12/31/12 |
Home-country Measures Supporting International Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation |
How International Oil Companies Could Assist Greece to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Conversation Starter |
How International Oil Companies Could Assist the Republic of Cyprus to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Conversation Starter |
Identifying interventions to promote the production and consumption of healthy and sustainable oils in Myanmar |
1/15/16 |
10/14/16 |
If You Build It, Will They Come? The Competitiveness of US LNG in Overseas Markets |
11/22/16 |
IFAD-Universities Win-Win Partnership: Engaging students with IFAD-supported operations |
1/28/16 |
9/30/20 |
IGERT: Solving Urbanization Challenges by Design – A New PhD Program Between Architecture & Engineering |
8/1/09 |
7/31/16 |
Improving Climate Services for Resilient Development (CSRD) in Colombia |
12/1/16 |
1/31/19 |
South America
Improving Early Grade Literacy in Burundi |
3/7/19 |
3/6/20 |
IndexAmericas: IDB´s Corporate Sustainability Index |
7/9/18 |
12/31/18 |
Central America
India Water Tool Version 2 |
12/1/14 |
7/31/15 |
INFEWS/T1: Understanding Multi-scale Resilience Options for Vulnerable Regions |
9/15/16 |
8/31/20 |
Influence of the Transport Transformation on Fossil Fuel Demand |
Infrastructure Development and Large-Scale Natural Resource Investments |
Innovative Case Studies for Sustainable Development |
7/1/13 |
8/30/14 |
Innovative Financing Solutions for Legal and Technical Support Communities |
Institute for Sustainable Communities: Environment, Health & Safety Training Program Review |
12/1/13 |
1/31/15 |
Inter-American Development Bank Case Study |
4/26/19 |
10/31/19 |
South America
Intra and Inter Building control algorithms and smartgrid communication links to facilitate electricity storage in buildings |
1/1/12 |
12/29/13 |
Inventment Law and Intra-National Inequality |
Investment Arbitration and Human Rights |
Investment Treaties and Environmetal Protection: Actual and Potential Interactions |
Issue Brief: Implications of New Oil Sanctions on Iran |
3/2/15 |
ITAD - SADA Millennium Villages Project External Evaluation |
1/27/12 |
6/30/18 |
Land Deal Dilemmas: Grievances, Human Rights, and Investor Protections |
Land Investments and Human Rights |
Leveraging Investment for Sustainable Development: the Role of Performance Requirements for Technology Transfer |
Leveraging Mining-Related Infrastructure Investments for Development (Rails, Port, Power, Water and ICT) |
Leveraging Universal Ownership to Achieve SDGs |
Liberia Power Sector Capacity Building and Energy Master Planning |
12/15/11 |
8/31/13 |
Long Island Sound Mapping - Phase 2 |
8/1/17 |
12/31/21 |
North America
Long Island Sound Mapping - Pilot |
6/1/12 |
9/30/14 |
North America
Low Oil Prices: An Opportunity for Fuel Subsidy Reform |
10/30/15 |
Managing climate risks to smallholder agriculture in northern Ethiopia: Second phase of evaluation of the R4 program |
Mapping the Renewable Energy Sector to the Sustainable Development Goals |
Mapping Water Infrastructure in the Hudson Valley |
2/1/18 |
8/31/18 |
North America
Masters of Development Practice |
9/1/08 |
2/28/15 |
Measuring and Integrating Non-Financial Parameters in Project Decision Making |
Mexican Energy Reform |
6/11/14 |
Central America
Mining and the Sustainable Development Goals |
1/1/16 |
Model Districts in India: Request for 3 Additional Districts |
7/1/11 |
6/30/16 |
Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) plan, monitor and assess implementation for REGAL-IR project Kenya |
6/2/13 |
9/30/17 |
Moving Towards 100% Renewable Energy: Drivers Behind City Policies and Pledges |
6/1/17 |
4/24/18 |
North America
Myanmar Sustainable Development Center |
4/1/13 |
11/15/13 |
Myanmar-Support the National Electrification Project (NEP) Investment and Budget planning process |
3/13/15 |
6/30/15 |
8/11/10 |
12/30/11 |
Central America
Neighborhood Green Infrastructure: Planning for climate change adaptation in Harlem’s 125th Street corridor |
1/1/08 |
12/31/10 |
North America
New Rochelle Urban Design Study |
7/1/13 |
10/31/14 |
North America
Nigeria Electricity Access Program (NEAP) Technical Assistance (TA) |
6/10/14 |
6/30/15 |
Nigeria Electricity Access Program (NEAP-2) - Technical Assistance (TA) |
8/25/15 |
6/30/16 |
NSF INCLUDES Early Engagement in Research: key to long-term STEM retention |
10/1/16 |
9/30/21 |
North America
Ocean ecosystem resiliency-knowledge for a sustainable future |
1/1/17 |
12/31/21 |
North America
One Million Community Health Workers Campaign |
7/1/13 |
8/31/13 |
Papua New Guinea - Toward Development of a National Electricity Roll-Out Plan |
7/12/13 |
12/31/13 |
People Building Better Cities: Participation and Inclusive Urbanization |
10/1/12 |
1/4/14 |
Philanthropy and Society |
9/1/17 |
9/1/18 |
North America
Planning Grant for the Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) Phase II |
5/30/13 |
1/15/15 |
Pollution Reduction and Job Creation in China, Lessons from the U.S |
12/1/15 |
Power of the River: Introducing the Global Dam Tracker (GDAT) |
11/19/18 |
Preparing of Myanmar National Electrification Least cost Geospatial Planning (grind and off grind) |
11/5/13 |
3/12/15 |
Program on Child Well-being and Resilience |
6/30/14 |
6/30/17 |
North America
Health effects and geochemistry of arsenic: Project 4: The Resilience of Low Arsenic Aquifers and their Role in Reducing Human Exposure |
5/16/17 |
3/31/19 |
Promoting Sustainable Tourism in Huizhou, China |
9/1/15 |
3/11/16 |
Promotion of Smart Solar Irrigation Systems in West Africa |
8/7/18 |
8/31/20 |
Public Transport Advocacy for Nairobi |
2/1/17 |
6/30/18 |
Quantifying the climate and health benefits of improved cookstoves: and intergrated laboratory, field and modeling study |
1/1/14 |
8/31/16 |
Quantifying the fundamental behavior of green roofs in an urban environment |
7/1/09 |
6/30/13 |
North America
Quantifying the Quantity and Quality of Runoff from Urban Green Roofs |
1/1/10 |
12/31/13 |
North America
Railroads, Utilities, and Free Parking: What the Evolution of Transport Monopolies Tells Us About the Power Network of the Future |
11/1/16 |
North America
RCN-SEES: Network for Utilization of Social Science Research on Sustainability and Energy (NUSSRoSE) |
1/1/12 |
10/31/14 |
North America
Reimagining Nairobi: A Policy Network Approach |
1/1/14 |
6/30/16 |
Renewal: General Operating Support for the Center for Sustainable Development |
1/29/18 |
1/31/21 |
Research and Development for Sustainability Education in China |
11/30/18 |
10/31/23 |
Research Series on New Trends in and Development Impacts of International Investment Law |
Research to Engage Religious Communities in Sustainable Development - Climate Change and Sustainable |
9/1/14 |
12/31/17 |
Researching Transparency |
Reserve Base Lending and the Outlook for Shale Oil and Gas Finance |
5/3/17 |
North America
Resolving the effects of resource availability, predation and competition on brown tide dynamics using metatranscriptomics |
9/1/15 |
8/31/19 |
Long Island Sound
Resource for Infrastructure Deals |
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Cutting-Edge Research though the Analysis of Global Data |
4/1/18 |
3/31/21 |
North America
Rural Electricity Supply: Commodity or Entitlement? |
6/21/19 |
Rural Energy Plan subaward- Network Expansion Inputs Development of the rural Energy Master Plan |
7/1/15 |
5/1/16 |
Science-Based Policy Innovation and Implementation for the MDGs |
10/1/06 |
12/31/11 |
Scoping Study: Design Options for a Global Sustainable Farming Data Clearinghouse |
10/14/13 |
4/30/14 |
Subgrant to support the Annual World Happiness Report |
1/30/17 |
11/30/19 |
SDSN-Earth Institute Ericsson collaboration on ICT for Post-2015 Sustainable Development |
1/1/15 |
6/15/16 |
North America
Slow Steaming to 2020: Innovation and Inertia in Marine Transport and Fuels |
8/10/17 |
Smart building demand response with battery storage and curtailment |
4/1/15 |
10/31/19 |
North America
Smart Transport and Equity: A Nairobi Test Case |
8/1/12 |
2/28/14 |
Solar Together: A Proposal |
4/26/16 |
Some Future Scenarios of Russian Natural Gas in Europe |
6/20/16 |
Source attribution using satelite products and models to inform air quality planning and health accountability |
8/11/16 |
8/10/20 |
North America
Stakeholder Engagement through the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) |
9/17/12 |
3/31/14 |
Strategic Community Partnerships, Philanthropy, and Nongovernmental Organizations |
11/1/18 |
11/1/19 |
North America
Strategic framework on policies, partnerships and preparedness to advance Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals |
12/1/16 |
7/31/17 |
Strengthening Education for Northeast Nigeria (SENSE) |
4/1/19 |
3/31/22 |
Strengthening Environmental-STEM Impact and Identity in Elementary After-School Programs |
3/25/19 |
7/15/20 |
North America
SuSCheM: Environmentally Sustainable Pathways forExtracting Valuable Elements from Electronic Wastes |
9/1/17 |
8/31/19 |
Sustainability Indicators |
9/1/15 |
1/31/17 |
Sustainability Metrics |
Sustainability Policy: Hastening the Transition to a Cleaner Economy |
1/27/15 |
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) |
11/1/15 |
10/31/17 |
North America
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Financing Sustainable Development |
11/9/15 |
1/8/16 |
Sustainable Development Solutions Network partnership with USAID to take solutions to scale |
9/1/14 |
12/1/14 |
Sustainable Development Solutions Network -Proposal for GIZ |
9/1/13 |
6/30/15 |
Sustainable Energy in Haiti: Hydrology and Meterology Program |
5/30/13 |
12/31/16 |
Central America
Sustainable Financing for Urban Public Transport in China-Policy Study |
1/1/14 |
6/30/16 |
TA-7512 REG: Empowering the Poor through Increasing Access to Energy-Development of GIS-Based Decision |
11/14/14 |
3/15/16 |
12/31/02 |
12/31/13 |
The Accra Millennium Cities Initiative |
1/1/09 |
12/31/11 |
The achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Sub-Saharan African Countries and Beyond technologies and tools |
11/1/11 |
12/31/16 |
The African Millennium Village Initiative (Phase 2) |
1/1/08 |
6/30/11 |
The Energy Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals |
The Food Sector and the Sustainable Development Goals |
The Future of Nuclear Energy - A Three-Part Series |
3/31/17 |
The Impact of Low Oil Prices on Algeria |
10/12/16 |
The New Geopolitics of Energy |
9/15/15 |
North America
The Paris Agreement and Market Signals: A Survey |
11/17/16 |
The Politics of Free, Prior and Informed Consent |
The Role of Green Infrastructure in Resilience to Urban Flooding |
7/18/13 |
7/17/16 |
The Role of Natural Gas in Europe's Electricity Sector Through 2030 |
8/7/18 |
The Role of US Shale in European Energy Security and Trade |
2/25/16 |
The Sustainable City |
11/21/17 |
The Sustainable Human Development Project (SHD) |
9/1/14 |
9/30/16 |
The US Shale Gas Revolution and Its Impact on Qatar's Position in Gas Markets |
3/26/15 |
Three Cairns Climate Fellowship 2018 |
1/1/18 |
4/30/18 |
North America
Three Cairns Climate Fellowship 2019 |
9/4/18 |
5/6/19 |
North America
5/1/10 |
2/29/12 |
Towards A Global Flood & Flash Flood Early Warning Early Action System Driven by NASA Earth Observatory |
12/26/17 |
12/25/21 |
South America
Towards a New Indian Model of ICT-Led Growth and Development |
7/1/18 |
6/30/23 |
Training Solutions: Transitioning Disaster Survivors from Temporary to Permanent Housing |
9/1/18 |
8/31/21 |
North America
Transatlantic Sanctions Policy: From the 1982 Soviet Gas Pipeline Episode to Today |
3/22/19 |
Tropical Laboratory Initiative |
12/10/17 |
12/1/19 |
ULTRA-Ex: Exploring Linkages among Ecosystem Services, Public Health, and the Green Area Factor in New York City |
8/1/10 |
1/31/14 |
North America
Urban Heritage, Sustainability, and Social Inclusion: A Preservation Policy Initiative |
12/6/16 |
12/31/21 |
VREF Workshop 2014: Transforming Access and Mobility in Cities - Turning Knowledge into Action |
9/5/14 |
5/31/15 |
Water Risk and Sustainability: Managing Water Risks through the Supply Chain |
2/1/11 |
8/31/16 |
Water-Agriculture-Livelihood Security in India |
6/1/12 |
5/31/17 |
Whitaker Peace & Development Initiative |
3/25/16 |
12/31/17 |
Yuva Nestham Girls Empowerment Program |
3/1/19 |
6/1/20 |
REACH: Using Technology to Increase Health Literacy and Health Care Access for Refugees in Turkiye, Lebanon, and Jordan |
8/1/19 |
6/30/23 |
Innovative Disaster Recovery Strategies for Interim and Permanent Housing Construction |
9/30/19 |
9/30/22 |
North America
The Sustaining Peace Project |
1/1/15 |
12/31/25 |
The Difficult Conversations Lab |
Bilateral international migration flow estimates for 200 countries |
1/1/15 |
1/1/19 |
Cities and climate change |
1/1/17 |
1/1/19 |
Projecting age-specific international migration flows using cohort-component methods |
1/1/17 |
Capacitating African Stakeholders with Climate Advisories and Insurance Development (CASCAID) II |
Groundworks Hudson Valley |
North America
Index Insurance for Agricultural Sector in Central America |
Central America
NASA DEVELOP National Program |
North America
9/1/19 |
8/31/21 |
North America
Sustainability Framework and Data Management in Chile |
5/28/19 |
5/27/20 |
South America
Distribution, Transport, and Fate of Microplastics and Associated Pollutants in the Lower Hudson River and Waterways around New York City |
7/1/19 |
6/30/22 |
North America
Adaptive Cropland Nutrient-Cycle Management at Scale |
1/1/19 |
12/31/19 |
Taking Maize Agronomy to Scale in Africa (TAMASA) |
9/1/19 |
2/1/20 |
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese |
9/13/19 |
3/31/20 |
Exercises to Support Microgrid and Smart Cities Planning |
1/13/20 |
6/30/20 |
Provision of Index Insurance and Risk Transfer Services for R4 Rural Resilience Initiative in Mozambique |
7/30/19 |
5/31/20 |
RAPID: Examining How Access to Green Space Impacts Subjective Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
7/1/20 |
6/30/21 |
North America
New York Sustainable Water Fellowship with the Water Centre at Columbia University |
6/10/19 |
9/30/20 |
North America
An Open Data Resource Center for Inclusive Urban Transport: Latin America Branch |
3/29/19 |
10/31/19 |
Central America
Mapping for Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
12/1/19 |
11/30/22 |
Measuring the Rate of Isoniazid Mono-Resistance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Kazakhstan |
9/20/19 |
12/31/20 |
Ag Out – An Enhanced IMERG-based Agricultural Outlook System to Support Food Security and Agriculture in the Developing World |
4/1/19 |
3/31/21 |
Collaborative Research: Estuarine Metabolism and Gas Exchange Determined from Dissolved Oxygen Time Series: Method Development, Field Evaluation, and Application to Historical Data |
1/1/20 |
12/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: Exploring the Linkages between Sea-Level Change, Sediment Transport and Geomorphology on Coastal Freshwater Water Sequestration |
7/15/19 |
6/30/21 |
North America
Modeling Fecal Indicator Bacteria Persistence in Turbid Rivers Using Satellite Data |
9/1/19 |
8/31/21 |
Using Multi-Satellite Observations to Analyze Ground-Level Ozone Sensitivity to NOx and VOC Precursor Emissions, from Urban to Global Scales |
9/1/18 |
8/31/20 |
Crowd-Sourced Traffic Data: Predicting Air Pollution & Acute Ischemic Stroke |
7/1/19 |
6/30/22 |
AgMIP Adaptation Teams Start-Up – A CLARE Transition Activity |
1/1/20 |
7/1/21 |
Using Earth Observations and Statistical Models to Enhance Drought, Food Security, and Agricultural Outlooks in Eastern and Southern Africa |
11/1/19 |
10/31/21 |
Executive Sustainability Training Workshop for the Inter-American Development Bank |
1/15/20 |
2/29/20 |
North America
Enhancing the impact of well testing for fluoride with skits and songs in rural India |
1/1/20 |
12/31/21 |
Zinc Isotope Constraints on Zinc Availability in Soil-Crop System combating Zinc Deficieny |
1/1/20 |
12/31/21 |
Community-Based Environmental Impact Tracking for Bauxite Mining in Guinea |
1/1/20 |
12/31/21 |
Exploring the Potential of Minibus Electrification in Three African Cities |
1/1/20 |
7/30/21 |
Addressing Environmental Challenges Through the Law |
2/28/20 |
12/1/20 |
Climate Action Reports |
3/20/19 |
4/30/20 |
Electric Sector Resilience |
9/3/19 |
9/30/20 |
Environmental Rule of Law: Advancing Justice, Governance and Law For Environmental Sustainability |
11/16/16 |
3/15/17 |
Mitigation-Based Rationale for Increased Coal Charges |
8/5/16 |
10/7/16 |
Reforming the National Flood Insurance Program |
10/10/17 |
10/9/18 |
North America
The Cities Climate Law Initiative |
4/1/19 |
3/31/21 |
North America
Is China Still a Developing Country? And Why It Matters for Energy and Climate |
7/23/20 |
UNEP FI TCFD Insurer Pilot Group Project |
2/24/20 |
11/30/20 |
Environmental Rule of Law: Advancing Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability |
9/1/15 |
11/30/15 |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Paper |
10/30/17 |
1/31/20 |
North America
Model Municipal Ordinances on Climate Change |
North America
RMI/Columbia Law School Conference on Legal Issues Faced by Threatened Island Nations |
Sabin Colloquium of Innovative Environmental Law Scholarship |
Threatened Island Nations Conference |
North America
Sustainable Development and Peace: the Complexities of Land Tenure and Reconstruction in Haiti |
2/1/17 |
11/1/17 |
North America
Valuing Sustainable Alternative Livelihoods in Madre de Dios, Peru |
1/1/17 |
12/31/17 |
South America
UNDP Platform Assessment |
1/1/20 |
Conflict Management through Collaborative Governance in Amarakaeri Communal Reserve, Peru |
1/1/14 |
11/1/18 |
South America
Narratives of Human Security |
10/1/19 |
South America
Social Labs in Medellin |
5/1/18 |
11/30/19 |
South America
Urban Violence Prevention |
1/1/17 |
11/30/17 |
South America
Youth, Peace, and Security Leadership Program |
6/1/19 |
Nuclear Decision-Making in Iran: Implications for US Nonproliferation Efforts |
8/6/20 |
Strengthening Nuclear Energy Cooperation between the United States and its Allies |
7/28/20 |
Eco-social interactions influencing human exposure to ticks and the Lyme disease agent in anthropogenic landscapes |
9/1/19 |
2/28/23 |
North America
Updating New York State ClimAID Projections Using CMIP6 Models |
5/1/20 |
4/30/21 |
DigitalTransport4Africa Project |
1/15/20 |
3/31/20 |
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Rapid Production of Geospatial Network Inputs for Spatially Explicit Epidemiologic Modeling of COVID-19 in the USA |
6/1/20 |
5/31/21 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Network Hub: Enabling, Supporting, and Communicating Critical Zone Research |
9/1/20 |
8/31/25 |
Collaborative Research: AccelNet: Clean Air Monitoring and Solutions Network (CAMS-Net) |
1/1/21 |
12/31/25 |
PPFA COVID-19 Preliminary AfterAction Analysis |
7/1/20 |
6/30/22 |
North America
Multi-Breadbasket Failures and Shocks to Food Systems: AgMIP Simulations |
8/20/20 |
12/31/22 |
Forging a Path Forward on US Nuclear Waste Management: Option for Policy Makers |
1/28/21 |
North America
Cascading impact of Covid-19: Re-Shaping Staple Food Value Chains in Zimbabwe (COVID19-AFS) |
9/1/20 |
4/1/21 |
Support for EPA's Activities - Examining Sectoral Impacts of Climate Change and Linking Observations and Projections |
4/27/20 |
4/9/21 |
Collaborative Research: Frameworks: Internet of Samples: Toward an Interdisciplinary Cyberinfrastructure for Material Samples |
8/15/20 |
7/31/24 |
The Financial Ecosystem: The Role of Finance in Achieving Sustainability |
12/1/19 |
Designing and Administering Custom Housing Programs for State, Tribal, and Territorial Governments |
9/1/20 |
8/31/23 |
North America
Early Grade Learning Project (PAADESCO-Shishikara) |
3/7/19 |
12/31/20 |
Support the Regional Framework Agreements (RFA) on Air Pollution in Africa with a focus on East Africa |
9/30/20 |
9/30/23 |
Index Insurance for Risk Transfer - Mozambique, Maputo |
9/11/20 |
6/30/21 |
Multi-seasonal assessment of human wellbeing, social resilience, and ecosystems in NYC during and after the Covid-19 pandemic |
1/1/21 |
12/31/22 |
North America
Community Mental Health Toolkit for Environmental Justice and Climate Change |
1/1/21 |
12/31/22 |
Heating Energy Modeling with Breakthrough Energy |
10/1/20 |
9/30/22 |
North America
Food and Climate Change InfoGuide |
5/3/21 |
Clean Air Catalyst: A Global Partnership for Accelerating Clean Air Solutions |
8/3/20 |
5/31/25 |
Refugees Act and Communicate for Health (REACH): Using Technology to Increase Health Literacy and Health Care Access for Refugees in Turkey |
12/28/20 |
12/27/21 |
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Consumer Products (under development) |
1/1/20 |
Protected Area Management & Natural Resource Governance: Exploring Pathways for Environmental Sustainability & Peacebuilding |
2/1/21 |
3/31/21 |
Energy Reform in Paraguay |
6/1/20 |
8/26/21 |
South America
RSFO - CCRUN - Resilience of small and medium businesses in coastal communities in the New York - New Jersey metropolitan region |
4/12/21 |
8/31/21 |
North America
Community Partnerships and Philanthropy |
3/1/21 |
3/1/22 |
Support the development of a consolidated data portal and analytics dashboard for the ATA horticulture ACCs |
4/21/20 |
9/30/21 |
Collaborative Research: Global Agricultural Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Climate Intervention |
4/1/21 |
9/30/22 |
Evaluating Net-Zero Industrial Hubs in the United States: A Case Study of Houston |
6/30/21 |
North America
Will COVID Drive an Early Peak in Transportation Activity and Oil Demand? |
6/1/21 |
Calibration of Crop Growth Models in Asia |
6/1/21 |
4/15/22 |
Data Driven Disaster Planning in New York, Tokyo, and Taipei |
4/20/21 |
3/1/22 |
Sustainable Business Practices in the Food Sector: Business in Action, Phase 2 of Fixing the Business Food Project |
6/1/21 |
12/1/21 |
Refined Integration of Remote Sensing with Biological Parameters for Improved Management of LIS Water Quality/Long Island Sound Study 2018-2022 |
10/1/20 |
9/30/21 |
North America
Accounting for the Health Benefits of Air Pollution Regulations in China, 2008-2020 |
6/1/20 |
5/31/21 |
Mobile Laboratory Measurements of Methane, Ethane, and Co-pollutants from Landfills, Oil and Gas Systems and Other Sources in New York State |
1/21/21 |
7/1/24 |
North America
Secondary School Field Research Program: Engaging NYC Students in Local Field Research |
7/1/17 |
6/30/23 |
North America
Understanding Methane Changes in Cities Affected by COVID-19 Shutdowns |
9/9/21 |
8/31/22 |
BIOSCape-Mapping of phytoplankton functional types from space in support of coastal resource management and decision support activities |
6/1/22 |
5/1/25 |
Indian Ocean
GLIMR: A hyperspectral geostationary sensor for measurement of dynamic coastal ecosystem and carbon cycle processes |
5/1/21 |
1/1/27 |
Atlantic Ocean
RAPID: Assessing the Response of the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge Ecosystem to an Indian Ocean Dipole Event |
3/1/20 |
2/1/23 |
Indian Ocean
Bio-Optical Monitoring and Evaluation System (BIOMES) for improving satellite estimates of Ocean Net Primary Production for Carbon Cycling and Climate Change studies |
12/1/19 |
11/1/22 |
Decision and Information System for the Coastal waters of Oman (DISCO) - An integrative tool for managing coastal resources under changing climate |
5/1/17 |
4/1/23 |
Collaborative Research: NNA Research: Rapid Arctic change and its implications for fisheries and fishing communities of the western North Atlantic |
1/1/23 |
12/1/23 |
North America
Ecological and sociodemographic determinants and impacts of urbanization and restoration on intertwined urban-wetland-estuarine systems |
7/1/17 |
7/1/22 |
North America
Development of a Prototype Kenya Ocean Monitoring and Decision Support System for Sustainable Coastal Resource Management under Climate Change |
6/1/22 |
8/1/24 |
Mixotrophy in the Oceans – Novel Experimental designs and Tools for a new trophic paradigm (MixONET) (SCOR Working Group 165) |
1/1/21 |
8/1/24 |
Addressing Gaps in Community Sheltering and Relocation Assistance: A Mass Care Training Program for the Whole Community |
9/1/21 |
8/31/24 |
North America
COVID-19: GRID3 Microplanning Support Country Expansion |
11/16/21 |
12/31/22 |
For the Initiative on Communication and Sustainability to Communicate the Role of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Protecting Forests and Mitigating Climate Change |
9/1/21 |
8/31/22 |
Global Health Facility Database Initiative |
12/30/21 |
12/31/22 |
Columbia University Climate School Social Impact Certification Program |
1/19/22 |
6/30/24 |
North America
Scenario based Testing of Processes for Importation of Humanitarian Aid in Response to Natural Disasters and Health Crises - Madagascar |
12/1/21 |
12/31/22 |
Bringing Sustainability Innovation into Routine Organizational Management: Philips China Case Study |
10/21/21 |
4/20/22 |
Governing the Digital Data Commons: How to Sustain Digital Transport 4 Africa |
9/1/21 |
6/30/22 |
Interconnected Pathways to Development |
9/1/21 |
8/31/24 |
Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA Project) |
2/4/21 |
12/31/21 |
Development of Cloud Computing and Machine Learning Tools to Identify Combined Heat and Flood Exposure Worldwide |
3/15/22 |
3/14/23 |
North America
GRID3: Phase 2 Scaling |
9/1/23 |
6/30/25 |
Modeling Future Mobility for the Greater Caribbean Climate Mobility Initiative (GCCMI) |
6/7/23 |
3/31/24 |
NYC Town+Gown: Climate Vulnerability, Impact, and Adaptation Analysis |
8/1/22 |
1/31/24 |
North America
When Rainfall Meets Hunger in Guatemala |
8/1/22 |
12/31/22 |
USAID Municipal Waste Recycling Program Proposed SOW for CSUD Earth Institute |
5/15/18 |
10/30/20 |
New York State Sustainable Water Project |
6/10/19 |
9/30/20 |
Zero Dose Child Vaccination Project of the Equity Acceleration Fund |
2/1/24 |
6/30/25 |