Development of non-parametric evolutionary algorithm for predicting soil moisture dynamics |
2018 |
Responses of Soybean to Water Stress and Supplemental Irrigation in Upper Indo-Gangetic Plain: Field Experiment and Modeling Approach |
2018 |
Climate-Agriculture-Modeling and Decision Tool (CAMDT): A software framework for climate risk management in agriculture |
2017 |
Downscaling probabilistic seasonal climate forecasts for decision support in agriculture: A comparison of parametric and non-parametric approach |
2017 |
The Regional Hydrologic Extremes Assessment System: A software framework for hydrologic modeling and data assimilation |
2017 |
Designing and Implementing Weather Generators as Web Services |
2016 |
A climate generator for agricultural planning in southeastern South America |
2015 |
Anatomy of a LocalāScale Drought: Application of Assimilated Remote Sensing Products, Crop Model, and Statistical Methods to an Agricultural Drought Study |
2015 |
Agriculture Information Service Built on Geospatial Data Infrastructure and Crop Modeling |
2014 |
An unmixing algorithm for remotely sensed soil moisture |
2013 |
Assimilation of remotely sensed soil moisture and vegetation with a crop simulation model for maize yield prediction |
2013 |
Estimating Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Spatially Distributed Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration |
2012 |
Extraction of information content from stochastic disaggregation and bias corrected downscaled precipitation variables for crop simulation |
2012 |
International Research Institute for Climate and Society |
2012 |
Prediction of Rice Production in the Philippines using Seasonal Climate Forecasts |
2012 |
Prediction of Rice Production in the Philippines Using Seasonal Climate Forecasts |
2012 |
Soil hydraulic properties in one-dimensional layered soil profile using layer-specific soil moisture assimilation scheme |
2012 |
Enhancing the utility of daily GCM rainfall for crop yield prediction |
2011 |
Soil hydraulic parameters estimated from satellite information through data assimilation |
2011 |
Soil moisture estimation from inverse modeling using multiple criteria functions |
2011 |
Spatiotemporal analyses of soil moisture from point to footprint scale in two different hydroclimatic regions |
2011 |
Autocalibration of HSPF for Simulation of Streamflow Using a Genetic Algorithm |
2010 |
Linking seasonal forecasts into RiskView to enhance food security contingency planning |
2010 |
Designing Index-Based Weather Insurance for Farmers in Adi Ha, Ethiopia: Report to OXFAM America, July 2009 |
2009 |
Designing Index-Based Weather Insurance for Farmers In Central America: Final Report to the World Bank Commodity Risk Management Group, ARD |
2009 |
Near-surface soil moisture assimilation for quantifying effective soil hydraulic properties using genetic algorithms: 2. Using airborne remote sensing during SGP97 and SMEX02 |
2009 |
Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation for Quantifying Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties under Different Hydroclimatic Conditions |
2008 |
Near-surface soil moisture assimilation for quantifying effective soil hydraulic properties using genetic algorithm: 1. Conceptual modeling |
2008 |
Parameter conditioning with a noisy Monte Carlo genetic algorithm for estimating effective soil hydraulic properties from space |
2008 |
Downscaling of seasonal precipitation for crop simulation |
2007 |
Bias correction of daily GCM rainfall for crop simulation studies |
2006 |
Combining remote sensing-simulation modeling and genetic algorithm optimization to explore water management options in irrigated agriculture |
2006 |
Translating climate forecasts into agricultural terms: advances and challenges |
2006 |
On quantifying agricultural and water management practices from low spatial resolution RS data using genetic algorithms: A numerical study for mixed-pixel environment |
2005 |
Application of GIS and crop growth models in estimating water productivity |
2002 |
Inverse Modeling to Quantify Irrigation System Characteristics and Operational Management |
2002 |
Inverse modelling in estimating soil hydraulic functions: a Genetic Algorithm approach |
2002 |
Crop growth and soil water balance modeling to explore water management options |
2001 |