Andrew Schwartz
Pronouns: he/him
Director of Strategic Initiatives, Center for Earth Ethics, Union Theological Seminary
Representative to the United Nations,
Director of Strategic Initiatives Andrew Schwartz leads the Center for Earth Ethics programs, such as the 2021 Faith + Food Coalition Dialogues and the 2022 Values, Culture and Spirituality Consultation Series for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, that bring together voices from around the world to further environmental and climate justice. He has nearly a decade of experience working with community leaders and government officials to create multilateral coalitions and support environmental movements.
Before joining CEE, Andrew worked as interim executive director of Bend 2030, a coalition of diverse stakeholders in Bend, Oregon, co-director of the Micah Challenge USA, an advocacy group focused on ending extreme poverty, and program manager of the Climate Reality Project, founded by Al Gore to influence national and international environmental policy on climate change.
Andrew earned his bachelor’s degree from Pacific Lutheran University and his master’s from Union Theological Seminary. While at Union, Andrew began his environmental advocacy career as a youth representative to the United Nations 2012 Rio+20 Conference, a major meeting in Brazil addressing climate change.