Dr. Ben Holtzman

Lamont Research Professor, Seismology, Geology and Tectonophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), Columbia Climate School

210 Seismology
P.O. Box 1000
61 Route 9W
Palisades, NY 10964


Only select projects listed below
Name Start Date End Date
CAREER: Very Broadband Rheology and the Internal Dynamics of Plate Boundaries on Earth 10/1/11 9/30/16
Collaborative Research: An Experimental Investigation of Reactive Melt channelization in Partially Molten Rocks 8/15/15 7/31/19
Collaborative Research: Evaluating the roles of melt migration and mantle flow in lithospheric evolution: the Colorado Plateau as a geodynamic laboratory for Earthscope 5/1/10 7/31/13
Collaborative Research: Immersive audio-visualization of seismic wave fields in the Earth (EarthScope education and outreach) 7/1/12 6/30/16
Collaborative Research: Seismic Attenuation and Anelasticity in the Upper Mantle: The Effect of Continuous Far-field Dislocation Creep 5/1/19 4/30/22
Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Inquiry-Focused Volumetric Data Analysis Across Scientific Domains: Sustaining and Expanding the yt Community 10/1/17 9/30/22
Collaborative Research: The impact of time-dependent mantle rheology and 3-D structure on models and observations of Glacial Isostatic 6/15/13 5/31/16
CSEDI Collaborative Research: Integrating Seismological, Rheological and Petrological Studies of Melt Production and Transport in Subduction Zones 9/15/11 8/31/14
Dynamical coupling of deformation and melt transport in the Earth: A combined theoretical and experimental study 7/15/12 6/30/16
Mapping Variability in the Thermo-mechanical Structure of the North American Plate and Upper Mantle 9/1/17 8/31/19
CAREER: Long-term Controls on Short-term Patterns of Magmatism: Towards a Unified Framework for Crustal Magma Transport 7/1/21 5/31/22
Collaborative Research: Towards a New Framework for Interpreting Mantle Deformation: Integrating Theory, Experiments, and Observations Spanning Seismic to Convective Timescales 9/1/22 8/31/27
Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute (OECI): Discovering the New America 10/1/20 7/31/22