Diego Rivera Rivota
Pronouns: he/him
Staff Associate III, Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP), School of International and Public Affairs
1255 Amsterdam Avenue
Center on Global Energy Policy
New York, New York 10027
Diego Rivera Rivota is a Research Associate at the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University. His responsibilities include analyzing energy policy in Latin America, supporting CGEP´s Distinguished Visiting Fellows program and researching natural gas and LNG markets. His previous research has largely focused on energy policy in developing economies, natural gas and LNG markets, and the role of these fuels in the low-carbon energy transition around the world.
Prior to joining CGEP, Diego was a visiting researcher at the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) based in Tokyo, Japan for five years. He was a lead author of the APERC Gas Report and also co-authored several other APEC reports and publications, including the 7th and 8th editions of the APEC Energy Outlook, APERC´s flagship publication. Diego also coordinated cooperative projects related to natural gas, LNG markets, energy security and energy efficiency. He presented APERC´s research extensively across the Asia-Pacific region.
In previous roles, Diego worked on natural gas pipeline and electricity infrastructure development as advisor to the CEO at Mexico’s state-owned utility, CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad). Prior to this, Diego completed an internship at the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and worked at Mexico’s Office of the President as a junior staffer.
Diego holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) and a Master’s in public policy with a specialization in Energy and the Former Soviet Union region from Sciences Po Paris. Diego speaks Spanish, English, French, Russian and Portuguese.
· Diego Rivera Rivota and Ira Joseph, Lucrative Reward or Mounting Risk? Mexico’s Growing Reliance on US Gas, New York, NY: Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy (2023)
· Corbeau, Anne-Sophie, Shangyou Nie and Diego Rivera Rivota, Understanding Vietnam’s Emergence as the World’s Newest LNG Importer, New York, NY: Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy (2023)
· Rivera Rivota, Diego, What Is the Effect of Recent Corruption Scandals at PDVSA?, The Latin-American Advisor, (2023)
· Palacios, Luisa and Diego Rivera Rivota, Mexico has a path to meet its climate pledges, America Quarterly, (2023)
· Cárdenas, Mauricio and Diego Rivera Rivota, Latin America’s Enduring New Oil Landscape, New York, NY: Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy (2022)
· Corbeau, Anne-Sophie and Diego Rivera Rivota, Why under-the-radar Russian LNG exports matter, New York, NY: Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy (2022)
· Beltrán Leonardo and Diego Rivera Rivota, Americas Summit: Paving the Way to a Just Energy Transition, Mexico City, Mexico: Mexico Business News, (2022)
· Rivera Rivota, Diego, México y el fin del gas natural barato de EU, El Heraldo de México, Mexico City, México (2022)
· Beltrán, Leonardo, Ivy Kuang and Diego Rivera Rivota, Can North America Transform from a Conventional Automaking Hub to and EV Powerhouse, New York, NY: Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy (2022)
· Cárdenas, Mauricio, Juan Carlos Jobet, Luisa Palacios and Diego Rivera Rivota, Implications of the Russian War in Ukraine on Latin America’s Energy Sector, Event Summary, New York, NY: Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy (2022)
· Atmo, Gigih Udi, Diego Rivera Rivota, et al. APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 8th Edition, Singapore: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat (2022).
· Izhbuldin, Alexander, Diego Rivera Rivota et al., APERC Gas Report 2020, Tokyo: Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) (2021).
· Rivera Rivota, Diego, APEC Energy Overview 2021, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2021), Mexico chapter.
· Rivera Rivota Diego, Una Guerra de precios y un virus mundial, Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica, (2020)
· APEC Energy Working Group, Summary report: The 3rd LCMT Symposium - Lima, Peru, Singapore, APEC Secretariat (2020).
· Abe, Tetsuji, Diego Rivera Rivota, et al., Changing LNG Market Dynamics – Implications on Supply Security in the APEC Region, APEC Oil and Gas Security Studies 17, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2020).
· Rivera Rivota, Diego, APEC Energy Overview 2019, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2020), Mexico and Russia chapters
· Lott, Melissa C., Diego Rivera Rivota, et al., APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 7th Edition, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2019).
· Rivera Rivota, Diego. The Energy-Water Nexus in Mexico, 35th Energy Systems, Economy and Environment Conference, Tokyo: Institute for Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) (2019).
· Rivera Rivota, Diego. APEC Energy Overview 2018, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2019), Mexico and Peru chapters.
· APEC Energy Working Group. Oil and Gas Security Exercise in Chile Final Report, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2019),
· APEC Energy Working Group, APEC Follow-up Peer Review on Energy Efficiency in Peru, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2019).
· Doleman, Christopher, Diego Rivera Rivota et al., Small-scale LNG in Asia Pacific, APEC Oil and Gas Security Studies, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2019).
· Hashimoto, Hiroshi, Diego Rivera Rivota et al., APERC Gas Report 2019, Tokyo: APERC (2019).
· APEC Energy Working Group, Oil and Gas Security Exercise in Peru Final Report, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2018).
· Rivera Rivota, Diego. APEC Energy Overview 2017, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2018). Mexico and Peru chapters.
· Hashimoto, Hiroshi, Diego Rivera Rivota et al. APERC Gas Report 2018, Tokyo: APERC (2018).
· APEC Energy Working Group, APEC Peer Review on Energy Efficiency in Mexico, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2017)
Rivera Rivota, Diego. APEC Energy Overview 2016, Singapore: APEC Secretariat (2017), Mexico chapter.