Dr. Folarin Kolawole

Pronouns: He, Him

Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seismology, Geology and Tectonophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), The Earth Institute


Folarin Kolawole is a structural geologist whose research involves the integration of field observation, subsurface geophysical imaging, and geomechanics to investigate research problems related to the evolution of early-stage continental rift zones and fault reactivation in intraplate settings of natural and induced seismicity. He studies continental rift evolution in East Africa, southeast Brazilian rifted margin, and the Rio Grande Rift (U.S.), and investigates intraplate seismicity in central and eastern U.S., southern Africa (Botswana), and western Africa.


Only select projects listed below
Name Start Date End Date
SCEC5 DOE Research Collaboration at Columbia University 2/1/23 1/31/24