Joshua D. Fisher

Director and Research Scientist, Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity (AC4), Columbia Climate School

Co-Director, Postdoctoral Research Program,

Columbia Climate School

Lecturer in Professional Studies,

School of Professional Studies


Dr. Fisher is the director of the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4), as well as an adjunct faculty member at Columbia University. Josh Fisher received his PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University, where he studied the ecological drivers of armed conflict. His work coupled geospatial statistics, remote sensing, and econometric modeling to develop spatially explicit forecast models of the likelihood of armed conflict. He received his MS from Utah State University in Political Science and his BS in International Law and Environmental Policy. In addition to his academic work, Dr. Fisher has worked in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America on environmental management and poverty reduction. He has worked with conservation organizations, private sector firms, and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management on natural resource governance and biodiversity conservation issues. Dr. Fisher's current work focuses on natural resource management and governance as tools for conflict.


Only select projects listed below
Name Start Date End Date
Conflict-sensitive Conservation and Livelihoods Generation in the Haramba Queros and proposed Santa Rosa de Huacaria/Palotoa Conservation Concessions of Peru 7/1/12 5/31/14
Integrative Landscape Approach to Protected Areas in the Southwest Amazon of Peru 9/1/17 12/31/18
Proposal for a 2 Year Pilot Visiting Scholar Program with the Agirre Lehendakaria Foundation 12/15/16 12/31/19
Agirre Lehendakaria Visiting Scholar Program 1/1/19 12/31/21
PEZA (Strategic Buffer Zone Plan) for Tambopata 1/1/17
Valuing Sustainable Alternative Livelihoods in Madre de Dios, Peru 1/1/17 12/31/17
EIA and Human Rights Fact-Finding in the Porgera Watershed 1/1/15 6/1/19
Social-environmental Energy Systems in Catamarca, Argentina 1/1/18 8/1/19
UNDP Platform Assessment 1/1/20
Tanzania Mining 1/1/17 12/1/18
Conflict Management through Collaborative Governance in Amarakaeri Communal Reserve, Peru 1/1/14 11/1/18
ALC CLIMATE KIC Data Review and Summary Report Drafting 11/23/20 12/31/20
REU Site: Beyond Basic Science – Connecting Climate to Communities 4/1/21 3/31/24
Drivers of Peace, Conflict, and Environmental Sustainability Associated with Natural Resources and Protected Areas: Phase 2 9/1/23 3/31/25
Research on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Early Warning to Support UNOCHA Climate Policy 10/23/23 12/31/23
Drivers of Peace, Conflict, and Environmental Sustainability Associated with Natural Resources and Protected Areas: Phase 1 Research and NERPS Conference Roundtable 2/15/23 3/31/23


Only select publications listed below
Name Published Date
Compound risks and complex emergencies require new approaches to preparedness 2021
Sustainable Water Management in Urban, Agricultural, and Natural Systems 2014