Prof. Kevin L. Griffin
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences and of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Biology and Paleo Environment, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), Columbia Climate School
Professor of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology,
Marine Biology 128B
61 Route 9W
Palisades, NY 10964
I am a plant physiological ecologist interested in the biochemical, physiological and ecological mechanisms plants and ecosystems use to respond to environmental variation and climate change. I am the lead Pi of the Arctic - Long Term Ecological Research program. This project has been studying the ecosystem ecology Tundra in Northern Alaska for nearly 40 years. Other research projects include studies of tree growth in NY, The ecology of Northern treelines, The temperature response of symbiotic nitrogen fixation and the impact of light and temperature on leaf respiration. I have worldwide collaborations with scientists from Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Denmark, New Zeeland and Vietnam where we have conducted research in a variety of forests and other ecosystems. Ultimately, I strive to increase our understanding of both the role of the Earth's vegetation in the global carbon cycle and the interactions between the carbon cycle and the Earth's climate system.
Only select projects listed below12 PUBLICATIONS ON COLUMBIA | ACADEMIC COMMONS
Only select publications listed belowPUBLICATIONS
- Fredeen A.F., Griffin K. & Field C.B. (1991) Effects of light quantity and quality and soil nitrogen status on nitrate reductase activity in rainforest species of the genus Piper. Oecologia, 86, 441-446.
- Griffin K.L., Thomas R.B. & Strain B.R. (1993) Effects of nitrogen supply and elevated carbon dioxide on construction cost in leaves of Pinus taeda (L.) seedlings. Oecologia, 95, 575-580.
- Peñuelas J., Gamon J.A., Griffin K.L. & Field C.B. (1993) Assessing community type, plant biomass, pigment composition, and photosynthetic efficiency of aquatic vegetation from spectral reflectance. Remote Sensing of Environment, 46, 110-118.
- Thomas R.B. & Griffin K.L. (1994) Direct and indirect effects of atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment on leaf respiration of Glycine max (L.) Merr. Plant Physiology, 104, 355-361.
- Griffin K.L. (1994) Calorimetric estimates of construction cost and their use in ecological studies. Functional Ecology, 8,551-562.
- Lewis J.D., Griffin K.L., Thomas R.B. & Strain B.R. (1994) Phosphorus supply affects the acclimation of photosynthesis in loblolly pine to elevated carbon dioxide. Tree Physiology, 14, 1229-1244.
- Gamon J.A., Field C.B., Joel G., Goulden M.L., Griffin K.L., Hartley A.E., Peñuelas J., & Valentini R.A. (1995) Relationships between NDVI, canopy structure, and photosynthesis in three Californian vegetation types. Ecological Applications, 5, 28-41.
- Tissue D.T., Griffin K.L., Thomas R.B. & Strain B.R. (1994) Effects of low and elevated CO2 on C3 and C4 Annuals. II. Photosynthesis and biochemistry. Oecologia, 101, 21-28.
- Griffin K.L., Winner W.E. & Strain B.R. (1995) Growth and biomass partitioning in loblolly and ponderosa pine seedlings in response to carbon and nitrogen availability. New Phytologist, 129, 547-556.
- 10. Griffin K.L., Ball J.T. & Strain B.R. (1996) Direct and indirect effects of elevated CO2 on whole shoot respiration in ponderosa pine seedlings. Tree Physiology, 16, 33-41.
- 11. Griffin K.L Winner W.E. & Strain B.R. (1996) Construction cost of loblolly and ponderosa pine leaves grown with varying carbon and nitrogen availability. Plant, Cell and Environment, 19, 729-738.
- 12. Griffin K.L. & Seemann, J.R. (1996) Plants, CO2 and photosynthesis in the 21st century Chemistry & Biology, 3, 245-254.
- 13. Griffin K.L. & Luo Y. (1996) Plants, Paleo Climate and CO2: a review of ESA symposium #3, Transdisciplinary Evidence for Biome Responses to CO2 * Climate Change across Glacial/Interglacial Boundaries. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 77, 164-166.
- 14. Griffin K.L., Ross P.D., Sims D.A., Luo Y., Seemann J.R., Fox C.A. & Ball J.T. (1996) EcoCells: A tool for mesocosm scale measurements of gas exchange. Plant, Cell and Environment, 19, 1210-1222.
- 15. Poorter, H., van Berkel Y., Baxter R., den Hertog J., Dijkstra P., Gifford R.M., Griffin K.L., Roumet C. Roy J. & Wong S.C. (1996) The effect of elevated CO2 on the chemical composition and construction costs of leaves of 27 C3 species. Plant, Cell and Environment, 20, 472-482.
- 16. BassiriRad H., Griffin K.L, Strain B.R. and Reynolds J.F. (1996) Effects of CO2 enrichment on growth and root 15NH4+uptake rate of loblolly pine and ponderosa pine seedlings. Tree Physiology, 16, 957-962.
- 17. Griffin K.L., Bashkin M.A., Thomas R.B. & Strain B.R. (1997) Interactive effects of soil nitrogen and atmospheric carbon dioxide on root system carbon dioxide efflux from loblolly and ponderosa pine seedlings. Plant and Soil, 190, 11-18.
- 18. BassiriRad H., Griffin K.L. Reynolds, J.F. & Strain B.R. (1997) Change in root NH4+ and NO3- absorption rate of loblolly and ponderosa pine in response to CO2 enrichment. Plant and Soil, 190, 1-9.
- 19. Luo Y., Sims D.A., & Griffin K.L. (1998) Nonlinearity of photosynthetic response to growth in multiple levels of CO2concentration. Global Change Biology, 4, 173-184.
- 20. Johnson D.W., Thomas R.B., Griffin K.L., Tissue D.T., Ball J.T., Strain B.R., & Walker R.F. (1998) Effects of CO2 and N on growth and N uptake in ponderosa and loblolly pine. Journal of Environmental Quality 27, 414-425.
- 21. Turnbull M.H., Tissue D.T., Griffin K.L., Rogers G.N.D. & Whitehead D. (1998) Photosynthetic acclimation to long-term exposure to elevated CO2 concentration in Pinus radiata D. Don. Is related to age of needles. Plant, Cell and Environment, 21, 1019-1028.
- 22. Griffin K.L., Sims D.A. & Seemann J.R. (1999) Altered nighttime CO2 concentration affects the growth, physiology and biochemistry of soybean. Plant, Cell and Environment, 22, 91-99.
- 23. Tissue D.T., Griffin K.L. & Ball J.T. (1999) Photosynthetic acclimation in field-grown Pinus ponderosa after six years of exposure to elevated CO2. Tree Physiology, 19, 221-228.
- 24. Peterson A.G., Ball J.T., Luo Y., Field C.B., Reich P.B., Curtis P.S., Griffin K.L., Gunderson C.A, Norby R.B., Tissue D.T., Forstreuter M., Rey A., Vogel C. and CMEAL participants. (1999) The photosynthesis-leaf nitrogen relationship at ambient and elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 5, 331-346.
- 25. Griffin K.L. & Luo Y. (1999) Sensitivity and acclimation of Glycine max (L.) Merr. leaf gas exchange to CO2 partial pressure. Journal of Experimental Botany, 42, 141-153.
- 26. Peterson A.G., Ball J.T., Luo Y., Field C.B., Curtis P.S., Griffin K.L., Gunderson C.A, Norby R.B., Tissue D.T., Forstreuter M., Rey A., Vogel C. and CMEAL participants. (1999) Quantifying the response of photosynthesis to changes in leaf nitrogen content and leaf mass per area in plants grown under atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Plant, Cell and Environment. 22, 1109-1119.
- 27. Griffin K.L., Tissue D.T., Turnbull M.H. & Whitehead D. (2000) The onset of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2partial pressure in field grown Pinus radiata Don. after 4 years. Plant, Cell and Environment, 23, 1089-1098.
- 28. Griffin K.L., Anderson O.R., Gastrich M.D., Lewis J.D., Lin G., Schuster W., Seemann J., Tissue D.T., Turnbull M.H. & Whitehead D. (2001) Plant growth in elevated CO2 alters mitochondrial number and chloroplast fine structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 98, 2473-2478.
- 29. Wang X.Z., Lewis J.D., Tissue D.T., Seemann J.R. & Griffin K.L. (2001) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on leaf dark respiration of Xanthium strumarium in light and in darkness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 98, 2479-2484.
- 30. Turnbull M.H., Whitehead D., Tissue D.T., Schuster W., Brown K.J. & Griffin K.L. (2001) The response of leaf respiration to temperature and leaf characteristics in three deciduous tree species differs at sites of contrasting soil moisture. Tree Physiology, 21, 571-578.
- 31. Tissue D.T., Griffin K.L., Turnbull M.H. & Whitehead D. (2001) Canopy position and needle age affect photosynthetic response in field-grown Radiata pine after 5 years exposure to elevated CO2. Tree Physiology, 21, 915-923.
- 32. Griffin K.L., Tissue D.T., Turnbull M.H., Schuster W., Whitehead D. (2001) Leaf dark respiration as a function of canopy position in Nothofagus fusca trees grown at ambient and elevated CO2 partial pressures for five years. Functional Ecology, 15, 497-505.
- 33. Nagel J.M. & Griffin K.L. (2001) Construction cost and invasive potential: Comparing Lythrum salicaria (Lythraceae) with co-occurring native species along pond banks. American Journal of Botany, 88, 2252-2258.
- 34. Anderson O.R. & Griffin K.L. (2001) Abundances of protozoa in soil of laboratory-grown wheat plants cultivated under low and high atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Protistology, 2, 76-84.
- 35. Turnbull M.H., Whitehead D., Tissue D.T., Schuster W., Brown K.J., Engel V.C. & Griffin K.L. (2002) Photosynthetic characteristics in canopies of Quercus rubra, Quercus prinus and Acer rubrum differ in response to soil water availability. Oecologia, 130, 515-524.
- 36. Lewis J.D., Wang X.Z., Griffin K.L. & Tissue D.T. (2002) Effects of age and ontongeny on photosynthetic responses of a determinate annual plant to elevated CO2 partial pressures. Plant, Cell and Environment, 25, 359-368.
- 37. Griffin K.L., Turnbull M.H., Murthy R., Lin G., Adams J., Farnsworth B., Mahato T., Bazin G., Potosnak M. & Berry J.A. (2002) Leaf respiration is differentially affected by leaf vs. ecosystem nighttime warming. Global Change Biology, 8, 479-485.
- 38. Whitehead D., Hall G.M.J., Walcroft A.S., Brown K.J., Landsberg J.J., Tissue D.T., Turnbull M.H., Griffin K.L., Schuster WSF, Carswell F.E., James I.L. & Norton D.A. (2002) Analysis of the growth of rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum) in south Westland, New Zealand, using process-based simulation models. International Journal of Biometerology, 46, 66-75.
- 39. Griffin K.L., Turnbull M.H., & Murthy R. (2002) Canopy position affects the temperature response of leaf respiration in Populus deltoides. New Phytologist, 154, 609-619.
- 40. Engel V., Stieglitz M., Williams M. & Griffin K.L. (2002) Canopy hydraulic properties and catchment water balance: observations and modeling. Ecological Modeling, 154, 263-288.
- 41. Nagel J.M., Griffin K.L., Brown K.J., Schuster W.S.F., Tissue D.T., Turnbull M.H. & Whitehead D. (2002) Energy investment in leaves of red maple and co-occurring oaks at sites differing in soil moisture availability. Tree Physiology, 22, 859-867.
- 42. Tissue D.T., Lewis J.D., Wullschleger S.D., Amthor J.S., Griffin K.L. & Anderson O.R. (2002) Leaf respiration in sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua): Direct and indirect effects of elevated CO2 and canopy position. Tree Physiology, 22, 1157-1166.
- 43. Turnbull M.H., Murthy R. & Griffin K.L. (2002) The relative impacts of day-time and night-time warming on photosynthetic capacity in Populus deltoides. Plant, Cell and Environment, 25, 1729-1737.
- 44. Rosenstiel T., Potosnak M., Griffin K., Fall R., Monson R., (2003) Elevated CO2 uncouples growth and isoprene emission in a model agriforest ecosystem. Nature 421, 256-259.
- 45. Turnbull M.H., Whitehead D., Tissue D.T., Schuster W.S.F., Brown K.J., & Griffin K.L. (2002) Scaling foliar respiration in two contrasting forest canopies. Functional Ecology, 17, 101-114.
- 46. Murthy R., Griffin K.L., Zarnoch S.J., Dougherty P.M., Watson B., Van Haren J., Patterson L. & Mahato T. (2002) Response of Carbon Dioxide Efflux from a 550m3 Soil Bed to a Range of Soil Temperature Manipulations. Forest Ecology and Management, 178, 311-327.
- 47. Wang X.Z., & Griffin K.L. (2003) Sex-specific physiological and growth responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 in Silene latifolia, Poiret. Global Change Biology, 9, 612-618.
- 48. Boelman N.T., Stieglitz M., Rueth H., Sommerkorn M., Griffin K.L., Shaver G.R. & Gamon J.A. (2003) Response of NDVI, biomass, and ecosystem gas exchange to long-term warming and fertilization in wet sedge tundra. Oecologia, 135, 414-421.
- 49. Lewis J.D., Wang X.Z., Griffin K.L. & Tissue D.T. (2003) Age at flowering differentially affects vegetative and reproductive responses of a determinate annual plant to elevated CO2. Oecologia, 135, 194-201.
- 50. DeLucia E.H., Turnbull M.H., Walcroft A.S, Griffin K.L., Tissue D.T., Glenny D., McSeveny T.M., & Whitehead D. (2003) The Contribution of Bryophytes to the Carbon Balance of a Temperate Rainforest. Global Change Biology, 9, 1158-1170.
- 51. Nagel J.M. & Griffin K.L. (2004) Can gas-exchange characteristics help explain the invasive success of Lythrum salicaria? Biological Invasions, 6, 101-111.
- 52. Griffin K.L., Anderson O.R., Tissue D.T., Turnbull M.H. & Whitehead D. (2004) Variation in dark respiration and mitochondrial numbers within needles of Pinus radiata D. Don, grown at ambient or elevated CO2 partial pressure. Tree Physiology, 22, 347-353.
- 53. Wang X.Z., Anderson O.R. & Griffin K.L. (2004) Chloroplast numbers, mitochondrion numbers and carbon assimilation physiology of Nicotinana sylvestris as affected by CO2 concentration. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 51, 21-31.
- 54. Whitehead D., Walcroft A.S., Griffin K.L., Tissue D.T., Turnbull M.H., Engel V., Brown K.J. & Schuster W.S.F. (2004) Scaling carbon uptake from leaves to canopies: insights from two forests with contrasting properties. Chapter 15. In Forests at the Land-Atmosphere Interface. Edited by M. Mencuccini, J. Grace, J. Moncrieff and K.G. McNaughton. pp. 231-254. CAB International, Oxford.
- 55. Turnbull M.H., Tissue D.T., Murthy R., Wang X.Z. & Griffin K.L. (2004) Nocturnal warming increases photosynthetic capacity at elevated CO2 partial pressure in Populus deltoides. New Phytologist, 161, 819-826.
- 56. Nagel J.M. Huxman T.E., Griffin K.L. & Smith S.D. (2004) Elevated CO2 reduces biomass construction cost in an invasive desert grass. Ecology, 85, 100-106.
- 57. Engel V.C., Griffin K.L., Murthy R., Patterson L., Klimas C. & Potosnak M. (2004) Growth CO2 modifies the hydraulic response of P. deltoides to drought and vapor pressure deficit. Tree Physiology, 24, 1137-1145.
- 58. Whitehead D., Griffin K.L., Turnbull M.H., Tissue D.T., Engel V.C., Brown K.J., Schuster W.S.F. & Walcroft A.S. (2004) Short-term response of total night-time respiration to changes in total daily photosynthesis in a canopy of Quercus rubra L. Global Change Biology, 10, 925-938.
- 59. Shapiro J.B., Griffin K.L., Lewis J.D. & Tissue D.T. (2004) Response of leaf respiration in the light of Xanthium strumariumto elevated CO2 concentration, nitrogen availability and temperature. New Phytologist, 162, 377-386.
- 60. Xu C.Y., Lin G., Griffin K.L. & Sambrotto R. (2004) Respiratory CO2 is 13-C enriched in five C3 species. New Phytologists, 163, 499-505.
- 61. Pederson N., Cook E., Jacoby G., Peteet D., Griffin K.L. (2004) The Influence of Winter Temperatures on the Annual Radial Growth of Six Northern Range Margin Tree Species. Dendrochronologia, 22, 7-29.
- 62. Tissue D.T., Griffin K.L., Turnbull M.H., & Whitehead D.W. (2005) Stomatal and non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis in four tree species in a temperate rainforest dominated by Dacrydium cupressinum in New Zealand. Tree Physiology, 25, 447-456
- 63. Nagel J.M, Wang X., Lewis J.D., Fung H.A., Tissue D.T. & Griffin K.L. (2005) Atmospheric CO2 enrichment alters energy assimilation, investment and allocation in Xanthium strumarium. New Phytologist, 166, 513-523.
- 64. Whitehead D., Turnbull M.H., Griffin K.L., Tissue D.T., Boelman N.T., Richardson S.J. & Peltzer D.A. (2005) Photosynthesis in communities along a nutritional chronosequence in a temperate rainforest in New Zealand. Oecologia, 144, 233-244.
- 65. Turnbull M.H., Griffin K.L., Tissue D.T., Richardson S.J. & Peltzer D.A & Whitehead D., (2005) The response of leaf respiration to temperature in temperate rainforest tree species differs along a long-term soil chronosequence. Oecologia, 143, 271-279.
- 66. Boelman N.T., Stieglitz M, Griffin K.L. & Shaver G.R. (2005) Inter-annual variability of NDVI in response to long -term warming and fertilization in wet sedge and tussock tundra. Oecologia, 143, 588-597.
- 67. Bowman W.P., Barbour M.M., Turnbull M.H., Tissue D.T., Whitehead D. & Griffin K.L. (2005) Sap flow rates and sapwood density are critical factors in within- and between-tree variation in CO2 efflux from stems of mature Dacrydium cupressinumtrees. New Phytologist, 167, 815-828.
- 68. Barbour M.M., Whitehead D., Griffin K.L., Turnbull M.H., Tissue D.T., Cernusak L.A. & Farquhar G.D. (2005) Nocturnal stomatal conductance and implications for modelling 18O of leaf-respired CO2 in temperate tree species. Functional Plant Biology, 31, 1107-1121.
- 69. Walcroft A.S., Brown K.J., Schuster W.S.F., Tissue D.T., Turnbull M.T., Griffin K.L. & Whitehead D. (2005) Radiative transfer and carbon assimilation in relation to canopy architecture, foliage area distribution and clumping in a mature temperate rainforest canopy in New Zealand. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 135, 326-339.
- 70. Tissue D.T., Barbour M.M., Hunt J.E., Turnbull M.H., Griffin K.L., Walcroft A.S & Whitehead D. (2006) Spatial and temporal scaling of intercellular CO2 concentration in a temperate rainforest dominated by Dacrydium cupressinum in New Zealand. Plant, Cell & Environment, 29, 497-510.
- 71. Warrach K., Stieglitz M., Shaman J., Engel V.C. & Griffin K.L. (2006) Twentieth century climate in the new york hudson highlands and the potential impacts on eco-hydrological processes. Climatic Change, 75, 455-493.
- 72. Xu C.Y.& Griffin K.L. (2006) Seasonal variation in the temperature response of leaf respiration in Quercus rubra: foliage respiration and leaf properties. Functional Ecology, 20, 778-789.
- 73. Shapiro J.B., Simpson, H.J. Griffin K.L. & Schuster W.S.F. (2007) Precipitation [Cl-] at West Point, NY: seasonal patterns and possible contributions from non-marine regional sources. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 2240-2254.
- 74. Xu C.Y., Schuster W.S.F. & Griffin K.L. (2007) Seasonal variation of temperature response of respiration in invasive Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry) and two co-occurring native understory shrubs in a northeastern US deciduous forest.Oecologia, 153:809–819.
- 75. Xu C.Y., Griffin K.L. & Schuster W.S.F. (2007) Leaf phenology and seasonal variation of photosynthesis of invasive Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry) and two co-occurring native understory shrubs in a northeastern United States deciduous forest. Oecologia, 154:11-21.
- 76. Searle S., Marin C., & Griffin K. (2007) Proposed causes and mechanisms for variation in photosynthesis of Quercus rubraalong an urban to rural gradient. Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal, 2:29-40.
- 77. Xu C.Y., & Griffin K.L. (2008) Scaling foliar respiration to the stand level throughout the growing season in a Quercus rubraforest. Tree Physiology, 28:637–646.
- 78. Schuster W.S.F., Griffin K.L., Roth H., Turnbull M.H., Whitehead D. & Tissue D.T. (2008) Changes in composition, structure and aboveground biomass over seventy-six years (1930–2006) in the Black Rock Forest, Hudson Highlands, southeastern New York State. Tree Physiology, 28:537–549.
- 79. Ow L.F., Griffin K.L., Whitehead D., Walcroft A.S. & Turnbull M.H. (2008) Thermal acclimation of leaf respiration but not photosynthesis in Populus deltoides × nigra. New Phytologist, 178:123-134.
- 80. Bowman W.P., Turnbull M.H., Tissue D.T., Whitehead D. & Griffin K.L. (2008) Sapwood temperature gradients between lower stems and the crown do not influence estimates of stand-level stem CO2 efflux. Tree Physiology, 28, 1553-1559.
- 81. Li, J., Xu C.Y., Griffin K.L. & Schuster W.S.F. (2008) Dendrochonological potential of Japanese Barberry (Berberis thumbergii): A case study in the Black Rock Forest, New York. Tree-Ring Research, 64, 115-124.
- 82. Xu C.Y., Griffin K.L., Blazier J.C., Craig E.C., Gilbert D.S., Sritrairt S., Anderson O.R., Castaldi M.J. & Beaumont L. (2008) The growth response of Alternanthera philoxeroides in a simulated power plant flue gas with ultrahigh [CO2] and acidic pollutants. Environmental Pollution, 157, 2118-2125.
- 83. Boyd J.N., Xu C.Y. & Griffin K.L. (2009) Cost-effectiveness of leaf energy and resource investment of invasive Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry) and co-occurring native shrubs. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39, 2109-2118.
- 84. Rastetter E.G., Williams M., Griffin, K.L., Kwiatkowski B.L., Tomasky G., Potosnak M.J.4, Stoy P.C., Shaver G.R., StieglitzM., Kling G.W. & Hobbie J.E. (2010) Test of an Arctic Carbon-Exchange Model with the Ensemble Kalman Filter and Assimilated Eddy Flux Data, Ecological Applications, 20:1285–1301 (doi: 10.1890/09-0876).
- 85. Searle S.Y., Thomas S., Griffin K.L., Horton T., Kornfeld A., Yakir D., Hurry V. & Turnbull M.H. (2010) Leaf respiration and alternative oxidase in field-grown alpine grasses respond to natural changes in temperature and light. New Phytologist, 189:1027-1039 (doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03557.x).
- 86. Searle S.Y., Bitterman D.S., Thomas S., Griffin K.L., Atkin O.K. & Turnbull M.H. (2011) Alternative oxidase responds to both low and high temperature stress in Quercus rubra leaves along an urban-rural gradient in New York. Functional Ecology, 25:1007-1017 (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2011.01875.x).
- 87. Whitehead D.W., Barbour M.M., Griffin K.L., Turnbull M.H. & Tissue D.T. (2011) Effects of leaf age and tree size on stomatal and mesophyll limitations to photosynthesis in mountain beech (Nothofagus solandrii var. cliffortiodes). Tree Physiology, 31:985-996 (doi:10.1093/treephys/tpr021).
- 88. Skillman J.B. Griffin K.L., Earll S. & Kusama M. (2011) Photosynthetic productivity: Can plants do better? In: Thermodynamics – Systems in equilibrium and non-equilibrium, J.C. Moreno-Pirajan ed. InTech, Croatia, 306 pages ISBN 978-953-307-283-8 (A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com).
- 89. Xu C.Y., Turnbull M.H., Tissue D.T., Lewis J.D., Carson R., Schuster W.S.F., Whitehead D., Walcroft A.S., Li J. & GriffinK.L. (2012) Age-related decline of stand biomass accumulation is primarily due to mortality and not to reduction in NPP associated with individual tree physiology, tree growth or stand structure in a Quercus-dominated forest. Journal of Ecology, 100:428-440. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01933.x).
- 90. Searle S.Y., Turnbull, M.H., Boelman N.T., Schuster W.S.F., Yakir D. & Griffin K.L. (2012) Urban environment of New York City promotes growth in northern red oak seedlings. Tree Physiology, 31:1-12 (DOI:10.1093/treephys/tps027).
- 91. Levy-Varon, Schuster W.S.F. & Griffin K.L. (2012) The autotrophic contribution to soil respiration in a northern temperate deciduous forest and its response to partial stand disturbance. Oecologia, 22:211-220. (DOI 10.1007/s00442-011-2182-y).
- 92. Kornfeld A., Horton T.W., Yakir D., Searle S.Y., Griffin K.L., Atkin O.K., Subke, J-A. & Turnbull M.H. (2012) A field-compatible method for measuring alternative respiratory pathway activities in vivo using stable O2 isotopes. Plant, Cell & Environment, 35:1518-1532. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2012.02507.x)
- 93. Griffin K.L. & Turnbull M.H. (2012) Out of the light and into the Dark. New Phytologist, 195:4-7.
- 94. Falxa-Raymond N., Patterson A.E., Schuster W.S.F. & Griffin K.L. (2012) Oak loss increases foliar nitrogen, δ15N and growth rates of Betula lenta in a northern temperate deciduous forest. Tree Physiology. (doi:10.1093/treephys/tps068), 32: 1092-1101.
- 95. Angert A., Rodeghiero M. & Griffin K. L. (2012) High alternative oxidase activity in cold soils and its implication to the Dole Effect. Geophysical Research Letters, (doi:10.1029/2012GL052719), 39:16710-16716.
- 96. Heskel M., Anderson O.R., Atkin O.K., Turnbull M.H. & Griffin K.L. (2012) Leaf- and cell-level carbon cycling responses to a nitrogen and phosphorus gradient in two Arctic tundra species. American Journal of Botany, (DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1200251) 99:1702-1714.
- 97. Kornfeld K., Heskel M., Atkin O.K., Gough L., Griffin K.L., Horton T.W. & Turnbull M.H. (2012) Respiratory flexibility and efficiency are affected by simulated global change in Arctic plants. New Phytologist, (doi: 10.1111/nph.12083), 197:1161-1172.
- 98. Griffin K.L. & Heskel M. (2013) Breaking the cycle: How light, CO2 and O2 affect plant respiration. Plant, Cell & Environment, (DOI: 10.1111/pce.12039) 36:498-500.
- 99. Potosnak M. J., Baker B. M., LeStourgeon L., Disher S. M., Griffin K. L. & Bret-Harte M. S. (2013) Isoprene emissions from a tundra ecosystem. Biogeosciences, (doi:10.5194/bg-10-871-2013), 10:871-887.
- Heskel M., Greaves H., Kornfeld A., Gough L., Atkin O., Turnbull M., Shaver G. & Griffin K.L. (2013) Differential physiological responses to environmental change promote woody shrub expansion. Ecology and Evolution, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.52), 3: 1149-1162.
- Griffin K.L., Epstein D. & Boelman N.T. (2013) Hill slope variation in chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf traits in a small Arctic watershed. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 45: 39-49.
- Kornfeld K., Atkin O.K., Griffin K.L., Horton T.W., Yakir D. & Turnbull M.H. (2013) Modulation of respiratory metabolism in response to nutrient changes along a soil chronosequence. Plant, Cell & Environment, (doi: 10.1111/pce.12047), 36: 1120–1134.
- Griffin K.L. & Turnbull M.H. (2013) Light saturated RuBP oxygenation by Rubisco is a robust predictor of light inhibition of respiration in Triticum aestivum L. Plant biology, (doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2012.00703.x), 15: 769-775.
- Atkin O.K., Turnbull M.H., Zaragoza-Castells J., Fyllas, N.M., Lloyd J., Meir P. and Griffin K.L. (2013) Light inhibition of leaf respiration as soil fertility declines along a post-glacial chronosequence in New Zealand: an analysis using the Kok method. Plant and Soil, (DOI 10.1007/s11104-013-1686-0), 367: 163-182.
- Heskel M., Atkin O., Turnbull M. & Griffin K.L. (2013) Bringing the Kok effect to light: A review on the integration of daytime respiration and net ecosystem exchange. Ecosphere, (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES13-00120.1), 4(8):98.
- Heskel M., Bitterman D., Atkin O.K., Turnbull M.H. & Griffin K.L. (2013) Seasonality of foliar respiration in two dominant plant species from the Arctic tundra: response to long-term warming and short-term temperature variability. Functional Plant Biology, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/FP13137), 41(3): 287-300.
- Levy-Varon J., Schuster W.S.F. & Griffin K.L. (2014) Rapid rebound of soil respiration following partial stand disturbance by tree girdling in a temperate deciduous forest. Oecologia, (DOI 10.1007/s00442-013-2844-z) 174(4):1415-24.
- Mclaughlin B.C., Xu C-Y., Rastetter E.B. & Griffin K.L. (2014) Predicting ecosystem carbon balance in a warming Arctic: the importance of long-term thermal acclimation potential and inhibitory effects of light on respiration. Global Change Biology (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12549), 20(6): 1901-1912.
- 10. Falxa-Raymond N., Palmer M.I., McPhearson T. & Griffin K.L. (2014) Foliar nitrogen characteristics of four tree species planted in New York City forest restoration sites. Urban Ecosystems (DOI: 10.1007/s11252-014-0346-3), 17(3): 807-824.
- 11. Ayub G., Zaragoza-Castells J., Griffin KL., & Atkin OK (2014) Leaf respiraiton in darkness and in the light under pre-industrial, current and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Plant Science (doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2014.05.001), 226: 120-130.
- 12. Heskel M., Greaves H.E., Turnbull M., O'Sullivan O.S., Shaver G.R., Griffin K.L. & Atkin O.K., (2014) Thermal acclimation of shoot respiration in an Arctic woody plant species subjected to 22 years of warming and altered nutrient supply. Global Change Biology (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12544), 20(8): 2618 - 2630.
- 13. Sweet S., Boelman N.T., Gough L. & Griffin K.L. (2014) Tall deciduous shrubs offset delayed start of growing season through rapid leaf development in the Alaskan arctic tundra. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, (DOI: 10.1657/1938-4246-46.3.682), 46(3): 682-697.
- 14. Sweet S., Griffin K.L., Steltzer H., Gough L. & Boelman N.T. (2014) Greater deciduous shrub abundance extends tundra peak season and increases modeled net CO2 uptake. Global Change Biology, 21(6): 2394-2409 (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12852).
- 15. Atkin O.K., Bloomfield K.J., Reich P.B., Tjoelker M.G., Asner G.P., Bonal D., Bönisch G., Bradford M., Cernusak L.A., Cosio E.G., Creek D., Crous K.Y., Domingues T., Dukes J.S., Egerton J.J.G., Evans J.R., Farquhar G.D., Fyllas N.M., Gauthier P.P.G., Gloor E., Gimeno T.E., Griffin K.L,. Guerrieri R., Heskel M.A., Huntingford C., Ishida F.Y., Kattge J., Lambers H., Liddell M.J., Lush C.H., Martin R.E., Maximov T.C., Maksimov A.P., Mahli Y., Medlyn B.E., Meir P., Mercado L.M., Mirotchnick N., Ng D., Niinemets U., O`Sullivan O.S., Philips O.L., Poorter L., Poot P,. Prentice I.C., Salinas N., Rowland L.M., Ryan M.G., Sitch S,. Slot M., Smith N.G., Turnbull M.H., Vanderwel M.C., Valladares F., Veneklaas E.J., Weerasinghe L.K., Wirth C., Wright I.J., Wythers K., Xiang J., Xiang S., Zaragoza-Castells J. (2015) Global variability in leaf respiration among plant functional types in relation to climate and leaf traits. New Phytologist, 206(2): 614-636. (DOI: 10.1111/nph.13253).
- 16. Greaves H.E., Vierling L.A., Eitel J.U.H., Boelman N.T., Magney T.S., Prager C.M. & Griffin K.L. (2015) Estimating aboveground biomass and leaf area of low-stature Arctic shrubs with terrestrial LiDAR. Remote Sensing of Environment, 164:26-35 (DOI: doi:10.1016/j.rse.2015.02.023).
- 17. Magney TS, Eitel JU, Griffin KL, Boelman NT, Greaves H, Prager CM, Logan BA, Zheng G, Ma L, Fortin EA, Oliver RY, & Vierling LA. (2016) LiDAR canopy radiation model reveals patterns of photosynthetic partitioning in an Arctic shrub. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 221:78-93 (DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.02.007).
- 18. Heskel MA, O’Sullivan OS, Reich PB, Tjoelker MG, Weerasinghe LK, Penillard A, Egerton JJG, Creek D, Bloomfield KJ, Xiang J, Sinca F, Stangl ZR, Martinez-de la Torre A, Griffin KL, Huntingford C, Hurry H, Meir P, Turnbull MH, & Atkin OK. (2016) Convergence in the temperature response of leaf respiration across biomes and plant functional types. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(14):3832-3837, (DOI:10.1073/pnas.1520282113).
- 19. Heskel MA, Atkin OK, O'Sullivan OS, Reich P, Tjoelker MG, Weerasinghe LK, Penillard A, Egerton JJG, Creek D, Bloomfield KJ, Xiang, Sinca F, Stangl ZR, Martinez-de la Torre A, Griffin KL, Huntingford C, Hurry V, Meir P & Turnbull MH. (2016) REPLY TO ADAMS ET AL.: Empirical versus process-based approaches to modeling temperature responses of leaf respiration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(41): E5996-E5997.
- 20. Turnbull MH, Griffin KL, Fyllas NM, Lloyd J, Meir P & Atkin OK (2016) Separating species and environmental determinants of leaf functional traits in temperate rainforest plants along a soil-development chronosequence. Functional Plant Biology, 43(8):751-765, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/FP16035).
- 21. Greaves HE, Vierling LA, Eitel JUH, Boelman NT, Magney TS,. Prager CM, & Griffin KL (2016) High-resolution mapping of aboveground shrub biomass in Arctic tundra using airborne lidar and imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 184: 361-373, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2016.07.026).
- 22. Boelman NT, Magney TS, Logan BA, Griffin KL, Eitel JUH, Greaves H, Prager CM & Vierling LA. (2016) Spectral determination of concentrations of functionally diverse pigments in increasingly complex arctic tundra canopies. Oecologia, 182: 85-97, (DOI=10.1007/s00442-016-3646-x).
- 23. Li L, Fan W, Kang X, Wang Y, Cui X, Xu C, Griffin KL, & Hao Y. (2016) Responses of greenhouse gas fluxes to climate extremes in a semiarid grassland. Atmospheric Environment, 142: 32-42, (doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.07.039).
- 24. Gersony JT, Prager CM, Boelman NT, Eitel JUH, Gough L, Greaves HE, Griffin KL, Magney TS, Sweet SK, Vierling LA & Naeem S. (2016) Scaling Thermal Properties from the Leaf to the Canopy in the Alaskan Arctic Tundra. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research: 48: 739-754.
- 25. Naeem S, Prager C, Weeks B, Varga A, Flynn DFB, Griffin K, Muscarella R, Palmer M, Wood S & Schuster W (2016) Biodiversity as a multidimensional construct: a review, framework and case study of herbivory's impact on plant biodiversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 283: 20153005, (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.3005).
- 26. Clifton, OE, Fiore, AM, Munger JW, Malyshev S, Horowitz LW, Shevliakova E, Paulot F, Murray LT & Griffin KL(2016), Interannual variability in ozone removal by a temperate deciduous forest. Geophysical Research Letters, 44: 542-552, (doi:10.1002/2016GL070923).
- 27. Taylor BN, Patterson AE, Ajayi M, Arkebauer R, Bao K, Bray N, Elliott RM, Gauthier PPG, Gersony J, Gibson R, Guerin M, Lavenhar S, Leland C, Lemordant L, Liao W, Melillo J, Oliver R, Prager CM, Schuster W, Schwartz NB, Shen C, Terlizzi KP & Griffin KL (2017) Growth and physiology of a dominant understory shrub, Hamamelis virginiana, following canopy disturbance in a temperate hardwood forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 47: 193-202, (10.1139/cjfr-2016-0208).
- 28. da Silva J, Patterson AE, Rodrigues WP, Campostrini E & Griffin KL (2017) Photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 combined with partial rootzone drying results in improved water use efficiency, drought tolerance and leaf carbon balance of grapevines (Vitis labrusca). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 134: 82-95, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2016.11.007)
- 29. O'Sullivan OS, Heskel MA, Reich PB, Tjoelker MG, Weerasinghe LK, Penillard A, Zhu L, Egerton JJG, Bloomfield KJ, Creek D, Bahar NHA, Griffin KL, Hurry V, Meir P, Turnbull MH and Atkin OK (2017), Thermal limits of leaf metabolism across biomes. Global Change Biology, 23: 209–223 (doi:10.1111/gcb.13477).
- 30. Tcherkez GB, Gauthier P, Buckley TN, Busch FA, Barbour M, Bruhn D, Heskel M, Gong XY, Crous KY, Griffin KL, Way DA, Turnbull MH, Adams M, Atkin OK, Bender ML, Farquhar GD & Cornic G. (2017) Tracking the origins of the Kok effect,70 years after its discovery. New Phytologist, 214:506-510, (DOI:10.1111/nph.14527).
- 31. Prager CM, Naeem S, Boelman N, Eitel J, Greaves H, Heskel M, Magney T, Menge DNL, Vierling L & Griffin KL. (2017) A gradient of nutrient enrichment reveals non-linear impacts of fertilization on Arctic plant diversity and ecosystem function. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 2449-2460, (DOI:10.1002/ece3.2863).
- 32. Griffin KL & Prager CM (2017) Where does the carbon go? Thermal acclimation of respiration and increased photosynthesis in trees at the temperate-boreal ecotone. Tree Physiology, 37:281-284 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpw133).
- 33. Magney TS, Logan BA, Reblin J, Boelman NT, Eitel JUH, Greaves HE, Griffin KL, Prager CM & Vierling LA (2017) Xanthophyll cycle activity in two prominent Arctic shrub species. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 49: 277-289.
- 34. Greaves HE, Vierling LA, Eitel JUH, Boelman NT, Magney TS,. Prager CM, & Griffin KL (2017) Applying terrestrial lidar for evaluation and calibration of airborne lidar-derived shrub biomass estimates in Arctic tundra. Remote Sensing Letters8:175-184, (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2150704X.2016.1246770).
- 35. Liu, W. J., Li, L. f., Biederman, J. A., Hao, Y. B., Zhang, H., Kang, X.M., Cui, X. Y., Wang, Y. F., Li, M. W., Xu, Z. H., Griffin, K. L., Xu, C. Y., (2017), Repackaging precipitation into fewer, larger storms reduces ecosystem exchanges of CO2 and H2O in a semiarid steppe, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 247: 356-365.
- 36. Crous KY, O'Sullivan OS, Zaragoza-Castells J, Bloomfield KJ, Negrini ACA, Meir P, Turnbull MH, Griffin KL & Atkin OK (2017), Nitrogen and phosphorus availabilities interact to modulate leaf trait scaling relationships across six plant functional types in a controlled-environment study. New Phytol, 215: 992–1008. doi:10.1111/nph.14591
- 37. Huntingford C, Atkin OK, Martinez-de la Torre A, Mercado LM, Heskel MA, Harper AB, Bloomfield KJ, O’Sullivan OS, Reich PB, Wythers KR, Butler EE, Chen M, Griffin KL, Meir P, Tjoelker MG, Turnbull MH, Sitch S, Wiltshire A & Malhi Y. (2017) Implications of improved representations of plant respiration in a changing climate. Nature Communications, 8: DOI:10.1038/s41467-017-01774-z
- 38. Tcherkez G, Gauthier P, Buckley TN, Busch FA, Barbour MM, Bruhn D, Heskel MA, Gong XY, Crous KY, Griffin K, Way D, Turnbull M, Adams MA, Atkin OK, Farquhar GD & Cornic G. (2017), Leaf day respiration: low CO2 flux but high significance for metabolism and carbon balance. New Phytol, 216: 986–1001. doi:10.1111/nph.14816
- 39. Turnbull MH, Ogaya R, Barbeta A, Peñuelas J, Zaragoza-Castells J, Atkin OK, Valladares F, Gimeno TE, Pías B & GriffinKL. (2017) Light inhibition of foliar respiration in response to soil water availability and seasonal changes in temperature in Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex) forest. Functional Plant Biology 44, 1178-1193. https://doi.org/10.1071/FP17032
- 40. Rao MP, Cook BI, Cook ER, D’Arrigo RD, Krusic PJ, Anchukaitis KJ, LeGrande AN, Buckley BM, Davi NK, Leland C, Griffin KL (2017) European and Mediterranean hydroclimate responses to tropical volcanic forcing over the last millennimum. Geophysical Research Letters 44: 5104-5112. DOI: 10.1002/2017gl073057.
- 41. Guérin M, Martin-Benito D, von Arx G, Andrew-Hayles L, Griffin KL, Hamdan R, McDowell NG, Muscarella R, Pockman W, Gentine P (2018) Interannual variations in needle and sapwood traits of Pinus edulis branches under an experimental drought. Ecol Evol. 8:1655–1672. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3743.
- 42. Leland C, Cook ER, Andreu-Hayles L, Pederson N, Hessl A, Anchukaitis KJ, Byambasuren O, Nachin B, Davi N, D’Arrigo R, Griffin K, Bishop DA, Rao MP (2018) Strip-bark morphology and radial growth trends in ancient Pinus sibirica trees from central Mongolia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123:945-959. DOI:10.1002/2017JG004196.
- 43. Patterson AE, Arkebauer R, Quallo C, Heskel MA, Li X, Boelman N, Griffin KL (2018) Temperature response of respiration and respiratory quotients of 16 co-occurring temperate tree species. Tree Physiology 38(9): 1319-1332, https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpx176.
- 44. Buckley BM, Hansen KG, Griffin KL, Schmiege S, Oelkers R, D’Arrigo RD, Stahle DK, Davi N, Nguyen TQT, Le NC, and Wilson RJS. (2018) Blue Intensity from a tropical conifer’s annual rings for climate reconstruction: an ecophysiological perspective. Dendrochronologia 50:10-22 (DOI:10.1016/j.dendro.2018.04.003).
- 45. Gauthier PPG, Battle MO, Griffin KL & Bender ML (2018) Measurement of gross photosynthesis, respiration in the light and mesophyll conductance in Phaseolus vulgaris leaves using H218O labeling and high precision isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Plant Physiology 177:62-74 (DOI:10.1104/pp.16.00741).
- 46. Eitel JUH, Maguire AJ, Boelman N, Vierling LA, Griffin KL, Jensen J, Magney TS, Mahoney PJ, Meddens AJH, Silva C & Sonnentag O (2019) Proximal remote sensing of tree physiology at northern treeline: Do late-season changes in the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) respond to climate or photoperiod? Remote Sensing of Environment 221: 340-350. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2018.11.022
- 47. Maguire AJ, Eitel JUH, Vierling LA, Johnson DM, Griffin KL, Boelman NT, Jensen JE, Greaves HE & Meddens AJH (2019) Terrestrial lidar scanning reveals fine-scale linkages between microstructure and photosynthetic functioning of small-stature spruce trees at the forest-tundra ecotone. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 269-270: 157-168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.02.019
- 48. Li X, Xu C-Y, Li Z, Feng J, Tissue DT & Griffin KL (2019) Late growing season carbon subsidy in native gymnosperms in a northern temperate forest. Tree Physiology 39: 971-982. https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpz024
- 49. Paixão JS, da Silva JR, Ruas KF, Rodrigues WP, Filho JAM, Bernado WdP, Abreu DP, Ferreira LS, Gonzalez JC, GriffinKL, Ramalho JC & Campostrini E (2019) Photosynthetic capacity, leaf respiration and growth in two papaya (Carica papaya L.) genotypes with different leaf chlorophyll concentrations. AoB PLANTS, 11:plz013. https://doi.org/10.1093/aobpla/plz013
- 50. Bytnerowicz TA, Min E, Griffin KL & Menge NL (2019) Repeatable, continuous and real-time estimates of coupled nitrogenase activity and carbon exchange at the whole-plant scale. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10: 960-970. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13186.
- 51. Hoch JM, Rhodes ME, Shek KL, Dinwiddie D, Hiebert TC, Gill AS, Estrada AES, Griffin KL, Palmer MI & McGuire KL (2019) Soil Microbial Assemblages Are Linked to Plant Community Composition and Contribute to Ecosystem Services on Urban Green Roofs. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7 Article Number: 198. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00198
- 52. Greaves, HE, Eitel J, Vierling L, Boelman N, Griffin KL, Magney T & Prager C. (2019) 20 cm resolution mapping of tundra vegetation communities provides an ecological baseline for important research areas in a changing Arctic environment. Environmental Research Communications 1 105004. https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/ab4a85
- 53. Sonti NF, Hallett RA, Griffin KL & Sullivan JH. (2019) White oak and red maple tree ring analysis reveals enhanced productivity in urban forest patches. Forest Ecology and Management. 453: 117626. 11 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117626.
- 54. Prager CM, Boelman NT, Eitel JUH, Gersony JT, Greaves HE, Heskel MA, Magney TS, Menge DNL, Naeem S, Shen C, Vierling LA & Griffin KL. (2020). A mechanism of expansion: Arctic deciduous shrubs capitalize on warming-induced nutrient availability. Oecologia. 192: 671-685. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-019-04586-8
- 55. Guérin M, Von Arx G, Martin-Denito D, Andreu-Hayles L, Griffin KL, McDowell NG, Pockman W & Gentine P. (2020) Distinct xylem responses to acute vs prolonged drought in pine trees. Tree Physiology 40:605-620. https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpz144
- 56. Eitel JUH, Griffin KL, Boelman NT, Maguire MJ, Meddens AJH, Jensen J, Vierling LA, Schmiege SC, & Jennewein JS. (2020) Remote sensing tracks daily radial wood growth of evergreen needleleaf trees. Global Change Biology, 26:4068-4078. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15112
- 57. Maguire AJ, Eitel JUH, Griffin KL, Magney TS, Long RA, Vierling LA, Schmiege SC, Jennewein JS, Wygint WA, Boelman NT, & Bruner SG. (2020) On the Functional Relationship Between Fluorescence and Photochemical Yields in Complex Evergreen Needleleaf Canopies. Geophysical Research Letters, 47:e2020GL087858. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL087858
- 58. de Almeida LVB, Rodrigues WP, da Silva JR, de Assis Figueiredo FAMM, de Deus BCdaS, Ruas KF, Ferraz TM, de Oliveira Martins A, Griffin KL, Bressan-Smith R & Campostrini E. (2020) Transparent polyethylene covering film in tropical grapevines does not alter photosynthesis, plant growth, fruit quality or yield. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 32:255-270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40626-020-00177-8
- 59. Gauthier PPG, Saenz N, Griffin KL, Way D & Tcherkez G (2020) Is the Kok effect a respiratory phenomenon? Metabolic insight using 13C labeling in Helianthus annuus leaves. New Phytologist, 228:1243-1255. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.16756
- 60. Rastetter EB, Kling GW, Shaver GR, Crump BC, Gough L & Griffin KL (2020) Ecosystem Recovery from Disturbance is Constrained by N Cycle Openness, Vegetation-Soil N Distribution, Form of N Losses, and the Balance Between Vegetation and Soil-Microbial Processes. Ecosystems, 234:667-685. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-020-00542-3
- 61. Zhu L, Bloomfield KJ, Asao S, Tjoelker MG, Egerton JJG, Hayes L, Weerasinghe LK, Creek D, Griffin KL, Hurry V, Liddell M, Meir P, Turnbull MH & OK Atkin (2020) Acclimation of leaf respiration temperature responses across thermally contrasting biomes, New Phytologist. 229:1312-1325. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.16929
- 62. Schmiege SC, Buckley BM, Stevenson D, Cuong T, Nam L & Griffin, KL. (2020) Contrasting physiological traits of shade tolerance in Pinus and Podocarpaceae native to a tropical Vietnamese forest: Insight from an aberrant flat-leaved pine. Tree Physiology, 41: 223-239. https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpaa123
- 63. Sonti NF, Hallett RA, Griffin KL, Trammell TLE & Sullivan JH (2020) Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, leaf traits, and foliar chemistry of white oak and red maple trees in urban forest patches. Tree Physiology, 41:269-279.https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpaa121
- 64. Griffin KL, Harris TG, Bruner S, McKenzie P & Hise J (2021) Is the radial growth of irrigated urban trees more strongly correlated to light and temperature than water? Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 47:214-231.
- 65. Min E, Wilcots M, Naeem S. Gough L, McLaren JR, Rowe RJ, Rastetter EB, Boelman NT & Griffin KL (2021) Herbivore absence can shift dry heath tundra from carbon source to sink during peak growing season. Environmental Research Letters, 16:024027. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abd3d0
- 66. Griffin KL, Schmiege SC, Bruner SG, Boelman NT, Vierling LA & Eitel JU (2021). High Leaf Respiration Rates May Limit the Success of White Spruce Saplings growing in The Kampfzone at the Arctic Treeline. Frontiers in plant science, 12:746464. 10.3389/fpls.2021.746464
- 67. Sonti NF, Griffin KL, Hallett RA & Sullivan JH (2021). Photosynthesis, fluorescence, and biomass responses of white oak seedlings to urban soil and air temperature effects. Physiologia Plantarum, 172(3), 1535-1549. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13344
- 68. Schmiege SC, Buckley BM, Stevenson DW, Heskel MA, Cuong TQ, Nam LC & Griffin KL (2021). Respiratory temperature responses of tropical conifers differ with leaf morphology. Functional Ecology, 35:1408-1423. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.13814
- 69. Anderson OR & Griffin KL (2021). Preliminary ecophysiological observations of the fern Asplenium platyneuron growing in two microenvironments varying in light intensity at an urban location in New York City. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 148:308-317. https://doi.org/10.3159/TORREY-D-21-00018.1
- 70. Infante J, Novoa FJ, Ibarra JT, Melnick D J, Griffin KL & Bonacic C (2021). Altered fire regimes modify lizard communities in globally endangered Araucaria forests of the southern Andes. Scientific Reports, 11:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02169-3
- 71. Rastetter EB, Griffin KL, Rowe RJ, Gough L, McLaren JR & Boelman NT (2022). Model responses to CO2 and warming are underestimated without explicit representation of Arctic small‐mammal grazing. Ecological Applications, 32:e02478. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2478
- 72. Yee EG, Callahan HS, Griffin KL, Palmer MI & Lee S (2022). Seasonal patterns of native plant cover and leaf trait variation on New York City green roofs. Urban Ecosystems, 25:229-240. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-021-01134-2
- 73. Bytnerowicz TA, Akana PR, Griffin KL & Menge DN (2022). Temperature sensitivity of woody nitrogen fixation across species and growing temperatures. Nature Plants, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-021-01090-x
- 74. Steketee JK, Rocha AV, Gough L, Griffin KL, Klupar I, An R, Williamson N & Rowe RJ (2022). Small herbivores with big impacts: Tundra voles (Microtus oeconomus) alter post‐fire ecosystem dynamics. Ecology, e3689.
- 75. Griffin KL, Griffin ZM, Schmiege SC, Bruner SG, Boelman NT, Vierling LA & Eitel JU (2022) Variation in White spruce needle respiration at the species range limits: A potential impediment to Northern expansion. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45:2018-2092 https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.14333
- 76. Bender ML, Zhu X-G, Falkowski P, Ma F, & Griffin K (2022) On the rate of phytoplankton respiration in the light. Plant Physiology, 190:267–279, https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiac254
- 77. Faber AH, Griffin KL, Tjoelker MG, Pagter M, Yang J & Bruhn D (2022), Consistent diurnal pattern of leaf respiration in the light among contrasting species and climates. New Phytol, 236: 71-85. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18330
- 78. Roy A, Gough L, Boelman NT, Rowe RJ, Griffin KL, & McLaren JR (2022). Small but mighty: Impacts of rodent-herbivore structures on carbon and nutrient cycling in arctic tundra. Functional Ecology, 36: 2331– 2343 https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14127
- 79. Schmiege SC, Griffin KL, Boelman NT, Vierling LA, Bruner SG, Min E, Maguire AJ, Jensen J & Eitel JUH (2022), Vertical gradients in photosynthetic physiology diverge at the latitudinal range extremes of white spruce. Plant Cell Environ. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.14448