Dr. O. Roger Anderson
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Retiree, Biology and Paleo Environment, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), Columbia Climate School
Marine Biology 124
P.O. Box 1000
61 Route 9W
Palisades, NY 10964
Birth Date:
August 4, 1937
Microbial Physiological Ecologist, Biologist, and Educator
- Bachelor of Arts (Botany), Washington University, St. Louis, 1959
- Master of Arts (Biological Education), Washington University, 1961
- Doctorate (Biology and Education), Washington University, 1964
Professional Rank:
- Professor of Natural Sciences, Columbia University T. C., 1964-2020
- Teachers College, Department Chairman, 1974-1980, 1993-1996, 2000-2017
- Senior Research Scientist (Adj.), Biology, 1967-present – Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
- Faculty Member at Large, Columbia University – Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 1993-present
Only select publications listed belowPUBLICATIONS
Over 300 published articles and research papers
1. Dietary retinol, alpha-tocopherol, and rat erythrocyte structure. O. R. Anderson, O. A. Roels, & R. M. Pfister, Nature. 213 (5071): 47-49, 1967.
2. The effect of vitamins A and E on biological membranes in Report of the VIIth International Congress on Nutrition. O. A. Roels & O. R. Anderson, Hamburg, Germany. pp. 605-610, 1966.
3. Myelin-like configurations in Ochromonas malhamensis O. R. Anderson & O. A. Roels, J. Ultrastruc. Res. 20:127-139, 1967.
4. The stability and structure of mixed lipid monolayers and bilayers. I: Properties of lipid and lipoprotein monolayers on OsO4 solutions and the role of cholesterol, retinol, and tocopherol in stabilizing lecithin monolayers. K. D. Dreher, J. H. Schulman, O. R. Anderson, O. A. Roels, J. Ultrastruc. Res. 19: 586-599, 1967.
5. The stability and structure of mixed lipid monolayers and bilayers. II: The effect of retinol and alpha-tocopherol on the structure and stability of lipid bilayers. O. R. Anderson, O. A. Roels, K. D. Dreher, & J. Schulman, J. Ultrastruc. Res. 9: 600-610, 1967.
6. Subcellular distribution of enzymes in Ochromonas malhamensis . N. Lui, O. Roels, M. Trout, & O. R. Anderson. J. Protozool. 15: 536-542, 1968.
7. The strength and order of responses in a sequence as related to the degree of structure in stimuli. O. R. Anderson, J. Res. Sci. Teaching 4: 192-198, 1966.
8. A refined definition of structure in science teaching. O. R. Anderson, J. Res. Sci. Teaching, 5:1, 1967.
9. The effects of varying structure in science content on the acquisition of science knowledge. O. R. Anderson, J. Res. Sci. Teaching, 5:361-364, 1967.
10. The application of psychological theory to the analysis of structure in science teaching. O. R. Anderson, Sci. Educ. 53:227-230, 1969.
11. The influence of the mode of nutrition on the digestive system of Ochromonas malhamensis. J. H. Stoltze, N. Lui, O. R. Anderson, & O. A. Roels, J. Cell Biol. 43:396-409, 1969.
12. Vitamin A and membranes. O. A. Roels, O. R. Anderson, N. Lui, D. O. Shah, & M. Trout, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 22:1020-1032, 1969.
13. An interdisciplinary theory of behavior. O. R. Anderson, J. Res. Sci. Teaching 6:265-273, 1969.
14. Experiments with the role of lipids in cell-membrane permeability. O. R. Anderson, Amer. Biol. Teacher 32:154-160, 1970.
15. Intracellular Digestion. O. R. Anderson, Amer. Biol. Teacher. 32:461-467, 1970.
16. The occurrence of vitamin A in biological membranes. J. P. Mack, N. S. Lui, O. A. Roels, & O. R. Anderson, Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 288:203-219, 1972.
17. The possible occurrence of photosynthetic microorganisms in deep-sea sediments of the North Atlantic. T. C. Malone, C. Garside, O. R. Anderson, O. A. Roels, J. Phycol. 9:482-488, 1973.
18. The environmental impact of deep-sea mining. In Progress Report; N. O. A. A. Technical Report ERL 290-OD 11, with O. A. Roels, et al. U. S. Department of Commerce, May 1973.
19. Interaction of filipin III and amphotericin B with lecithin-sterol vesicles and cellular membranes. Spectral and electron microscope studies. R. Bittman, W. Chen, & O. R. Anderson, Biochem. 13:1364-1373, 1974.
20. Fixation of planktonic foraminifera for cytological studies. A. Bé & O. R. Anderson, in Steedman, H. F. (ed.) Laboratory Methods in the Study of Marine Zooplankton. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 35: 351-358, 1974. Also in UNESCO Monograph on Oceanographic Methodology, 1974.
21. The ultrastructure of a planktonic foraminifer, Globigerinoides sacculifer (Brady) and its symbiotic dinoflagellates. O. R. Anderson, A. Bé, J. Foraminiferal Res. 6: 1-21, 1976.
22. Photocontrol of seed germination. VII. Preliminary observation on the development of the photosynthetic apparatus in light-inhibited seeds of cucumber (Cucumis sativus). A. Mancinelli, P. Lindquist, O. R. Anderson, F. Eisenstadt, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 102:93-99, 1975.
23. The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of resting cell formation in Amphora coffaeformis (Ag.) kütz. O. R. Anderson, J. Phycol. 1:272-281, 1975.
24. Photocontrol of anthocyanin synthesis. A. Mancinelli, C. Yang, P. Lindquist, O. R. Anderson, & I. Rabino, Plant Physiol. 55:251-257, 1975.
25. Photosynthesis and respiration during resting cell formation in Amphora coffaeformis. O. R. Anderson, Limnol. & Oceanogr. 21:452-456, 1976.
26. A possible origin of some olive-green cells from dysphotic marine environments. O. R. Anderson, Limnol. & Oceanogr. 20:1000, 1975.
27. Gametogenesis in planktonic foraminifera. A. Bé & O. R. Anderson, Science. 192:890-892, 1976.
28. Ultrastructure of a colonial radiolarian Collozoum inerme (Müller) and a cytochemical determination of the role of its zooxanthellae. O. R. Anderson, Tissue & Cell 8:193-208, 1976.
29. A cytological fine structure study of two spumellarian radiolaria and their symbionts. O. R. Anderson, Mar. Micropaleontol. 1:81-99, 1976.
30. A cytochemical fine structure study of phagotrophy in a planktonic foraminifer. O. R. Anderson, A. Bé, Biol. Bull. 151:437-449, 1976.
31. Test morphology, organic layers, and chamber formation of the planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia menardii (d'Orbigny). C. Hemleben, A. Bé, O. R. Anderson, S. Tuntivate, J. Foraminiferal Res. 7:1-25, 1977.
32. Recent advances in foraminiferan fine structure research. in Hedley, R. and Adams, C. (eds.) Foraminifera, Academic Press, London, pp. 121-202, 1978.
33. Laboratory and field observations of living planktonic foraminifera. A. Bé, C. Hemleben, O. R. Anderson, M. Spindler, J. Hacunda, S. Tuntivate-Choy, Micropaleontol. 23:155-179, 1977.
34. The effects of structure in science communications on knowledge acquisition by students of varying mental maturity. E. Ferraro, M. Lee, & O. R. Anderson, J. Res. Sci. Teaching, 14:441-447, 1977.
35. A comparative analysis of structure in teacher communicated science content. O. R. Anderson, J. Res. Sci. Teaching, 6:201-202, 1969.
36. A quantitative method to assess content structure in verbal interaction. O. R. Anderson, J. Res. Sci. Teaching, 9:305-321, 1972.
37. An anthropocentric view of science and the teaching of science. O. R. Anderson in Proceedings of the second international conference on unity of the sciences, l974.
38. Lesson kinetic structure analysis as related to pupil awareness and achievement. R. Browne, O. R. Anderson, J. Educ. Psychol. Dec. l974.
39. Structure in science communications and student recall of knowledge. O. R. Anderson & M. T. Lee. Science Educ. 59:127-138, 1975.
40. On method in science and religion. O. R. Anderson in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Unity of the Sciences (London) 1974.
41. Commentary on economic analysis, economic policy, and absolute values. O. R. Anderson in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Unity of the Sciences (London) 1974.
42. Research on structure in teaching. O. R. Anderson, in Methods of Research in Science Education, J. Res. Sci. Teaching 11:219-230, 1974.
43. Ecosystems control and human values. O. R. Anderson, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Unity of the Sciences, l976. Reprinted in Insights, Washington News, Spring, 1986.
44. Fine structure of a marine amoeba associated with a blue-green alga in the Sargasso Sea. O. R. Anderson, J. Protozool. 24: 370-376, 1977.
45. Fine structure of nassellarian radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, Mar. Micropaleontol. 2:251-264, 1977.
46. Fine structure of a symbiont-bearing colonial radiolarian Collosphaera globularis and 14C-isotopic evidence for assimilation of organic substances from its zooxanthellae. O. R. Anderson, J. Ultrastruc. Res. 62:181-189, 1978.
47. Light and electron microscopic observations of feeding behavior, nutrition, and reproduction in laboratory cultures of Thalassicolla nucleata Huxley. Tissue and Cell 10: 401-412, 1978.
48. Foraminifera (Feeding Behavior and Nutrition). Science and Technology Encyclopedia Yearbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 205-207, 1979.
49. Dissolution effects induced by shell resorption during gametogenesis in Hastigerina pelagica (d'Orbigny). C. Hemleben, A. Bé, M. Spindler, & O. R. Anderson, J. Foram. Res. 9:118-124, 1979.
50. Test morphology, organic layers and chamber formation of the planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia menardii (d'Orbigny). J. Foraminiferal Res. C. Hemleben, A. Bé, & O. R. Anderson, J. Foraminiferal Res. 7:1-25, 1977.
51. Light and electron microscopic observations of gametogenesis in Hastigerina pelagica (Foraminifera). M. Spindler, O. R. Anderson, C. Hemleben, and A. Bé, J. Protozool. 25: 427-433, 1978.
52. Chamber formation in planktonic foraminifera. A. Bé, C. Hemleben, O. R. Anderson, and M. Spindler, Micropaleontology, N.Y. 25:294-307, 1979.
53. Fine structure of a marine proteomyxid and cytochemical changes during encystment. O. R. Anderson & W. K. Hoeffler, J. Ultrastruc. Res. 66: 276-287, 1979.
54. Trophic activity of planktonic foraminifera. O. R. Anderson, M. Spindler, A. Bé, and C. Hemleben, J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., U. K. 59:791-799, 1979.
55. Lunar periodicity of reproduction in the planktonic foraminifer Hastigerina pelagica. M. Spindler, C. Hemleben, A. Bé, O. R. Anderson, J. Mar. Ecol. 1:61-64, 1979.
56. Pore structures in planktonic foraminifera. A. Bé, C, Hemleben, & O. R. Anderson, J. Foraminiferal Res. 10: 117-128, 1980.
57. Radiolarian fine structure and silica deposition. O. R. Anderson, in Simpson, T. L. and Volcani, B. E. (eds.), Silicon and Siliceous Structures in Biological Systems, Springer-Verlag, NY, pp. 347-380, 1981.
58. Acantharia. O. R. Anderson, Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, V. 1, p. 23, 1974
59. Acanthometrida. O. R. Anderson, Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, V. 1, p. 29, 1974.
60. Radiolaria. O. R. Anderson in Levandowsky, M. and Hutner, S. (eds.) Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa, V. 3, pp. 1-42, 1980.
61. Collozoum caudatum Sp. Nov. a giant colonial radiolarian from equatorial water. N. R. Swanberg and O. R. Anderson, Deep Sea Res. 28: 1033-1047, 1981.
62. Effects of feeding frequency on life processes of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer in laboratory culture. A. Bé, D. Caron, and O. R. Anderson, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., U. K. 61:257-277, 1981.
63. Effects of variations in light intensity on life processes of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer in laboratory culture. D. Caron, A. Bé and O. R. Anderson, J. Mar. Biol., U.K., 62:435-451, 1982.
64. Radiolarian symbiosis. O. R. Anderson in Goff, P. and Lewin, R. (eds.) Algal Symbiosis, Cambridge University Press, pp. 69-90, 1983.
65. Skeletal morphogenesis in some living collosphaerid radiolaria. O. R. Anderson and N. R. Swanberg, Mar. Micropaleontol. 6:385-396, 1981.
66. Cellular reorganization during gluconeogenesis in Tetrahymena pyriformis. L. May, O. R. Anderson, and J. Hogg, J. Ultrastruc. Res. 81:271-289, 1982.
67. Cellular specialization and reproduction in planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria. O. R. Anderson in Steidinger, K. and Walker, L (eds.) Marine Plankton Life Cycle Strategies, Chemical Rubber Co. Press, pp. 36-66, 1984.
68. Effects of symbiont elimination and reinfection on life processes of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer. A. Bé, H. J. Spero and O. R. Andesron, Mar. Biol. 70:73-86, 1982.
69. Morphological and fine structure sequence of events during gametogenesis in planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer. A. Bé, O. R. Anderson, W. Faber, and D. Caron, Micropaleontol., 29:310-325, 1983.
70. A neuromathematical model of human information processing. O. R. Anderson, J. Res. Sci. Teaching, 20:603-620, 1983.
71. Biochemical and fine structure evidence for cellular specialization in a large spumellarian radiolarian Thalassicolla nucleata. O. R. Anderson and M. Botfield, Mar. Biol, 72:235-620, 1983.
72. Fine structure of a yellow-brown symbiont (Prymnesiida) in solitary radiolaria and their comparison with similar acantharian symbionts. O. R. Anderson, N. R. Swanberg, and P. Bennett, J. Protozool. 30:718-722, 1983.
73. An estimate of predation rate and relative preference for algal versus crustacean prey by a spongiose skeletal radiolarian. O. R. Anderson , N. R. Swanberg, and P. Bennett, Mar. Biol. 78:205-207, 1984.
74. Assimilation of symbiont-derived photosynthates in some solitary and colonial radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, N. R. Swanberg and P. Bennett, Mar. Biol. 77:265-269, 1983.
75. Cytochemical evidence of peroxisomes in planktonic foraminifera. O. R. Anderson and S. Tuntivate-Choy, J. Foraminiferal Res. 14:203-205, 1984.
76. Arcellinida. O. R. Anderson, in Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, V. 2, pp. 17-18, 1987.
77. Actinopodea. O. R. Anderson, in Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 6th Ed., V. 1, p. 98, 1987.
78. Radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, in Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, V. 15, pp. 153-154, 1987.
79. Physiological studies of polycystine radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, in Proceedings of the Fourth Eurorad Conference, Leningrad, U.S.S.R., pp.31-34, 1984.
80. An estimation of calcium carbonate deposition rate in a planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer using 45Ca as a tracer: A recommended procedure for improved accuracy. O. R. Anderson, W. W. Faber, Jr., J. Foraminiferal Res. 14:303-308, 1984.
81. An hypothetical analysis of the phylogenetic and functional significance of spherical skeletons in some spumellarian radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, Radiolaria, 9:455-464, 1985.
82. Spongiose spumellarian radiolaria: The functional morphology of the radiolarian skeleton with a description of a new genus Spongostaurus. N. R. Swanberg, O. R. Anderson and P. Bennett, Mar. Micropaleontol, 9:455-464, 1985.
83. A conceptual and quantitative analysis of skeletal morphogenesis in living Euchitonia elegans and Spongaster tetras. O. R. Anderson and P. Bennett, Mar. Micropaleontol. 9:441-454, 1985.
84. Laboratory studies of the ecological significance of host-algal nutritional associations in solitary and colonial radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, N. Swanberg, and P. Bennett, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., U. K. 65:263-272, 1985.
85. The nutrition of radiolarians: Trophic activity of some solitary Spumellaria. N. Swanberg & O. R. Anderson. Limnol. & Oceanogr. 30:646-652. 1985.
86. Studies on information processing rates in science learning and related cognitive variables, I: Some theoretical issues related to motivation. O. R. Anderson, J. Res. Sci. Teaching, 23:61-66, 1986.
87. Studies on information processing rates in science learning and related cognitive variables, II: A first approximation to estimating a relationship between science reasoning skills and information acquisition. O. R. Anderson and J. Callaway, J. Res. Sci. Teaching, 23:67-72, 1986.
88. A comparative analysis of the morphogenesis and morphometric diversity of mature skeletons of living Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus tetrathalamus and Hexalonche amphisiphon. O. R. Anderson, C. Hemleben, M. Spindler, and J. Lindsey, Mar. Micropaleontol. 11:203-215, 1986.
89. Calcification and chamber formation in Foraminifera: an Overview, C. Hemleben, O. R. Anderson, W. Berthold, and M. Spindler, in Leadbeater, B. and Ryding, R. (eds.) Biomineralization in Lower Plants and Animals, Oxford Univ. Press, pp. 237-249, 1986.
90. Biomineralization in Radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, in Leadbeater, B. and Ryding, R. (eds.) Biomineralization in Lower Plants and Animals, Oxford University Press, pp. 375-398, 1986.
91. The biology of a coelodendrid: a mesopelagic phaeodarian radiolarian. N. R. Swanberg, J. L. Lindsey, P. Bennett, and O. R. Anderson, Deep-Sea Res. 33:15-25, 1986.
92. Radiolaria: Opal Artisans of the Sea. O. R. Anderson, Am. Biol. Teacher, 48:200-205, 1986.
93. An interpretation of skeletal growth patterns of some middle Cretaceous and modern radiolarians. J. Thurow and O. R. Anderson, Micropaleontol. NY. 32:289-302, 1986.
94. Functional morphology and species characteristics of a large, solitary radiolarian Physemtium muelleri. O. R. Anderson, N. R. Swanberg, J. L. Lindsey, and P. Bennett, Biol. Bull. 171:175-181, 1986.
95. The biology of Physematium muelleri: Trophic activity. N. R. Swanberg, O. R. Anderson, J. L. Lindsey, and P. Bennett, Deep-Sea Res. 33:913-922, 1986.
96. A comparative study of predation in two Caribbean radiolarian populations. N. R. Swanberg, P. Bennett, J. L. Lindsey, and O. R. Anderson, Mar. Microbiol Food Webs, 1:105-118, 1986.
97. The cytoskeletal and biomineralized supportive structures in radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, M. L. Moss, and R. Skalak, in J. Bereiter-Hahn, O. R. Anderson, and W. Reif (eds.) Cytomechanics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 200-214, 1987.
98. Use of finite element methods in cytomechanics: study of the mechanical stability of the skeletal basal plate of Callimitra. G. Steucek, R. Archer, and O. R. Anderson, in J. Bereiter-Hahn, O. R. Anderson, and W. Reif (eds.) Cytomechanics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 47-53, 1987.
99. Trophodynamics and life histories of larger marine protozoa. O. R. Anderson and R. Röttger, Symposium Report of the International Congress on Protozoology, Kenya, 1985. Insect Sci. Applications. (Special Issue on Progress in Protozoology), 7:417-420, 1986.
100. Role of micro- and nanozooplankton in marine food webs, M. Laval-Peuto, J. F. Heinbokel, O. R. Anderson, F. Rassoulzadegan, B. F. Sherr, Role of micro- and nanozooplankton in marine food webs, Insect Sci. Applications, 7 (1986) 387 – 395. 1986.
101. A quantitative implicit structural analysis of science communications and comparisons with explicit methods. O. R. Anderson, C. Hoestetler, and C. Okafor, Sci. Educ. 71: 77-89, 1987.
102. Fine structure of a silica-biomineralizing testate amoeba, Netzelia tuberculata. O. R. Anderson, J. Protozool. 34(3): 302-309, 1987.
103. Some enzyme activities in the testate amoeba, Netzelia tuberculata. O. R. Anderson, J. Protozool. 35(1): 19-20, 1988.
104. An ontogenetic analysis of changes in morphology during phylogeny of some Lamprocyrtis spp. from sedimentary samples. O. R. Anderson, J. D. Hays, and M. Gross, Micropaleontology, NY 34: 41-55, 1988.
105. Fine structure of silica deposition and origin of shell components in the testate amoeba Netzelia tuberculata. O. R. Anderson, J. Protozool. 35(2): 204-211, 1988.
106. Algal-foraminiferal symbiosis in the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinella aequilateralis, I. Occurrence and stability of two mutually exclusive endosymbionts and their ultrastructure. W. W. Faber, Jr., O. R. Anderson, J. Lindsey, and D. A. Caron. J Foraminiferal Res. 18: 334-343, 1988.
107. Algal-foraminferal symbiosis in the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinella aequilateralis, II. Effects of two symbiont species on foraminiferal growth and longevity. W. W. Faber, Jr., O. R. Anderson, and D. A. Caron. J. Foraminiferal Res. 19: 185-193, 1989.
108. Some observations of feeding behavior, growth, and test particle morphology of a silica-secreting testate amoeba Netzelia tuberculata (Wallich) Ogden (Rhizopoda, Testacea) grown in laboratory culture. O. R. Anderson. Archiv für Protistenk. 137:211-221, 1989.
109. Effects of silicate deficiency on test morphology, cytoplasmic fine structure, and growth of the testate amoeba Netzelia tuberculata (Wallich) Ogden (Rhizopoda, Testacea) grown in laboratory culture. O. R. Anderson. Archiv. für Protistenk. 138:17-27, 1990.
110. Experimental and observational studies of radiolarian physiological ecology: 1. Growth, abundance and opal productivity of the spongiose radiolarian Spongaster tetras tetras. O. R. Anderson, P. Bennett and M. Bryan. Mar. Micropaleontol. 14: 257-265, 1989.
111. Experimental and observational studies of radiolarian physiological ecology: 2. Trophic activity and symbiont productivity of Spongaster tetras tetras with comparative data on predatory activity of some Nassellarida. O. R. Anderson, P. Bennett, D. Angel, and M. Bryan. Mar. Micropaleontol. 14: 267-273, 1989.
112. Experimental and observational studies of radiolarian physiological ecology: 3. Effects of temperature, salinity and light intensity on the growth and survival of Spongaster tetras tetras maintained in laboratory culture. O. R. Anderson, P. Bennett, and M. Bryan. Mar. Micropaleontol. 14: 275-282, 1989.
113. Experimental and observational studies of radiolarian physiological ecology: 4. Factors determining the distribution and survival of Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus tetrathalamus with implications for paleoecology. O. R. Anderson, M. Bryan, and P. Bennett. Mar. Micropaleontol. 16: 155-167, 1990.
114. Effects of gametogenesis on test structure and dissolution of some spinose planktonic foraminifera and implications for test preservation. D. A. Caron, O. R. Anderson, J. L. Lindsey, W. W. Faber, Jr., and EE Lin Lim. Mar. Micropaleontol. 16: 93-116, 1990.
115. Strontium sulphate crystals of colonial radiolaria. Hughes, N., C. Perry, O. R. Anderson, and R. J. P. Williams. Proc. Royal Soc. London B. 238:223-233, 1989.
116. Additional insight into the structure and biology of Abyssotherma pacifica. J. J. Lee, O. R. Anderson, B. Karim, J. Beri. Micropaleontol. 37: 317-326, 1991.
117. Skeletal and cytoplasmic variability of large spongiose spumellarian radiolaria (Actinopodea:Polycystina). N. R. Swanberg, O. R. Anderson, P. Bennett. Micropaleontol. 36:379-387, 1990.
118. Transmission and scanning electron microscopic evidence for cytoplasmic deposition of strontium sulphate crystals in colonial radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, C. C. Perry, N.P. Hughes. Proc. Royal Soc. London B. 329: 81-86, 1990.
119. Radiolarian Algal Symbioses. O. R. Anderson. In: Reisser, W. (ed.) Algae and Symbioses. BioPress, Ltd. pp. 93-109, 1990.
120. A comparative analysis of structure in some biology textbooks of varying content organization. O. R. Anderson and S. Botticelli. Sci. Educ. 74: 167-182, 1990.
121. Neurocognitive models of information processing and knowledge acquisition. In: Ottoson, D. (ed.) O. R. Anderson. Progress in Sensory Physiology. Springer-Verlag, Inc. V. 12: 115-192, 1991.
122. Fine Structure of the Encysting Salt Marsh Heterotrich Ciliate Fabrea salina (Henneguy). A. Repak and O. R. Anderson. J. Morphology. 206:1-7, 1990.
123. Foraminiferan Cytology and Fine Structure. O. R. Anderson and J. J. Lee. In: Lee, J. J. and Anderson, O. R. (eds.) Foraminifera. Academic Press, London, pp. 7-40, 1991.
124. Symbiosis in Larger Foraminifera. J. J. Lee and O. R. Anderson. In: Lee, J. J. and Anderson, O. R. (eds.) Foraminifera. Academic Press, London, pp. 157-220, 1991.
125. Foraminiferan Reproduction and Life Cycles. J. J. Lee, O. R. Anderson, and W. W. Faber, Jr. In: Lee, J. J. and Anderson, O. R. (eds.) Foraminifera. Academic Press, London, pp. 285-334, 1991.
126. Collection and Culturing of Foraminifera. O. R. Anderson, J. J. Lee and W. W. Faber, Jr. In: Lee, J. J. and Anderson, O. R. (eds.) Foraminifera. Academic Press, London, pp. 335-358, 1991.
127. Some interrelationships between constructivist theories of education and neurocognitive theory with applications to science education. O. Roger Anderson. J. Res. Sci. Teaching. 29: 1037-1058, 1992.
128. A Fine Structural Study of Physarum polycephalum during transformation from sclerotium to plasmodium: A six stage description. O. R. Anderson. J. Protozool. 30: 213-223, 1992.
129. The effects of silicate depletion and subsequent replenishment on the cytoplasmic fine structure of the silica-secreting testate amoeba Netzelia tuberculata in laboratory culture. O. R. Anderson. J. Morphol. 211: 285-293, 1992.
130. Experimental and observational studies of radiolarian physiological ecology: 5. Temperature and salinity tolerance of Dictyocoryne truncatum. A. Matsuoka and O. R. Anderson. Mar. Micropaleontol. 19: 299-313, 1992.
131. Cytochemical localization of acid phosphatase. O. R. Anderson. In: Protocols in Protozoology. J. J. Lee and A. T. Soldo (eds.). Society of Protozoologists, C-22, 1992.
132. Laboratory maintenance cultures of planktonic foraminfera and radiolaria. In: Protocols in Protozoology. J. J. Lee and A. T. Soldo (eds.) Society of Protozoologists, A- 35, 1992.
133. A model of the effects of rate of teacher communication on student acquisition of information. H. S. Dhindsa and O. R. Anderson. Sci. Educ. 76:353-372, 1992.
134. Endocytoplasmic microalgae and bacteroids within the central capsule of the radiolarian Dictyocoryne truncatum. O. R. Anderson and A. Matsuoka. Symbiosis. 12: 237-247, 1992.
135. Fine structural observations of phagotrophic activity by plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum. O. R. Anderson. J. Protozool. 40: 67-71, 1993.
136. A flow map analysis of cognitive structure in science content. O. R. Anderson and O. Demetrius. J. Res. Sci. Teaching. 30: 953-969, 1993.
137. The trophic role of planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria. O. R. Anderson. Mar. Microbial Food Webs. 7: 31-51, 1994.
138. Fine structure of the marine amoeba Vexillifera telmathalassa collected from a coastal site near Barbados with a description of salinity tolerance, feeding behavior and prey. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 41:124-128, 1994.
139. Fine structure of laboratory cultured Distigma proteus and cytochemical localization of acid phosphatase. T. Yamaguchi, O. R. Anderson. J. Morphology. 219: 89-99, 1994.
140. Terminology and nomenclature of protist cell surface structures. H. R. Preisig, O. R. Anderson, J. O. Corliss, Ø. Moestrup, M. J. Powell, R. W. Roberson, R. Wetherbee. Protoplasma. 181: 1-28, 1994.
141. Cytoplasmic origin and surface deposition of siliceous structures in sarcodina. O. R. Anderson. Protoplasma. 181: 61-77, 1994.
142. The fine structure of the euglyphid testate amoeba Assulina muscorum (Rhizopoda: Euglyphidae) with observations of growth rate in culture, morphometrics, and siliceous scale deposition. O. R. Anderson and A. Cowling. Europ. J. Protistol. 30:451-461, 1994.
143. Evolution in secondary school biology textbooks of the PRC, the USA and the latter stages of the USSR. F. A. Swarts, O. R. Anderson, F. J. Swetz. J. Res. Sci. Teaching. 31:475-505, 1994.
144. Annual abundances and growth potential of gymnamoebae in the Hudson Estuary with comparative data from the Firth of Clyde. O. R. Anderson and A. Rogerson. Europ. J. Protistol. 31: 223-233, 1995.
145. The effects of caffeine treatments on the fine structure, silica secretion, and shell morphology of the testate amoebae Assulina muscorum. J. Morph. 225:251-260, 1995.
146. A description of the testate amoeba Ovulina parva gen. nov. sp. nov. from coastal marine sediments. O. R. Anderson, A. Rogerson, and F. Hanna. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc., U.K. 76:851-865, 1996.
147. A description of Paulinella indentata N. Sp. (Filosea: Euglyphina) isolated form subtidal coastal benthic sediments. F. Hannah, A. Rogerson, and O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 43:1-4, 1996.
148. Respiratory rate and effects of heat stress in Physarum polycephalum during transformation from sclerotium to plasmodium. O. R. Anderson and C. Langdon. Archiv. Protistenk. 147:93-99, 1996.
149. Techniques for estimating protozoan diversity in soils and sediments. J. F. Darbyshire, O. R. Anderson, A. Rogerson. In: Methods for the Examination of Organismal Diversity in Soils and Sediments. CAB, International, U.K. pp. 79-90, 1996.
150. Correlated fine structure and light microscopic analyses of living nassellarians Eucyrtidium hexagonatum Haeckel, Pterocorys zancleus (Mueller) and Spirocyrtis scalaris Haeckel. K. Sugiyama, and O. R. Anderson. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists. Special Volume 10: 311-337, 1997.
151. The physiological ecology of planktonic sarcodines with applications to paleoecology: Patterns in space and time. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 43:261-274, 1996.
152. A neurocognitive perspective on current learning theory and science instructional strategies. O. R. Anderson. Sci. Educ. 81:67-90, 1997.
153. Three new limax amoebae isolated from marine surface sediments: Vahlkampfia caledonica, n. sp., Saccamoeba marina, n. sp. and Hartmannella vacuolata, n. sp. O. R. Anderson, A. Rogerson, and F. Hanna, J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 44:33-42, 1997.
154. Cytoplasmic organization and symbiotic associations of Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus (Haeckel) (Spumellaria, Radiolaria). K. Sugiyama and O. R. Anderson. Micropaleontology. 44: 277-289, 1998.
155. Experimental and observational studies of radiolarian physiological ecology: 6. Effects of silicate-supplemented seawater on the longevity and weight gain of spongiose radiolarians Spongaster tetras and Dictyocoryne truncatum. K. Sugiyama and O. R. Anderson, Mar. Micropaleontol. 29:169-172, 1997.
156. Key to the Phaeodaria: Radiolaria. K. Takahashi and O. R. Anderson. In: Japanese Key to the Marine Plankton. Tokai University Press. 1997.
157. Annual abundances, diversity and growth potential of gymnamoebae in a shallow freshwater pond. O. R. Anderson, J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 44:393-398, 1997.
158. Some observations on the tophozoite and giant forms of the salt marsh heterotrich ciliate Fabrea salina (Henneguy). R. J. Repak and O. R. Anderson, Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. 47: 29-40, 1997.
159. Fine structural analysis of viral infection in the harmful brown tide alga Aureococcus anophagefferens.. M. Gastrich, O. R. Anderson, S. Benmayor, and E. Cosper. Proceedings: Eighth International Conference on Harmful Algae. Spain. pp. 419-421, 1998.
160. Protozoa. O. R. Anderson, In: Encyclopedia of Reproduction. Acdemic Press. V.4, P. 110-116. 1999.
161. Densities and diversity of gymnamoebae in relation to some inshore aquatic habitats at Bermuda. O. R. Anderson J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 45:151-155, 1998.
162. Evidence of binary division in mature central capsules of a collosphaerid colonial radiolarian: Implications for shell ontogenetic Patterns in modern and fossil species. O. R. Anderson and M. Gupta. Palaeontol. Electronica. Vol. 1, , Jan. 1998.
163. New Ameba. O. R. Anderson In: McGraw Hill Yearbook: Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. 1999.
164. The Fine structure of some living Spyrida (Nassellaria, Radiolaria) and their implications for nassellarian classification. K. Sugiyama and O. R. Anderson Paleontological Res. 2:75-88, 1998.
165. Abundances and Diversity of Gymnamoebae Associated with Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) Middens in a Northeastern U. S. Forest. O. R. Anderson and P. Bohlen. Soil Biol. Biochem. 30: 1213-1216, 1998.
166. Abundance and diversity of gymnamoebae at varying soil sites in northeastern U. S. A. Paul J. Bischoff and O. Roger Anderson. Acta Protozool. 37: 17-21, 1998.
167. Ultrastructural analysis of viral infection in the brown tide alga, Aureococcus anophagefferens (Pelagophyceae). M. Gastrich, O. R. Anderson, S. Benmayor, and E. Cosper. Phycologia 37: 300-306, 1998.
168. A case study analysis of the development of knowledge schema, ideational networks and higher cognitive operations among high school students who studied ecology. Paul J. Bischoff and O. R. Anderson. School Sci. and Math. 98: 228-237, 1998.
169. Rhabdamoeba cumbriensis n. sp. an inconspicuous marine amoeba from benthic sediments. A. Rogerson, F. Hannah, and O. Roger Anderson (1998) Invertebrate Biol., 117 (4): 261-270, 1998.
170. Protozoan Ecology. O. R. Anderson. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (digital and printed edition). MacMillan, Ltd., U. K. 1999.
171. Cytoplasmic and shell fine structure of Tetrapetalon elegans (Polycystinea) and comparisons to Hexacontium spp. with implications for phylogeny and taxonomy of the spumellarida. O. Roger Anderson, Taniel Danellian, Christopher Langdon. Mar. Micropaleontol. 33: 299-307, 1998.
172. Insights on the diversity within a "species" of Thalassicolla (Spumellarida) based on 16S-like ribosomal RNA gene sequencing. L. A. Amaral Zettler, O. R. Anderson, and D. A Caron. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 45: 488-501, 1998.
173. Fine structure of a large dinoflagellage symbiont associated with a colonial radiolarian (Collozoum sp.) in the Banda Sea. O. R. Anderson, C. Langdon, and T. Daniellian. Symbiosis. 24:259-269, 1998.
174. The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the growth rates and encystment of flagellated protozoa isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent and a deep shelf region. M. Atkins, O. Roger Anderson, C. Wirsen. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 171: 85-95, 1998.
175. Fine Structure of the colonial radiolarian Collozoum serpentinum (Polycystinea: Spumellaria) with a reconsideration of its taxonomic status and re-establishment of the genus Collophidium (Haeckel). O. R. Anderson, M. D. Gastrich, L. Zettler. Mar. Micropaleontol. 36:81-89, 1999.
176. Towards a molecular phylogeny of colonial spumellarian radiolaria. L. Zettler, O. R. Anderson, D. Caron. Mar. Micropaleontol. 36:67-79, 1999.
177. Amoebae. O. R. Anderson and A. Rogerson. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (digital and printed edition). Nature Publishing Group, MacMillan, Ltd., U. K.
178. Abundance of terrestrial gymnamoebae at a northeastern U. S. site: A four-year study, including the El Niño winter of 1997-1998. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 47: 148-155, 2000.
179. Radiolarians O. R. Anderson. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. Academic Press. pp. 2315-2320, 2001.
180. Rhizopoda O. R. Anderson In: NATURE: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. http://www.els.net/els/subscriber/article/article_main.asp?sessionid=5705667025223575140&srch=qsearch&aid=A0001986&term=Rhizopoda. 2003.
181. A survey of flagellate diversity at four deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the eastern Pacific Ocean using structural and molecular approaches. M. Atkins, A. P. Teske, and O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 47:400-411, 2000.
182. Class: Polycystinea. O. R. Anderson, et al. In: J. J. Lee (ed.). Second Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists, Lawrence, KS. pp. 994 -1022, 2000.
183. Class: Phaeodaria. K. Takahshi & O. R. Anderson. In: J. J. Lee (ed.). Second Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists, Lawrence, KS. pp. 981-994, 2000.
184. The role of ideational networks in laboratory inquiry learning and knowledge of evolution among seventh grade students. O. R. Anderson, D. Randle, & T. Covotsos. Sci. Educ. 85:410-425, 2001.
185. Earth View Explorer: A Novel, Student-centered Computer-based Learning Environment. C. R. Roushias and O. R. Anderson. Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean Computer Using Educators Conference, November 4 and 5 2000. PP. 172-187, 2001.
186. Plant growth in elevated CO2 alters mitochondrial number and chloroplast fine structure. K. L. Griffin, O. R. Anderson, et al. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 98: 2473-2478, 2001.
187. Development of knowledge frameworks and higher order cognitive operations among secondary school students who studied a unit on ecology. Paul J. Bischoff and O. R. Anderson. J.Biol. Educ. 35:81-88, 2001.
188. Abundances of protozoa in soil of laboratory-grown wheat plants cultivated under low and high atmospheric CO2 concentrations. O. R. Anderson and K. Griffin, Protistology. 2:76-84, 2001.
189. Naked amoebae and bacteria in an oil-impacted salt marsh community. O. Roger Anderson, T. Gorrell, A. Bergen, R. Kruzansky and L. Levandowsky. Microbial Ecol.. 42:474-481, 2001.
190. The phylogenetic position of Comandonia operculata and its implications for the taxonomy of the genus Acanthamoeba. L. Zettler, O.R. Anderson, T.A. Nerad and M.L. Sogin. IXth International Meeting on the Biology and Pathogenicity of Free-Living Amoebae Proceedings. Edited by S. Billot-Bonef, P. A. Cabanes, F. Marciano-Cabral, P. Pernin, & E. Pringuez, pp. 235-242, 2001.
191. Platyamoeba pseudovannellida N. Sp., a Naked Amoeba with Wide Salt Tolerance Isolated from the Salton Sea, California. G. Hauer, A. Rogerson and O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 48: 663-669, 2001.
192. Senior high school students’ preference and reasoning modes about nuclear energy use. F.-Y. Yang and O. Roger Anderson. Internat. J. Sci. Educ. 25: 221-244, 2003.
193. Laboratory and field-based studies of abundances, small-scale patchiness, and diversity of gymnamoebae in soils of varying porosity and organic content: Evidence of microbiocoenoses. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 49:18-24, 2002.
194. Viral-like particles (VLPS) in the alga, Aureococcus anophagefferens, (Pelagophyceae) during 1999-2000 brown tide blooms in Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey. M. Gastrich, O. Roger Anderson, M. Cosper. Estuaries. 25:938-943, 2002.
195. Leaf respiration in sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua): Direct and indirect effects of elevated CO2 and canopy position. D. Tissue, J. Lewis, S. Wullschleger, J. Amthor, K Griffin, and O. R. Anderson. Tree Physiol. 22: 1157-1166, 2002.
196. The effects of an interactive computer-based simulation prior to performing a laboratory inquiry-based experiment on students’ conceptual understanding of physics. Z. Zacharias and O. R. Anderson. Amer. J. Physics: Educ. Suppl. 71:618-629, 2003.
197. Experimentally-induced association between two protists: Physarum polycephalum (Mycetozoa) and Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Chlorophyceae). M. D. Gastrich and O. R. Anderson. Symbiosis. 33: 175-190, 2002.
198. Platyamoeba nucleolilateralis N. Sp. from the Chesapeake Bay Region. O. R. Anderson, T. A. Nerad, J. C. Cole. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 50:57-60, 2003.
199. Visual thinking networking promotes problem solving achievement for 9th grade Earth Science students. P. Longo, O. R. Anderson, P. Wicht. Electron. J. Sci. Educ. 7:1-50, 2002.
200. Macroautophagy is required for multicellular development of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Grant P. Otto, Mary Y. Wu, Nevzat Kazgan. O. Roger Anderson, Richard Kessin. J. Biol. Chem. 278:17636 – 17645, 2003.
201. Two new small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene lineages within the subclass Gymnamoebia. Mike T. Peglar, Linda A. Amaral Zettler, O. R. Anderson, T. A. Nerad, P. M. Gillevet, T. E. Mullen, S. Frasca, Jr. J. D. Silberman, C. J. O’Kelly, M. L. Sogin. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 50:224-232, 2003.
202. A model of biocomplexity and its application to the analysis of some terrestrial and marsh eukaryotic microbial communities with an emphasis on amoeboid protists. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 50:86-91, 2003.
203. Viruses as potential regulators of regional brown tide blooms caused by the alga Aureococcus anophagefferens: A comparison of bloom years 1999-2000 and 2002. M D. Gastrich, J. Leigh Bell, C. Gobler, O. R. Anderson, S. Wilhelm. Estuaries. 27:112-119, 2004.
204. Variation in dark respiration and mitochondrial numbers within needles of Pinus radiata D. don, grown at ambient or elevated CO2 partial pressure. Griffin, K. L., Anderson, O. R., Tissue, D., Trumbull, M., Whitehead, D. Tree Physiology 24:347-353, 2004
205. Are planktonic naked amoebae predominately floc-associated or free in the water column? A. Rogerson, O. R. Anderson, C. Vogel. J Plankton Res. 25:1359-1365, 2003.
206. Macroautophagy is dispensable for intracellular replication of Legionella pneumophila in Dictyostelium discoideum. Grant P. Otto, Mary Y. Wu, Margaret Clarke, Hao Lu, O. Roger Anderson, Hubert Hilbi, Howard A. Shuman, and Richard H. Kessin. Mol. Microbiol. Jan.; 51(1):63-72, 2004.
207. Dictyostelium macroautophagy mutants vary in their developmental defects. G. P. Otto, M. Y. Wu, N. Kazgan, O. R. Anderson, & R. Kessin. J. Biol. Chem. 279:15621 – 15629, 2004.
208. Using A Conceptual Change Approach to Help Pre-service Science Teachers Reorganize their Knowledge Structures for Contructivist Teaching. H. S. Dhindsa, O. R. Anderson. J. Sci. Teacher Educ.. 15: 63-85, 2004.
209. The effects of release from cold stress on the community composition of terrestrial gymnamoebae: A laboratory-based ecological study simulating transition from winter to spring. O. R. Anderson. Acta Protozool. 43:21-28, 2004.
210. Legionella effectors that promote non-lytic release from protozoa. J. Chen, K. S. de Felipe, M. Clarke, H. Lu, O. R. Anderson, G. Segal, H. Shuman. SCIENCE. Feb 27, 2004: 1358-1361, 2004.
211. Chloroplast numbers, mitochondrion numbers and carbon assimilation physiology of Nicotiana sylvestris as affected by CO2 concentration. X. Z. Wang, O.R. Anderson, K.L. Griffin. Environ. Exper. Botany. 51:21-31, February, 2004.
212. Identification of Amoebae Implicated in the Life Cycle of Pfiesteria and Pfiesteria-Like Dinoflagellates. Michael M. Peglar, Thomas A. Nerad, O. Roger Anderson, and Patrick Gillevet. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 51:542-552, 2004.
213. Ecology of phytoplankton communities dominated by Aureococcus anophagefferens: The role of viruses, nutrients, and microzooplankton grazing. C. J. Gobler, S, Deonarine, J. Leigh-Bell, M. D. Gastrich, O. R. Anderson, S. W. Wilhelm. Harmful Algae, Special issue: Brown Tides. 3: 471-474, 2004.
214. The Effects of Aqueous Extracts from Leaves and Leaf Litter on the Abundance and Diversity of Soil Gymnamoebae in Laboratory Microcosm Cultures. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 52:391-395, 2005.
215. The New Higher Level Classification of Eukaryotes with Emphasis on the Taxonomy of Protists. Sina M. Adl, Alastair G. B. Simpson, Mark A. Farmer, Robert A. Andersen, O. Roger Anderson, and others. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 52:399-451, 2005.
216. A Method for Estimating Cell Volume of Amoebae based on Measurements of Cell Length of Motile Forms: Physiological and Ecological Applications. O. Roger Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 53:185-187, 2006.
217. The Density and Diversity of Gymnamoebae Associated with Terrestrial Moss Communities (Bryophyta: Bryopsida) in a Northeastern U.S. Forest. O. Roger Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 53:275-279, 2006.
218. A description of seven Antarctic marine gymnamoebae including a new subspecies and a new genus: Neoparamoeba aestuarina antarctica n. subsp., Platyamoeba oblongota n. sp., Platyamoeba contorta n. sp. and Vermistella antarctica n. gen. n. sp. D. M. Moran, O. R. Anderson, M. R. Dennett, D.A. Caron, and R. J. Gast. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 54:169-183, 2007.
219. The function of the Dictyostelium Atg1 kinase during autophagy and development. T. Tekinay, M. Wu, G. P. Otto, O. R. Anderson, and R. Kessin. Eukaryot. Cell. 5:1797-1806, 2006.
220. Vannella epipetala n. sp. Isolated from the Leaf Surface of Spondias mombin (Anacardiaceae) Growing in the Dry Forest of Costa Rica. L. A. Amaral-Zettler, J. Cole, A. D. Laatsch, T. Nerad, O. R. Anderson, and A.-L. Reysenbach. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 53:522-530, 2006.
221. Isolation of a non-phage-like lytic virus infecting Aureococcus anophagefferens. J. M. Rowe, J. R. Dunlap, C. J. Gobler, O. R. Anderson, M. D. Gastrich and S. W. Wilhelm. J.Phycol. 44:71-76, 2008.
222. Characterization, dynamics, and ecological impacts of harmful Cochlodinium sp. blooms on eastern Long Island, USA. Christopher J. Gobler, O. Roger Anderson, Dianna L. Berry, Amanda Burson, Florian Koch, Brooke Rodgers, Lindsay Koza-Moore, Jennifer Goleski, Bassem Allam, Paul Bowser, Yingzhong Tang, Robert Nuzzi.. Harnful Algae. 7:293-307, 2008.
223. The ecology of viral infection in the harmful brown tide alga, Aureococcus anophagefferens. C. J. Gobler, O. R. Anderson, M. D. Gastrich, and S. W. Wilhelm. Aquatic Microbial Ecol. 47:25-36, 2007.
224. Identification of students’ content mastery and cognitive and affective percepts of a bioinformatics mini-unit: A case study with recommendations for teacher education. S. Wefer and O. R. Anderson. J. Sci. Teacher Educ., Springer-Verlag. Published on-line. 2008.
225. A multigene analysis of Corallomyxa tenera sp. nov. suggests its membership in a clade that includes Gromia, Haplospiridia and Foraminifera. Y. I. Tekle, J. Grant, J. Cole, T. Nerad, O. R. Anderson, D. J. Patterson, and L. Katz. Protista. 158:457-472, 2007.
226. A seasonal study of the carbon content of planktonic naked amoebae in the Hudson Estuary and in a productive freshwater pond with comparative data for ciliates. O. R. Anderson J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 54:388-391, 2007.
227. Diversity, nomenclature, and taxonomy of protists. With Sina Adl, et al, Syst. Biol. 56: 1-6, 2007.
228. Phylogenetic placement of diverse amoebae inferred from multigene analyses and assessment of clade stability within ‘Amoebozoa’ based on rate corrected SSUrDNA analysis Y. T. Tekle, J. Grant, O. R. Anderson, Thomas A. Nerad, Jeffrey C. Cole, David J. Patterson, Laura A. Katz. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 47:339-352, 2008.
229. The Role of amoeboid protists and the microbial community in moss-rich terrestrial ecosystems: Biogeochemical implications for the carbon budget and carbon cycle, especially at higher latitudes. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 55:145-150, 2008.
230. Legionella Eukaryotic-Like Type IV Substrates Interfere with Organelle Trafficking. K. De Felipe, R. Glover, X. Charpentier, O. R. Anderson, M. Reyes, C. Pericone, H Shuman. PLoS Pathogens 4:1-16, 2008.
231. Multigene evidence for the placement of a heterotrophic amoeboid lineage Leukarachnion sp. among photosynthetic stramenopiles. J. Grant, Y. Tekle, O. R. Anderson, D. Patterson, and L. A. Katz. PROTIST. 160:376-385. 2009.
232. The role of knowledge network structures in learning scientific habits of mind: Higher order thinking and inquiry skills. O. Roger Anderson In: Fostering Scientific Habits of Mind: Pedagogical Knowledge and Best Practices in Science Education. I. M. Saleh and M. S. Khine (Eds.) Pp. 59-82. 2009.
233. A New Neurocognitive Model for Assessing Divergent Thinking: Applicability, Evidence for Reliability, and Implications for Educational Theory and Practice. C. Brandoni and O. R. Anderson. Creativity Res. J. 21(4):326-337, 2009.
234. Endemism and speciation in the polycystine radiolarian genus Actinomma in the Arctic Ocean: Description of two new species Actinomma georgii n. sp. and Actinomma. turidae n. sp. S. Kruglikova, K. Bjørklund, Ø. Hammer, O. R. Anderson. Mar. Micropaleontol. 72:26-48, 2009.
235. Eukaryotic microbial communities associated with the rhizosphere of the temperate fern Thelypteris noveboracensis (L.) Nieuwl. O. R. Anderson. Amer. Fern J.. 99:176-181, 2010.
236. Radiolaria. In: Courses in Protozoology (R. Röttger, Ed.). Shaker, Verlag. O. R. Anderson pp. 140-148, 2009.
237. The growth response of Alternanthera philoxeroides in a simulated post-combustion emission with ultrahigh [CO2] and acidic pollutants. Cheng-Yuan Xu , Kevin L. Griffin , John C. Blazier , Elizabeth C. Craig , Dominique S. Gilbert, S. Sritrairat, O. R. Anderson, M. J. Castaldi, & L. Beaumont. Environ. Pollut. 157:2118-2125, 2009.
238. A Description of a New ‘Amoebozoan’ isolated from the American Lobster, Homarus americanus. J. Cole, O. R. Anderson, Y. I. Tekle, J. Grant, L. A Katz and T. Nerad. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 57:40-47, 2010.
239. A Multi-dimensional Cognitive Analysis of Undergraduate Physics Students’ Understanding of Heat Conduction Based on Evidence from Clinical Interviews. Guo-Li Chiou and O. Roger Anderson. Internat. J. Sci. Educ. 32:2113-2142, 2010.
240. The Reciprocal Relationships between High Latitude Climate Changes and the Ecology of Terrestrial Microbiota: Emerging Theories, Models, and Empirical Evidence, Especially Related to Global Warming. O. R. Anderson in: Tundras: Vegetation, Wildlife and Climate Trends. Nova Science Publ. Chapter 2: 47-79, 2010.
241. Neurocognitive Theory and Constructivism in Science Education: A Review of Neurobiological, Cognitive and Cultural Perspectives. O. R. Anderson. Brunei Intern. J. Math. Sci. Educ. 1:1-32, 2009.
242. An Analysis of Respiratory Activity, Q10, and Microbial Community Composition of Soils from High and Low Tussock Sites at Toolik, Alaska. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 57: 218-219, 2010.
243. A Study of Undergraduate Physics Students’ Understanding of Heat Conduction Based on Mental Model Theory and An Ontology-Process Analysis. Chiou, G.-Li and O. R. Anderson. Sci. Educ. 94: 825-854, 2010.
244. Field and Laboratory Studies of Encysted and Trophic stages of Naked Amoebae: Including a Perspective on Population Life Cycle Dynamics. O. R. Anderson. Acta Protozool. 49:1-8, 2010.
245. A Study of Teacher-mediated Enhancement of Students’ Organization of Earth Science Knowledge using Web Diagrams as a Teaching Device. O. R. Anderson and J. Contino. J. Sci. Teacher Educ. 21:683-701, 2010. [Selected by NSTA as one of the top 10 published papers in 2010 to be highlighted for further publication.]
246. Abundance and biomass of heterotrophic microplankton in the lower Hudson River Estuary, USA: Potential importance of naked, planktonic amebas for bacterivory and carbon flux. A. E. Lesen, A. R. Juhl, O. R. Anderson. Aquatic Microbial Ecol. 61:45-56, 2010.
247. Constructivist-visual mind map teaching approach and the quality of students’ cognitive structures. H. S. Dhindsa, M-Kasim, O. R. Anderson. J. Sci. Educ. Technol. (DOI 10.1007/s10956-010-9245-4). 20: 186-200, 2011.
248. A New Heterolobosean Amoeba Solumitrus palustris n. gen., n. sp. Isolated from Freshwater Marsh Soil. O. R. Anderson, W. Wang, S. P. Faucher , K. Bi and H. A. Shuman. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 58: 60-67, 2011.
249. Protozoan Ecology. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). O. R. Anderson. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001929.pub2. 12 p. December 2010.
250. Amoeba. O. R. Anderson and A. Rogerson. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001961.pub2]. 2011.
251. Particle-associated Planktonic Naked Amoebae in the Hudson Estuary: Size-fraction Related Densities, Cell Sizes and Estimated Carbon Content. O. R. Anderson. Acta Protozool. 50:15-22, 2011.
252. Soil Respiration, Global Warming and the Role of Microbial Communities. O. R. Anderson. PROTIST. 162:679-690, 2011.
253. Rhizopoda (2nd ed.) O. R. Anderson. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). [DOI:10.1002/9780470015902.a0001986.pub2].
254. Subulatomonas tetraspora nov. gen. nov. sp. is a member of a previously unrecognized major clade of eukaryotes. Katz, L. A. Grant J., Parfrey, L. W., Gant A., O’Kelly, C. J., Anderson, O. R., Molestina, R. E., and Nerad, T. PROTIST. 162:762-773, 2011.
255. Advancing the Educational Training of Dental Educators: Review of a Model Program. Graham, R,, Zubiaurre L,, Anderson, O. R., Klyvert, M, Moss-Salentijn, L, & Lamster, I. B. Journal of Dental Education 76: 303-310, 2012.
256. Mind, Brain and the Organization of Knowledge for Effective Recall and Application. O. R. Anderson. LEARNing Landscapes (special issue on Brain, Mind and Learning). 5(1): 45-61, 2011
257. Soil Respiration, Global Warming and the Role of Microbial Communities. O. R. Anderson. In: de Bruijn, F. J. (ed), Molecular Microbial Ecology of The Rhizosphere, Wiley-Blackwell. p. 1055-1061, 2013.
258. The Role of Visualization in Conceptual Learning and Conceptual Change: Chapter 1, Section 1 Brain Functioning and Conceptual Change. O. R. Anderson and J. Contino. In Finson, K.D. & Pedersen, J.E. (eds), Visual Data and Their Use in Science Education (Information Age Publishing), p. 3-22, 2013.
259. Modern incursions of tropical Radiolaria into the Arctic Ocean, K. R. Bjørklund, S. Kruglikova and O. R. Anderson, Journal of Micropalaeontology. 31:139-158, 2012.
260. The Reliability and Predictive Validity of a Comprehensive OSCE in Dental Education. Graham, R., Zubiaurre, L. A., Anderson, O. R. J. Dental Educ. 77(2):161-167, 2013.
261. The Fate of Organic Sources of Carbon in Moss-rich Tundra Soil Microbial Communities: A Laboratory Experimental Study. O. R. Anderson, J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 59:564-570, 2012.
262. Leaf and cell level carbon cycling responses to a nitrogen and phosphorus gradient in two arctic tundra species. Heskel, M. A., Anderson, O. R., Atkin, O. K., Turnbull, M. H., Griffin, K. L. Amer. J. Botany. 99:1702-1714, 2012.
263. From Prescribed Curriculum to Classroom Practice: An Examination of the Implementation of the New York State Earth Science Standards. J. Contino and O. R. Anderson. J. Geol. Educ. 61:129-144, 2013.
264. The role of Bacterial-based Protist Communities in Aquatic and Soil Ecosystems and the Carbon Biogeochemical Cycle, with Emphasis on Naked Amoebae. O. R. Anderson. Acta Protozool. 51:209-221, 2012.
265. Ultrastructure of Diplophrys parva, a New Small Freshwater Species, and a Revised Analysis of Labyrinthulea (Heterokonta). O. R. Anderson and T. Cavalier-Smith. Acta Protozool. 51:291-304, 2012.
266. Morphological description of Telaepolella tubasferens n. g., n. sp., isolate ATCC© 50593™, a filose amoeba in the Gracilipodida, Amoebozoa. D. J. G. Lahr, G. M. Kubik, A. L. Gant, J. Grant, O. R. Anderson, L. A. Katz. Acta Protozool. 51:305-318, 2012.
267. A New Freshwater Amoeba: Cochliopodium pentatrifurcatum n. sp. (Amoebozoa, Amorphea). Y. Tekle, O. R. Anderson, A. F. Lecky, and S. D. Kelly. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 60:342-349, 2013.
268. Living together in the plankton: A survey of marine protist symbioses. O. R. Anderson. Acta Protozool. 53:29-38, 2014.
269. A Description of Cochliopodium megatetrastylus n. sp. Isolated From a Freshwater Habitat. O. R. Anderson and Y. Tekle. Acta Protozool. 52:55-64, 2013.
270. C-biomass of Bacteria, Fungi, and Protozoan Communities in Arctic Tundra Soil, Including Some Trophic Relationships. O. R. Anderson and Krista McGuire. Acta Protozool. 52:217-227, 2013.
271. Naked amoebae in biofilms collected from a temperate freshwater pond. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 60:429-431, 2013.
272. Progress in Application of the Neurosciences to an Understanding of Human Learning: The Challenge of Finding a Middle-ground Neuroeducational Theory. O. R. Anderson. Intern. J. Sci. Math. Educ. 12:475-492. (DOI) 10.1007/s10763-013-9455-3. 2014.
273. Survey of Bacterial and Heterotrophic Nanoflagellate Densities and C-biomass Estimates Along an Alaskan Tundra Transect with a Regression Analysis of Total Soil Respiration Predicted by Bacterial Densities. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 61:11-16, 2014.
274. A revision of the order Pellitida Smirnov et al., 2011 comprising Pellita, Endostelium and Gocevia (Amoebozoa, Discosea), based on ultrastructural and molecular evidence, including Endostelium crystalliferum n. sp. A. Kudryavtsev, M. W. Brown, A. Tice, F. W., Spiegel, J. Pawlowski, O. R. Anderson. PROTIST. 165: 208-229, 2014.
275. Sapocribrum chincoteaguense n. gen. n. sp.: a small, scale-bearing amoebozoan and the emergence of Squamamoebidae (n. fam.), an amoebozoan family with unknown affinities. J. G. Lahr, O. R. Anderson, L. A. Katz, J. Grant, R. Molestina. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 62:444-453. 2015
276. Radiolaria. O. R. Anderson, In: Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences (Elsevier). Online Reference Module, Pp. 1-5, 2013.
277. Assessment of a Novel Training Module for Child Abuse Reporting and Recognition in Dental Education. M. Shapiro, S. Lai, O. R. Anderson. J. Dental Educ. 78:1167-1175, 2014.
278. Microbial communities in terrestrial Moss (Bryophyta): structure, function and ecological significance. O. R. Anderson. In: Moss: Classification, Development and Growth and Functional Role in Ecosystems. Nova Publishers, New York. Pp. 1-24, 2014.
279. The role of soil microbial communities in soil carbon processes and the biogeochemical carbon cycle. O. R. Anderson. In: Soil Carbon: Types, Management Practices and Environmental Benefits. Nova Publishers, New York. 2014.
280. Microbial Communities Associated with Tree Bark Foliose Lichens: A Perspective on their Microecology. O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 61:364–370, 2014.
281. Evidence of Parasexual Activity in "Asexual Amoebae" Cochliopodium spp. (Amoebozoa): Extensive Cellular And Nuclear Fusion. Y. Tekle, O. R. Anderson and A. F. Lecky. PROTIST. 165: 676-687, 2014.
282. Geographic variability in amoeboid protists and other microbial groups in the water column of the lower Hudson River Estuary (New York, USA). A. J. Juhl and O. R. Anderson. Estuar. Coastal Shelf Sci. 151:45-53, 2014.
283. Neuroscience Perspectives for Science and Mathematics Learning in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments. O. Roger Anderson, Bradley C. Love, M.-J. Tsai. Intern. J. Sci. Math. Educ. 12:468-474. 2014.
284. Diverse protist grazers select for virulence-related traits in Legionella. Amaro, F., W. Wang, J. Gilbert, O. R. Anderson & H. Shuman. Internat. Soc. Microbial Ecol. J. 9:1607-1618. 2014.
285. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp. (Amorphea, Amoebozoa). Y. I. Tekle, L. Gorfu and O. R. Anderson. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 62:623-628. 2015.
286. Eukaryotic Microbial Communities Associated with Rock-dwelling Foliose Lichens: A Functional Morphological and Microecological Analysis. N. Bock, O. R. Anderson. Acta Protozool. 54:265-273. 2015.
287. Shifts in Cyanobacterial Strain Dominance during the Onset of Harmful Algal Blooms in Florida Bay, USA. D. L. Berry, J. A. Goleski, F. Koch, C. C. Wall, B. J. Peterson, O. R. Anderson & C. J. Gobler. Microbial Ecol.. DOI 10.1007/s00248-014-0564-5. 2015.
288. Implications of Parallels in Ausubelian Ideas of Meaningful Learning, Concept Mapping, and Recent Studies in Neurobiology, Especially as Related to Learning in Science and Cognate Disciplines. J. D. Novak and O. R. Anderson. http://cmap.ihmc.us/publications/ researchpapers/NovakAndAnderson.pdf. 2015.
289. Technology-enhanced STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education [Editorial]. Y.-T. Wu and O. R. Anderson, J. Comput. Educ., July, 2015.
290. Arctic terrestrial microbial communities in a changing climate, their roles in, and responses to, changing atmospheric CO2 concentrations: A brief review of recent advances. O. R. Anderson, Env. Sci. & Ecol. 8 May 2015, p. 1-7.
291. Experimental Evidence for Non-encysted, Freeze-resistant Stages of Terrestrial Naked Amoebae Capable of Resumed Growth after Freeze-thaw Events. O. R. Anderson, Acta Protozool. 55: 19-25. 2016.
292. The Role of Heterotrophic Microbial Communities in Estuarine C Budgets and the Biogeochemical C Cycle with Implications for Global Warming: Research Opportunities and Challenges. O. R. Anderson, J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 63:394-409. 2016.
293. The Alaskan Tundra: Plant and Terrestrial Microbial Communities in a Changing Climate. In: Terrestrial Biomes: Geographic Distribution, Biodiversity and Environmental Threats. Nova Science Publishers. N. Y. Chapter 2. 2016.
294. Experimental Evidence that Fungi are Dominant Microbes in Carbon Content and Growth Response to Added Soluble Organic Carbon in Moss-rich Tundra Soil. O. R. Anderson, J. M. Lee, & K. McGuire, J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 63: 363-366. 2015.
295. Phylogenomics of ‘Discosea’: A new molecular phylogenetic perspective on Amoebozoa with flat body forms. Tekle, Y. I., Anderson, O. R., Katz, L., Maurer-Alcalá, X., Romero, M. & Molestina, R., Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 99:144-154. 2016.
296. Stenamoeba polymorpha, a new species isolated from domesticated horse Equus ferus caballus. Peglar M., Nerad, T. & Anderson, O. R. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 63:698-708. 2016.
297. Natural Freshwater Biofilms: Structure and Function with Attention to the Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle. O. R. Anderson. In: Biofilms: Characterization, Applications and Recent Advances. Nova Scientific Publishers, N. Y. Chapter 2. 2016.
298. Review: Marine and estuarine natural microbial biofilms: ecological and biogeochemical dimensions. O. R. Anderson. AIMS Microbiol. 2(3):304-331. 2016.
299. Amoebozoan Lobose Amoebae. O. R. Anderson. In: Handbook of the Protists, Archibald, J. M., Simpson, A. & Slamovits, C. (Eds.) Springer-Verlag. 2017.
300. Microbial respiration of organic carbon in freshwater microcosms: The potential for improved estimation of microbial CO2 emission from organically enriched freshwater ecosystems. O. R. Anderson. Acta Protozool. 55:189-196. 2016.
301. Radiolaria and Phaeodaria. D. Boltovskoy, O. R. Anderson, N. Correa. In: Handbook of the Protists, Archibald, J. M., Simpson, A. & Slamovits, C. (Eds.) Springer-Verlag 2017.
302. Students’ perceptions of a blended learning experience in dental education. S. Varthis and O. R. Anderson. Europ. J. Dental Educ. 2016; 1–7. doi:10.1111/eje.12253. 2018.
303. Effects of organic carbon enrichment on respiration rates, phosphatase activities, and abundance of heterotrophic bacteria and protists in organic-rich Arctic and mineral-rich temperate soil samples. O. R. Anderson, A. R. Juhl, N. Bock. Polar Biol. 41: 11-24, DOI 10.1007/s00300-017-2166-4. 2018.
304. Ecophysiology and Adaptability of Terrestrial Ferns: Perspectives in a Changing Global Climate. O. R. Anderson. In: Ferns: Ecology, Importance to Humans and Threats. Nowicki L., Kowalska A. (Eds.) Nova Scientific Publishers, pp. 1-55. 2018.
305. Evidence for Coupling of the Carbon and Phosphorus Biogeochemical Cycles in Freshwater Microbial Communities. O. R. Anderson. Frontiers, Mar. Biogeochem., DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00020. 2018.
306. Soil Protistology rebooted: 30 fundamental questions to start with. S. Geisen, E. A. D. Mitchell, M. Bonkowski, M. W. Brown, A. M. Fiore-Donno, V. Krashevska, D J. G. Lahr, K. Marcisz, M. Mulot, D. M. Wilkinson, S. Adl, O. R. Anderson, B. S. Griffiths, et al. Soil Biol. Biochem., 111: 94-103. 2017.
307. A Half-century of Research on Free-living Amoebae (1965-2017): Review of Biogeographic, Ecological and Physiological Studies. Acta Protozool. 57:1-28. 2018.
308. Small pigmented eukaryotes play a major role in carbon cycling in the P-depleted western subtropical North Atlantic, which may be supported by mixotrophy. S. Duhamel, E. Kim, B. Sprung, O. R. Anderson. Limnol. & Oceanogr., 2019; 9999:1-17, doi: 10.1002/lno.11193. 2019.
309. Atmospheric respiratory CO2 efflux by aquatic suspended particle-bound microbial communities: A laboratory experimental study. O. R. Anderson, New Heliyon (Elsevier), doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02816. 2019.
310. Molecular genetic and microanalytic advances in soil microbial ecology research. O. R. Anderson. Adv. Environ. Res.73:1-54. 2020.
311. Ecosystem state change in the Arabian Sea fueled by the recent loss of snow over the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau region. Joaquim Goes, Hongzhen Tian, Helga Gomes, O. R. Anderson, Khalid Al-Hashmi, Sergio de Rada, Hao Luo, Lubna Al-Kharusi, Adnan Al-Azri, and Douglas Martinson. Sci. Reports. 10:7422. 2020.
312. Poor regeneration of Brown Oak (Quercus semecarpifolia Sm.) in high altitudes: A case study from Tungnath, Western Himalaya. S. Joshi and O. R. Anderson. Inter. J. Biodivers. Conservat. 12:137-141; 2020.
313. Ferns and Lycophytes of Gori Valley, Western Himalaya, Uttarakhand: A Case Study. Bhakuni, K. K., Joshi, S. C., Anderson, O. R., Punetha, R. Amer. Fern J. 111(1):6-23; 2021
314. Observations on Epiphytic Ferns of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary (West Himalaya). Joshi, S. C., Bhakuni, K. K., Punetha, R., Anderson, O. R. Indian Fern J. Indian Fern J. 37:47-58; 2020.
315. Physiological ecology of ferns: Biodiversity and conservation perspectives. Anderson, O. R. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, In Press.
RADIOLARIA. O. Roger Anderson, Springer-Verlag, New York, 335 pp. 1983.
COMPARATIVE PROTOZOOLOGY: ECOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY, LIFE HISTORY. O. Roger Anderson, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 482 pp. 1988.
MODERN PLANKTONIC FORAMINIFERA. C. Hemleben, M. Spindler and O. Roger Anderson. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 363 pp. 1989.
FORAMINIFERA. J. J. Lee and O. R. Anderson, Eds. Academic Press, London, 368 pp. 1991.
CYTOMECHANICS: THE MECHANICAL BASIS OF CELL FORM AND STRUCTURE. J. Bereiter-Hahn, O. R. Anderson, and W. Reif (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 287 pp., 1987.
TEACHING AND LEARNING OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNITED STATES: An Analysis of Biological Achievement in the U. S. A. Second International Science Study Monograph. International Educational Assessment Project. 1990.
THE EXPERIENCE OF SCIENCE. O. R. Anderson, Columbia Univ. T. C. Press, 132 pp., 1976.
EARTHVIEW EXPLORER: A Digital-based, Interactive Information System on the Earth and its Environments. R. Sambrotto and O. R. Anderson. N.S.F. supported research. Publ. The Learning Team, Armonk, NY. 2001.