Dr Tufa Dinku

Senior Research Scientist, International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Columbia Climate School

61 Route 9W
102 Monell Building
Palisades, NY 10964


Tufa Dinku has about three decades of operational and research experience in the field of climate science and its applications. This includes 12 years of operational meteorology at the National Meteorology Agency of Ethiopia and 18 years of research and applications at the IRI. He received a BSc in physics from Addis Ababa University, a post-graduate diploma in meteorology from the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, and MSc and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering/hydrometeorology from the University of Connecticut in the United States.

Dr. Dinku has been contributing to the use of science for society through the development and implementation of the transformative ENACTS (Enhancing National Climate Services) approach.  The ENACTS approach,  implemented in over 20 developing countries,  is a multi-faceted initiative designed to bring climate knowledge into national decision-making through improved spatially and temporally continuous climate data that goes back over 40 years, co-generated climate information products that are made available through web portals(maprooms), and developing capacity of users to understand and use these products in different applications(e.g. agriculture, water, health. ENACTS is now recognized globally as an innovative approach that has started to transform climate services in many developing countries. Dr. Dinku has supported National Meteorological and Hydrological Services(NMHS),  Regional Climate Centers (RCC), and many climate-sensitive sectors through ENACTS.   The ENACTS has also led to the development of powerful tools, such as the Climate Data Tool (CDT) and the Automatic Weather Station Data Tool (ADT), specifically targeting the needs of NMHS.


Only select projects listed below
Name Start Date End Date
Assessing Sustainability and Effectiveness of Climate Information Services in Africa (CIS) 1/30/17 10/31/18
Building Mail-Meteo's capacity to deliver improved climate services 3/1/15 12/31/16
Climate Services for Agriculture-Rwanda 7/24/15 7/23/19
Enhancing Climate Information Services for Agriculture and Disaster Risk Reduction in Rwanda 8/1/18 12/31/19
Implementation of ENACTS (Enhancing National Climate Services) in Senegal 6/1/17 12/31/17
Implementing Enhanced National Climate Services (ENACTS) in Rwanda and Gambia 1/1/14 12/31/14
Improving Availability of Climate Information in Madagascar 4/1/12 4/24/13
Predicting Climatic/Hydrologic Extremes inthe Greater Horn of Africa Under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies 3/14/14 12/31/17
Strengthening ENACTS activities in Madagascar and Tanzania 7/1/13 6/30/14
Strengthening the MAPROOM Climate Information Service in Madagascar to Meet the Needs of Key Development Sectors 12/1/18 3/31/19
Technical Support to the Africa Regional Hydromet Program 11/15/17 3/31/18
The Implementation and Training for Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) in Guyana 11/1/18 6/1/19
WISER Support to Enhance Delivery of Coproduced Weather and Climate Products and Services for Priority Sectors in Somalia and South Sudan 1/1/19 3/31/21
Enhancing National Climate Services Initiative (ENACTS) in Malawi and Tanzania 5/5/20 12/30/20
Consultancy to develop and implement Climate Information for Agriculture, Water and Health Sectors for the PPCR Project 7/1/20 3/31/21
Integration of Radar and Ground Weather Station Data for Meteo Rwanda 6/3/20 3/30/21
Strengthening Risk Informed Planning, Hydro-Meteorological and Early Warning Services in Malawi 5/10/23 3/31/24
Assessing Climate Risk in Elimination and Epidemic-prone Districts of Ethiopia: Piloting "Know" Climate and Plan Elimination (PkcPe) 9/1/22 3/31/23
Secondary School Field Research Program: Engaging NYC Students in Local Field Research 7/1/20 6/30/21
The "Keystone" Microbiome of the NPSG 10/1/14 6/30/20


Only select publications listed below
Name Published Date
Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension for Ethiopia 2nd Edition 2024
Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension for Ethiopia 2nd Edition: Facilitators' Guide 2024
Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension for Ethiopia 2nd Edition Handbook 2024
Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension (CRMAE) Handbook 2023
Climate Risk Management in Agricultural Extension (CRMAE) Reference Guide 2023
Country-specific challenges to improving effectiveness, scalability and sustainability of agricultural climate services in Africa 2022
ENACTS: Advancing Climate Services Across Africa 2022
Enhancing national climate services: How systems thinking can accelerate locally led adaptation 2022
Flexible forecast presentation overcomes longstanding obstacles to using probabilistic seasonal forecasts 2022
From research to practice: Adapting agriculture to climate today for tomorrow in Ethiopia 2022
Seasonal predictability of Ethiopian Kiremt rainfall and forecast skill of ECMWF's SEAS5 model 2021
Transforming Access to and Use of Climate Information Products Derived from Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations 2021
Transforming Access to and Use of Climate Information Products Derived from Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations 2021
Report to Securing Water for Food (SWFF) and USAID on Evaluation of Ignitia Daily Rainfall Forecasts for Subscribers in West Africa 2018
Temperature suitability for malaria climbing the Ethiopian Highlands 2017
Bridging critical gaps in climate services and applications in Africa 2014
Climate Services to Improve Public Health 2014
International Research Institute for Climate and Society 2013
Use of Climate Information in Malaria Stratification/Early Warning Systems/Impact Assessment for Malaria Interventions 2013
Workshop Report: Improving Resilience to Climate Impacts in Ethiopia Through Improved Availability, Access and Use of Climate Information: Dialogue With Users 2013
International Research Institute for Climate and Society 2012
International Research Institute for Climate and Society 2012
Interim Report deliverable for GLO 002/10: General IRI Planning and Technical Support for Harita Micro-Insurance Pilot. 2010
Introduction to Remote Sensing for Monitoring Rainfall, Temperature, Vegetation and Water Bodies 2010
Designing Index-Based Weather Insurance for Farmers in Adi Ha, Ethiopia: Report to OXFAM America, July 2009 2009
Using climate information in the health sector 2009
Comparison of global gridded precipitation products over a mountainous region of Africa 2008
Use of Remote Sensing for Monitoring Climate Variability for Integrated Early Warning Systems: Applications for Human Diseases and Desert Locust Management 2006
Using climate information for improved health in Africa: relevance, constraints and opportunities 2006
Web-based climate information resources for malaria control in Africa 2006


Dinku, T., Faniriantsoa, R., Cousin, R., Khomyakov, I., Vadillo, A., Hansen, JW., and Grossi, A. (2022). ENACTS: Advancing Climate Services Across Africa. Front. Clim (3). doi: 10.3389/fclim.2021.787683.

Grossi, A. and Dinku, T. (2022). From research to practice: Adapting agriculture to climate today for tomorrow in Ethiopia. Front. Clim. 4:931514. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2022.931514

Dinku, T., R. Faniriantsoa, S. Islam, G. Nsengiyumva, and A. Grossi (2022): The Climate Data Tool: Enhancing Climate Services Across Africa. Front. Clim, (3), doi: 10.3389/fclim.2021.787519

Faniriantsoa, R. and Dinku T (2022). ADT: The automatic weather station data tool. Front. Clim. 4:933543. https://hdl.handle.net/10568/121961

Nsengiyumva, G., Dinku, T., Cousin, R., Khomyakov, I., Vadillo, A., Faniriantsoa, R. (2021). Transforming Access to and Use of Climate Information Products Derived from Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations. Remote Sens., 13 ( 22). https://doi.org/ 10.3390/rs13224721.

Dinku, T. (2020): Remote Sensing of African Rainfall. Oxford Research Encyclopedia (in press).

Dinku, T. (2020): The Value of Satellite Rainfall Estimates in Agriculture and Food Security. In Levizzani V, Kidd C, Kirschbaum DB, Kummerow CD, Nakamura K, Turk J(ed.) Satellite Precipitation Measurement. Springer book (in press).

Dinku, T.(2019): Challenges with Availability and Quality of Climate Data in Africa. In A. M. Mellese, W. Abtew and G. Senay(ed.) Extreme Hydrology and Climate Variability, Springer book.
Siebert A., Dinku T.,  Vuguziga F., Twahirwa A., Kagabo D.M.,  delCorral J.,  and Robertson AW(2019): Evaluation of ENACTS-Rwanda: A new multi-decade, high-resolution rainfall and temperature data set—Climatology. International Journal of Climatology, 39:3104–3120. DOI: 10.1002/joc.6010.

Hansen J.W., Vaughan C., Kagabo D.M., Dinku T., Car  E.R., Körner J., and Zougmoré R.B. (2019): Climate Services Can Support African Farmers’ Context-Specific Adaptation Needs at Scale. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 3:21. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2019.00021.

Dinku, T., C. Funk, P. Peterson P, R. Maidment, T. Tadesse, H. Gadain, and P. Ceccato, (2018): Validation of the CHIRPS satellite rainfall estimates over eastern Africa. Q J R Meteorol Soc., 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3244

Dinku, T., Thomson, M.C., Cousin, R., del Corral, J., Ceccato, P., Hansen, J., Connor, S.J. (2017): Enhancing National Climate Services (ENACTS) for Development in Africa. Climate and Development. DOI:10.1080/17565529.2017.1405784

Dinku, T., Alessandrini, S., Evangelist, M., and Rojas, O. (2015): A description and evaluation of FAO satellite rainfall estimation algorithm. Atmospheric Research, 163, 48-60.

Dinku, T., Block, P., Sharoff, J., Thmoson, M., (2014): Bridging Critical Gaps in Climate Services and Applications in Africa. Earth Perspectives. 1(15).

Dinku, T., A. Kanemba, B. Platzer and M. C. Thomson (2014): Leveraging the Climate for Improved Malaria Control in Tanzania." Earthzine.http://www.earthzine.org/2014/02/15/.

Dinku, T., Hailemariam, K., Maidement, R.,Tarnavsky, E. and Connor, S.J.,  (2013): Combined Use of Satellite Estimates and Raingauge Observations to Produce High-Quality Historical Rainfall Time Series Over Ethiopia. International Journal of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.3855.

Dinku, T., Asefa, K., Hailemariam, K., Grimes, D., and Connor, S.J. (2011): Improving Availability, Access and Use of Climate Information. WMO Bulletin, 60 (2), 80-86.

Dinku, T., P. Ceccato,   and S.J. Connor(2011): Challenges to Satellite Rainfall Estimation over Mountainous and Arid Parts of East Africa.  International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(21), 5965-5979.

Dinku, T., Ceccato, P.,   and Connor, S.J. (2010):  Comparison of CMORPH and TRMM-3B42 over Mountainous Regions of Africa and South America.   In M. Gebremichael and F. Hossaim (eds.) Satellite Rainfall Applications for Surface Hydrology, Springer, 193-204. 

Dinku, T., F. Ruiz, S.J. Connor and P. Ceccato(2010): Validation of satellite rainfall products over Colombia. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 49, 1004-1014, doi: 10.1175/2009JAMC2260.1

Dinku, T., P. Ceccato,  K. Cressman and S.J. Connor(2010): Evaluation of daily satellite rainfall products over desert locust recession regions. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49, 1322-1332, doi: 10.1175/2010JAMC2281.1.

Dinku, T(2010): The Need for National Centers for Climate and Development in Africa. Climate and Development, 2,9-13.

Vancutsem, C., P. Ceccato, T. Dinku, S. J.  Connor (2010): Evaluation of MODIS Land surface temperature data to estimate air temperature in different ecosystems over Africa. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114: 449-465.

Dinku, T, Connor SJ and P. Ceccato (2010): Evaluation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates and Gridded Gauge Products over the Upper Blue Nile Region. In A. Mellese (ed.) Nile River Basin: Hydrology, Climate and Land Use, Springer book.

Dinku, T., P. Ceccato,  and S.J. Connor(2010): Comparison of CMORPH and TRMM-3B42 over Mountainous Regions of  Africa and South America.   In M. Gebremichael and F. Hossaim (eds.) Satellite Rainfall Applications for Surface Hydrology, Springer, 193-204. 

Dinku, T., S.J. Connor, P. Ceccato,   and C.F. Ropelewski (2008): Intercomparison of global gridded rainfall products over complex terrain in Africa, International Journal of Climatology ,28, 1627-1638.

Dinku, T., S. Chidzambwa P. Ceccato,  S.J. Connor and C.F. Ropelewski(2008): Validation of high-resolution satellite rainfall products over complex terrain in Africa . International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29 (14), 4097–4110.

Dinku, T. and E. N. Anagnostou(2007): Investigating Seasonal PR-TMI Calibration Differences. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Technology,  25 (7), 1228–1237.

Dinku, T., P. Ceccato, E. Grover-Kopec, M. Lemma, S.J. Connor and C.F. Ropelewski (2007): Validation of satellite rainfall products over East Africa’s complex topography. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28(7), 1503–1526.

Connor, S. J., P. Ceccato, T. Dinku, J. Omumbo, E. K. Grover-Kopec, M. C. Thomson(2006): Using climate information for improved health in Africa: relevance, constraints and opportunities. Geospatial Health,1: 17-31. 

Dinku, T. and E. N. Anagnostou(2006): TRMM Calibration of SSM/I Algorithm for Overland Rainfall Estimation. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 45(6), 875–886.

Grover-Kopec, E. K., B. M. Blumenthal, P. N. Ceccato, T. Dinku, J. Omumbo, and S. J Connor (2006): Web-based climate information resources for malaria control in Africa. Malaria Journal, 5(38).

Dinku, T. and E. N. Anagnostou(2005): Regional Differences in Overland Rainfall Estimation from PR  Calibrated TMI Algorithm. Journal of Applied Meteorology,44(2),189-205. 

Dinku, T., E. N. Anagnostou, M. Borga, 2002: Improving Radar-Based Estimation of Rainfall over     Complex Terrain.  Journal of Applied Meteorology:41(12),1163–1178. 

Anagnostou, E. N., Carlos A. Morales, Tufa Dinku (2001): The Use of TRMM Precipitation Radar Observations in Determining Ground Radar Calibration Biases. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology: 18(4), 616–628.