Wolfram Schlenker

Professor, School of International and Public Affairs

Co-Director, Center for Environmental Economics and Policy (CEEP)

420 West 118th St
Room 1430A
New York, NY 10027

BIOGRAPHY: Wolfram Schlenker is an environmental economist. He studies the effect of weather and climate on agricultural production, how climate trends and the US biofuel mandate influences agricultural commodity prices, and how pollution impacts both agricultural yields and human morbidity. He recently examined how financial markets incorporate climate forecasts and the incidence of a carbon tax.

He co-directs the Center on Environmental Economics and Policy (CEEP) with Professor Douglas Almond and co-directs the Energy & Environment Concentration at SIPA with David Sandalow. He is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He currently serves on the Board of Reviewing Editors at Science.

He holds a PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of California, Berkeley (2003) and a Master of Engineering and Management Sciences from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany (2000), as well as a Master of Environmental Management from Duke University (1998).