Dr. Xiaojun Yuan
Special Research Scientist , Ocean and Climate Physics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), Columbia Climate School
Lamont Research Professor, Ocean and Climate Physics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
61 Rt. 9W
PO Box 1000
204D Oceangraphy
Palisades, NY 10964
I have engaged in studies of variability of the Antarctic atmosphere-ocean-sea ice system and its role in global climate since 1995. My research has progressed from the identification of polar-global linkages, expanded to an ENSO-Antarctic Dipole teleconnection mechanism study, and finally resulted in an Antarctic sea ice forecast. At the same time, I have utilized space-born scatterometer observations and developed a series of studies focused on air-sea interactions on synoptic time scales, ranging from cyclone-sea ice interaction, high wind evaluations to satellite enhanced cyclone statistics in the Southern Ocean. With the accumulation of knowledge regarding climate variability in the atmosphere, sea ice and at the air-sea interface, an understanding of the ocean’s role in the mid-high latitudes climate system becomes increasingly important. However, this task is much more challenging because of sparse observations in the Southern Ocean. In recent years, I have developed a few oceanic field programs to advance our knowledge of how the polar ocean plays out in the climate system. I also developed statistical forecast models for polar sea ice fields and maintain Antarctic and Arctic sea ice seasonal predictions routinely.
Only select projects listed belowName | Start Date | End Date |
Collaborative Research: Contributions of Prydz Bay Shelf Water to Antarctic Bottom Water Formation | 5/15/15 | 4/30/19 |
Only select publications listed belowPUBLICATIONS
0. Xichen Li, Wenju Cai, Gerald A. Meehl, Dake Chen, Xiaojun Yuan, et al., 2021: Tropical teleconnection impacts on Antarctic climate changes. Nature Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-021-00204-5 1. Wang, Y. , X. Yuan, H. Bi, Y. Liang, H. Huang, Z. Zhang and Y. Liu, 2019: The Contributions of Winter Cloud Anomalies in 2011 to the Summer Sea‐Ice Rebound in 2012 in the Antarctic. J. Geo. Res. - Atmos. , 124: 1 - 13, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JD029435. |
2. Wang, L. , X. Yuan and C. Li, 2018: Subseasonal forecast of Arctic sea ice concentration via statistical approaches. Clim. Dyn. : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4426-6. | |||
3. Yuan, X. , M.R. Kaplan and M.A. Cane, 2018: The Interconnected Global Climate System—A Review of Tropical–Polar Teleconnections. J. Climate, 31: 5765-5792, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0637.1. | |||
4. Kondrashov, D. , M.D. Chekroun, X. Yuan and M. Ghil, 2017: Data-adaptive harmonic decomposition and stochastic modeling of Arctic sea ice, in Nonlinear Advances in Geosciences. In: E. A. Tsonis (Editor), Advances in Nonlinear Geosciences, Springer, pp. in press. http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319588940. | |||
5. Yuan, X. , M.A. Cane and M.R. Kaplan, 2017: Connecting the Tropics to Polar Regions. EOS transactions, Earth & Space Science News, 96(10): page 7, June 2-3, 2014. | |||
6. Wang, L., M. F. Ting, D. Chapman, D. E. Lee, N. Henderson and X. J. Yuan, 2016: Prediction of northern summer low-frequency circulation using a high-order vector auto-regressive model. Climate Dynamics, 46(3-4): 693-709. | |||
7. Wang, L., X. Yuan, M. Ting and C. Li, 2016: Predicting Summer Arctic sea ice intra-seasonal variability using a vector auto-regressive model. J. Climate, 29: 1529-1543, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0313.1. | |||
8. Yang, X., X. Yuan and M. Ting, 2016: Dynamical link between the Barents–Kara sea ice and the Arctic oscillation. J. Climate, 29: 5103-5122, 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0669.1. | |||
9. Yuan, X. , D. Chen, C. Li and L’. Wang, 2016: Arctic Sea Ice Seasonal Prediction by a Linear Markov Model. J. Climate, 29: 8151-8173, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0858.1. | |||
10. Wang, L., M. Ting, D. Chapman, D. Lee, N. Henderson and X. Yuan, 2015: Prediction of Northern Summer Low-Frequency Circulation Using a Multi-Level Vector Auto-Regressive Model. Clim Dyn.: DOI 10.1007/s00382-015-2607-0. | |||
11. Yang, Y.-Y. and X. Yuan, 2014: The Early Winter Sea Ice Variability under the Recent Arctic Climate Shift. J. Climate, 27: 5,092-5,110, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00536.1. | |||
12. Montes-Hugo, M. and X. Yuan, 2012: Climate patterns and phytoplankton dynamics in Antarctic latent heat polynyas. J. Geo. Res. - Oceans, 117(C05031): doi:10.1029/2010JC006597. | |||
13. McKee, D.C. , X. Yuan, A.L. Gordon, B.A. Huber and Z. Dong, 2011: Climate impact on interannual variability of Weddell Sea Bottom Water. J. Geo. Res., 116: C05020, doi:10.1029/2010JC006484. | |||
14. Nuncio, M, J.L. Alvarinho and X. Yuan, 2011: Topographic meandering of Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Antarctic Circumpolar Wave in the ice‐ocean‐ atmosphere system. Geo. Res. Let., 38: L13708, doi:10.1029/2011GL046898. | |||
15. Yuan, X. and E. Yonekura, 2011: Decadal variability in the Southern Hemisphere. J. Geo. Res., 116: D19115, doi:10.1029/2011JD015673. | |||
16. Wâhlin, A. K., X. Yuan, G. Bjork and C. Nohr, 2010: Inflow of Warm Circumpolar Deep Water in the Central Amundsen Shelf. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40(6): 1427-1434, DOI: 10.1175/2010JPO4431.1. | |||
17. Nan, S. L., J. P. Li, X. J. Yuan and P. Zhao, 2009: Boreal spring Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode, Indian Ocean sea surface temperature, and East Asian summer monsoon. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 114: -. | |||
18. Patoux, J., X. J. Yuan and C. H. Li, 2009: Satellite-based midlatitude cyclone statistics over the Southern Ocean: 1. Scatterometer-derived pressure fields and storm tracking. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 114: -. | |||
19. Yuan, X. J., J. Patoux and C. H. Li, 2009: Satellite-based midlatitude cyclone statistics over the Southern Ocean: 2. Tracks and surface fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 114: -. | |||
20. Stammerjohn, S. E., D. G. Martinson, R. C. Smith, X. Yuan and D. Rind, 2008: Trends in Antarctic annual sea ice retreat and advance and their relation to El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Southern Annular Mode variability. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 113(C3): -. | |||
21. Stammerjohn, S.E., D.G. Martinson, R.C. Smith, X. Yuan and D. Rind, 2008: Trends in Antarctic annual sea ice retreat and advance and their relation to ENSO and Southern Annular Mode Variability. Journal of Geophysical Research 113(C03S90): doi: 10.1029/2007JC004269. | |||
22. Yuan, X. J. and C. H. Li, 2008: Climate modes in southern high latitudes and their impacts on Antarctic sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 113(C6): -. | |||
23. He, Z. G., Z. Q. Dong and X. J. Yuan, 2006: Fronts and strong currents of the upper southeast Indian Ocean. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 25(2): 1-24. | |||
24. Chen, D. K. and X. J. Yuan, 2004: A Markov model for seasonal forecast of Antarctic sea ice. Journal of Climate, 17(16): 3156-3168. | |||
25. Liu, J. P., X. J. Yuan, D. G. Martinson and D. Rind, 2004: Re-evaluating Antarctic sea-ice variability and its teleconnections in a GISS global climate model with improved sea ice and ocean processes. International Journal of Climatology, 24(7): 841-852. | |||
26. Yuan, X. J., 2004: ENSO-related impacts on Antarctic sea ice: a synthesis of phenomenon and mechanisms. Antarctic Science, 16(4): 415-425. | |||
27. Yuan, X. J., 2004: High-wind-speed evaluation in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 109(D13, Art. No. D13101). | |||
28. Yuan, X. J., D. G. Martinson and Z. Q. Dong, 2004: Upper ocean thermohaline structure and its temporal variability in the southeast Indian Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 51(2): 333-347. | |||
29. Liu, J. P., G. A. Schmidt, D. G. Martinson, D. Rind, G. Russell and X. J. Yuan, 2003: Sensitivity of sea ice to physical parameterizations in the GISS global climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 108(C2): doi:10.1029/2001JC001167. | |||
30. Smith, R. C. , X. J. Yuan, J. Liu, D. G. Martinson and S. E. Stammerjohn, 2003: The Quasi-Quintennial Time Scale Climate Variability and Ecological Response. In: D. Greenland, D. Goodin and R.C. Smith (Editors), Climate Variability and Ecological Response. Oxford University Press, pp. 196-206. | |||
31. Yuan, X.J., D. G. Martinson and W.T. Liu, 2003: Antarctic wind-ice interaction. NASA Scatterometer - Scientific Results: 400-794. | |||
32. Liu, J. P., D. G. Martinson, X. J. Yuan and D. Rind, 2002: Evaluating Antarctic sea ice variability and its teleconnections in global climate models. International Journal of Climatology, 22(8): 885-900. | |||
33. Liu, J. P., X. J. Yuan, D. Rind and D. G. Martinson, 2002: Mechanism study of the ENSO and southern high latitude climate teleconnections. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(14): doi:10.1029/2002GL015143. | |||
34. Rind, D., M. Chandler, J. Lerner, D. G. Martinson and X. Yuan, 2001: Climate response to basin-specific changes in latitudinal temperature gradients and implications for sea ice variability. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 106(D17): 20161-20173. | |||
35. Yuan, X. J. and D. G. Martinson, 2001: The Antarctic Dipole and its predictability. Geophysical Research Letters, 28(18): 3609-3612. | |||
36. Yuan, X., 2001: An ENSO Related Climate Pattern: the Antarctic Dipole. CLIVAR EXCHANGES, 6(22): 3-4. | |||
37. Yuan, X., J. Liu, D. Rind and D. G. Martinson, 2001: Towards a Seasonal Forecast in the Ross Sea. Preprint Volume of the Ross Island Meteorology Experiment (RIME) Workshop, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, BPRC M-422. | |||
38. Yuan, X. J. and D. G. Martinson, 2000: Antarctic sea ice extent variability and its global connectivity. Journal of Climate, 13(10): 1697-1717. | |||
39. Yuan, X. and D. G. Martinson, 2000: Predictability of Antarctic Dipole. Preprint Volume of Antarctic Weather Forecasting Workshop, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, BPRC M-419. | |||
40. Yuan, X. J., D. G. Martinson and W. T. Liu, 1999: Effect of air-sea-ice interaction on winter 1996 Southern Ocean subpolar storm distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 104(D2): 1991-2007. | |||
41. Yuan, X., W. T. Liu and D. G. Martinson, 1998: The effect of air-sea-ice interaction on storm distributions around Antarctic sea ice fields. Proceedings of the NASA Scatterometer Science Symposium: 50-52. | |||
42. Yuan, X. J. and L. D. Talley, 1996: The subarctic frontal zone in the North Pacific: Characteristics of frontal structure from climatological data and synoptic surveys. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 101(C7): 16491-16508. | |||
43. Yuan, X. J., M. A. Cane and D. G. Martinson, 1996: Climate variation - Cycling around the South Pole. Nature, 380(6576): 673-674. | |||
44. Yuan, X. and L. D. Talley, 1992: On shallow salinity minima in the North Pacific. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 22: 1302-1316. | |||
45. Namias, J., X. Yuan and D. R. Cayan, 1988: Persistence of North Pacific sea surface temperature and atmospheric flow patterns. Journal of Climate, 1: 682-703. |