Benjamin C Bostick

Lamont Research Professor, Geochemistry, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), Columbia Climate School

Lecturer, M.S. in Sustainability Science

School of Professional Studies

Affiliated with: M.P.A. in Development Practice

School of International and Public Affairs

Comer 431
61 Route 9W
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Palisades, NY 10964


Only select projects listed below
Name Start Date End Date
Characterizing Global Variability in Groundwater Arsenic 2/19/19 2/18/21
CNH: Competing demands and future vulnerability of groundwater: Drinking water quality and food security in Arsenic-Impacted South and Southeast Asia 6/1/14 8/31/19
Collaborative Research: Changes in river aquifer exchange induced by groundwater pumping, and their effect on arsenic contamination in the Red River Delta, Vietnam 7/15/15 6/30/18
Collaborative Research: Enhancing the Sustainability of Groundwater Pumping from Low-Arsenic Aquifers in Southern Asia - A Case-study in Vietnam South of Hanoi 7/1/09 9/30/13
Collaborative Research: Role of Polyoxotungstates in Enhanced Solubility and Transport of Tungsten in the Environment 9/1/13 5/31/17
Health effects and geochemistry of arsenic: Core C- Biogeochemistry Core 5/16/17 3/31/19
Development of Freeze Shoe Sampler to Recover Aquifer Sands with in situ Groundwater from up to 1000 7/1/13 7/31/15
Establishing the Feasibility of Potable Piped Water Systems: a Case Study in Arsenic Impacted Village in Kandal Province, Cambodia 7/1/12 12/31/13
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic - Project 3 5/16/17 3/31/20
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese - Administrative Core 6/1/00 3/31/17
Health Effects and Geochemistry of Arsenic and Manganese - Project No 4 6/1/00 8/14/17
The Impact of Solar Wind Ions on the Surface and Exosphere of Mercury 2/14/18 2/13/21
Oxidizing Oases in the Paleoarchean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa 1/7/21 1/25/25
Collaborative Research: Linking Microplastic Decomposition Rates in Soils to their Microbe-mineral Associations using Carbon Stable Isotopes and Microspectroscopy 7/1/23 6/30/26
Collaborative Research: SitS: Improving Rice Cultivation by Observing Dynamic Soil Chemical Processes from Grain to Landscape Scales 1/1/23 12/31/25
Harnessing Microbial Batteries for Efficient, Sustainable Water Treatment and Recycling in Rural Areas 10/1/21 9/30/25
Secondary School Field Research Program: Engaging NYC Students in Local Field Research 7/1/23 6/30/24
Secondary School Field Research Program: Engaging NYC Students in Local Field Research 7/1/22 6/30/23
Secondary School Field Research Program: Engaging NYC Students in Local Field Research 6/1/22 6/30/23
Causes of Climate Extremes-generating Ocean States 4/1/17 3/31/21
Leveraging multi-source datasets with soil survey to improve the spatiotemporal evaluation of dynamic soil properties 10/1/24 9/30/27


Only select publications listed below
Name Published Date
Good Practices in the Co-Production of Knowledge: Working Well Together in Environmental Change Research 2024
Sulfate reduction accelerates groundwater arsenic contamination even in aquifers with abundant iron oxides: Model files 2022
Aquifer-scale Observations of Iron Redox Transformations in Arsenic-Impacted Environments to Predict Future Contamination: Data 2020
Arsenic contamination of Bangladesh aquifers exacerbated by clay layers 2020
Quantifying Riverine Recharge Impacts on Redox Conditions and Arsenic Release in Groundwater Aquifers along the Red River, Vietnam 2019
Highly bioavailable dust-borne iron delivered to the Southern Ocean during glacial periods 2018
High particulate iron(II) content in glacially sourced dusts enhances productivity of a model diatom 2017
Microbial Community Structure and Arsenic Biogeochemistry in Two Arsenic-Impacted Aquifers in Bangladesh 2017
Normalized X-ray absorption spectra at the iron (Fe) K-edge for South American sediments and growth curve data for the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum grown with these sediments as the sole Fe source 2017
Megacity pumping and preferential flow threaten groundwater quality 2016
Retardation of arsenic transport through a Pleistocene aquifer 2013
Field, Experimental, and Modeling Study of Arsenic Partitioning across a Redox Transition in a Bangladesh Aquifer 2012
Glacial influence on the geochemistry of riverine iron fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska and effects of deglaciation 2011